[2010 year-end posts: changes//month-by-month//top 10 moments of the year.]
so. this year. wow. it's been quite a year. it was so different from years past. I think I did a lot of growing up this year. I've started to understand more, and I've started to think more about other things and people instead of myself. I've gotten closer to God this year and closer to people. I've spent more of my life off the computer than ever! It's great. and I haven't been watching tv as much. this year has been like an all-time music playing high. I've just been spending a lot of time with music. I enjoy that. I also think that I've had way more good days than bad days this year! isn't that great??
I'm pretty sad to see this year end. cause it was just that great. but I'm defnitely hoping that next year will be just as good or even better! it has the potential to be. I'll make it as good as I can.
wellp. for some reason this year I can't write a bajillion paragraphs. weird. maybe I just don't feel up to it today! oh well. I hope everyone has a fantastic new year! make next year awesome.
haha I was like "omg I had 4 year-end posts last year!" but I just did it again. go me.
bye, folks!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Day 14. Something disgusting you do.
hmm. ooh. whenever I eat butterfingers, the delicious candy bar pictured below, and now that I think about it, my favorite candy bar... anyway. I spend like 10 minutes afterward picking it out of my teeth and eating it. it happens. get over it.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Day 13. Name one celebrity you'd throw off a cliff, one you'd marry, and one you'd like to be best friends with.
cuz I don't like her.
cuz he sings. and I like guys who can sing. and I mean he's not too bad to look at either! haha. it seems like we'd probably have the same taste in music, which is good.
cuz she's AWESOME. and writes awesome songs. and she just seems really cool. and less celebrity-ish than most celebrities. same for nick. they're 2 celebrities that have been good. except I don't agree with a couple of their dating choices. but whatever!
that was easy!
cuz I don't like her.
cuz he sings. and I like guys who can sing. and I mean he's not too bad to look at either! haha. it seems like we'd probably have the same taste in music, which is good.
cuz she's AWESOME. and writes awesome songs. and she just seems really cool. and less celebrity-ish than most celebrities. same for nick. they're 2 celebrities that have been good. except I don't agree with a couple of their dating choices. but whatever!
that was easy!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Day 12. Something you're currently worrying about.
taking my drivers test to get my license!
I'm supposedly going thursday. oh my gracious I'm scared!!! what if I mess up? I mean I can take it again, but I wanna get it right the first time. oh well, I'll get over it if I don't. but I still wanna get it over with! so I can go places. that'll be nice.
WOW today has been such a lazy day. I listened to like 5 of the beatles albums today and just sat in my room. I worked on a song, I figured out how to play some beatles songs while I was listening to them, and I wrote some of renae's letter. then I listened to some songs alex and I might wanna play and semi-figured them out, but I didn't write down the chords or anything. I'm just so tired and blah-feeling today. maybe tomorrow I'll actually get something done! maybe not. haha.
I really wanna go to church, actually. but it's closed tomorrow. I feel like I haven't been in FOREVER. I mean technically it's been a week and a half since I've been in an actual church service. so I guess I'll have to wait til sunday. then 2 days later, school starts. EW. I don't wanna go back to schoooooool. I don't dislike it as much as I did last year, but I'm just not ready to be responsible again. haha I like being lazy and doing whatever I want. but that gets you nowhere in life, I suppose.
man, what's with all these long blog posts I've been writing the past few days? weird. I think I used to write long posts, but lately I've been writing really short ones. and now back to long ones. ok.
well. bye!
I'm supposedly going thursday. oh my gracious I'm scared!!! what if I mess up? I mean I can take it again, but I wanna get it right the first time. oh well, I'll get over it if I don't. but I still wanna get it over with! so I can go places. that'll be nice.
WOW today has been such a lazy day. I listened to like 5 of the beatles albums today and just sat in my room. I worked on a song, I figured out how to play some beatles songs while I was listening to them, and I wrote some of renae's letter. then I listened to some songs alex and I might wanna play and semi-figured them out, but I didn't write down the chords or anything. I'm just so tired and blah-feeling today. maybe tomorrow I'll actually get something done! maybe not. haha.
I really wanna go to church, actually. but it's closed tomorrow. I feel like I haven't been in FOREVER. I mean technically it's been a week and a half since I've been in an actual church service. so I guess I'll have to wait til sunday. then 2 days later, school starts. EW. I don't wanna go back to schoooooool. I don't dislike it as much as I did last year, but I'm just not ready to be responsible again. haha I like being lazy and doing whatever I want. but that gets you nowhere in life, I suppose.
man, what's with all these long blog posts I've been writing the past few days? weird. I think I used to write long posts, but lately I've been writing really short ones. and now back to long ones. ok.
well. bye!
2010 #3 - top 10 moments of the year
so I love doing this! but it's always extremely difficult to squeeze 365 days worth of memories into a list of 10 things! but I can do it. and I'm pretty sure alex's new years party would probably go in here somewhere, but it hasn't happened yet, so too bad. haha.
10. getting my permit. that was a big goal for me! and I was really scared that I wouldn't get it. I did a lot of praying in that room while I was taking that test. hahaha. thanking God for every right answer. my next big dmv goal is to get my restricted license. oh boy.
9. coaches classic. it's a big cross country race. it was the turning point for me this year. as I've said before, I had a bad year last year, and I didn't start this year out much better, but coaches classic was the best time I had had since my first year. it was just a really good day! especially because I didn't feel that great all morning.
8. tacky day. oh yes. that was a fun day. I wore red/white/blue striped bell bottoms. genuine 70s bell bottoms that I got at a thrift store for like $4. with a tan/yellow plaid shirt. it did not match. and it was cool. but little did I know, that day was the "all A's on your report card people get to go out to eat for lunch" day. so we ate at a restaurant, and people looked at me funny. it was great.
7. california! this was more than a moment. it was like a week. but that trip was great!! I got to meet boardies and see switchfoot and visit a bunch of california places. it was fun. and the weather was awesome.
6. doing offering at youth. that was cool. conquering another fear. of public speaking. now I'm not as freaked out about speaking in front of people anymore! plus it was fun to make a lesson myself and tell it to people! haha. and people said it was good, so that was nice.
5. the school play. sooo much hard work went into it. and it was very stressful. for me anyway. but if anyone saw me the night of the play, you'll know that I really enjoyed being in it, and it was just so fun!!! pretty much worth all the stress. kinda. haha.
4. youth christmas party. sooo fun! I got to help set up. then alex and I participated in a game. I'm glad she made me! haha it was very fun. then we helped clean up, which was really fun too! folding up chairs and tables is fun when among friends. :)
3. alex's new years party last year. the 2010 half of the party was super fun because the power went out! we sang songs in the dark while I played guitar. then we told scary stories. and it was just fun!!!! I'm soooo looking forward to it this year. only 3 days away!
2. when alex and I performed at her pool party. we practiced for a long time! it was our first show. and it was very exciting! I totally wanna do that again. playing guitar+singing+best friends=great day!
1. youth camping trip. probably the most fun trip of my life. the part that was the greatest was the first night. a bunch of people, including alex and I, brought guitars. someone else brought a piano, and someone else brought one of them drum box things. so we had a super awesome jam session. it was SO fun. all the years of lessons and listening to music and learning the number system and my gift of playing by ear were all put to the test that night because I played along with some songs that I'd never played before, and some that I'd never even heard before. it made me feel awesome. and it's a night I'll never forget! I just love music that much. I really do. I could play and sing forever. oh. and the rest of the trip was great too. especially mafia. mostly because I sang and played guitar when I was the narrator. see? music. but anyway, the first night was my favorite night of the year.
that concludes my top 10 moments of the year! I think I got em all. the final post is gonna be final 2010 thoughts. see you then!
10. getting my permit. that was a big goal for me! and I was really scared that I wouldn't get it. I did a lot of praying in that room while I was taking that test. hahaha. thanking God for every right answer. my next big dmv goal is to get my restricted license. oh boy.
9. coaches classic. it's a big cross country race. it was the turning point for me this year. as I've said before, I had a bad year last year, and I didn't start this year out much better, but coaches classic was the best time I had had since my first year. it was just a really good day! especially because I didn't feel that great all morning.
8. tacky day. oh yes. that was a fun day. I wore red/white/blue striped bell bottoms. genuine 70s bell bottoms that I got at a thrift store for like $4. with a tan/yellow plaid shirt. it did not match. and it was cool. but little did I know, that day was the "all A's on your report card people get to go out to eat for lunch" day. so we ate at a restaurant, and people looked at me funny. it was great.
7. california! this was more than a moment. it was like a week. but that trip was great!! I got to meet boardies and see switchfoot and visit a bunch of california places. it was fun. and the weather was awesome.
6. doing offering at youth. that was cool. conquering another fear. of public speaking. now I'm not as freaked out about speaking in front of people anymore! plus it was fun to make a lesson myself and tell it to people! haha. and people said it was good, so that was nice.
5. the school play. sooo much hard work went into it. and it was very stressful. for me anyway. but if anyone saw me the night of the play, you'll know that I really enjoyed being in it, and it was just so fun!!! pretty much worth all the stress. kinda. haha.
4. youth christmas party. sooo fun! I got to help set up. then alex and I participated in a game. I'm glad she made me! haha it was very fun. then we helped clean up, which was really fun too! folding up chairs and tables is fun when among friends. :)
3. alex's new years party last year. the 2010 half of the party was super fun because the power went out! we sang songs in the dark while I played guitar. then we told scary stories. and it was just fun!!!! I'm soooo looking forward to it this year. only 3 days away!
2. when alex and I performed at her pool party. we practiced for a long time! it was our first show. and it was very exciting! I totally wanna do that again. playing guitar+singing+best friends=great day!
1. youth camping trip. probably the most fun trip of my life. the part that was the greatest was the first night. a bunch of people, including alex and I, brought guitars. someone else brought a piano, and someone else brought one of them drum box things. so we had a super awesome jam session. it was SO fun. all the years of lessons and listening to music and learning the number system and my gift of playing by ear were all put to the test that night because I played along with some songs that I'd never played before, and some that I'd never even heard before. it made me feel awesome. and it's a night I'll never forget! I just love music that much. I really do. I could play and sing forever. oh. and the rest of the trip was great too. especially mafia. mostly because I sang and played guitar when I was the narrator. see? music. but anyway, the first night was my favorite night of the year.
that concludes my top 10 moments of the year! I think I got em all. the final post is gonna be final 2010 thoughts. see you then!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Day 11. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for 10 years or someone you hate for a month? Keep in mind you gotta survive. Discuss.
easy! someone I hate for a month. I don't know about you, but I doubt I would survive very long on a desert island. 10 years is realllly long if you sit and think about it. 1 month is nothing! so as long as I was allowed to bring my guitar, paper, and writing utensils, 1 month with someone I hate would be a breeze. and if not, I'd just have to make an instrument. interesting. well, that's my input on the subject.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Day 10. One thing you've lied about.
"How are you?"
many a time.
but it's really not always like that. it's just a lie on bad days. people's nautral response to that question is "fine" or "good", but I'm convinced that at least 50% of the time that "fine" and "good" really aren't the case. I hope I'm wrong, I really do!
in other news, I have new photos in my photostream. check 'em out? fanks! here's one:

come back in the morn! or actually it'll probably be afternoon or night.
many a time.
but it's really not always like that. it's just a lie on bad days. people's nautral response to that question is "fine" or "good", but I'm convinced that at least 50% of the time that "fine" and "good" really aren't the case. I hope I'm wrong, I really do!
in other news, I have new photos in my photostream. check 'em out? fanks! here's one:

come back in the morn! or actually it'll probably be afternoon or night.
2010 #2 - month by month
these are random things from each month. not necessarily good things, but things that I remember. haha. I'm using my memory, my blog posts, and my diary for this. like a big ol' research porject or something!
January. man I almost remember January like it was yesterday! the 2nd half of alex's super fun new years party was on january 1st, you know. and I believe that the funnest part of it was in january because midnight was about the time we realized the power went out!
also in january, I was picked as homecoming rep for the freshman class. that was so surprising. like. what! haha. homecoming was pretty fun. but I'm not going this year. I don't think it'll be that fun anymore. that's just me. too much pressured dancing with people you don't wanna dance with.
February. SKI INVASION!! that was such a fun trip. and painful. but still fun.
february also marked my first track practices. darkness. and coldness.
March. my birthday! I barely remember it, though. it was a pretty low-key birthday. but really fun cause alex came over! we saw To Save a Life at the movies, then I think this was the night of a certain phone call having to do with chinese snacks. hehehh.
April. this happened. then this happened. basically someone who I hadn't seen in several months came back and I saw them for 5 seconds then they left before I could talk to them. but it's all okay now. let's leave it there.
also in april my youth pastor and his wife had their first son. awwwww.
May. my first time being a legitimate part of a state championship! we won state in track. there was kinda competition. but not really. haha. but we probably won't win this year due to the fact that our star runner graduated. it's all good, though.
the end of freshman year. apparently I hated freshman year! cause going back on my blog posts I always wrote about school in a negative fashion. I barely remember last year, so apparently I chose to forget it. interesting.
the stupid bidfire auction that ate up my whole day and my 30 dollars. I can't forget that!
June. the super fun sleepover with alex and the super hilarious, shocking, and just...great prank call that we will probably never forget.
also in June, I went to california. super fun trip--I actually made it to the bro-am!!--except for the fact that I got sick. but it was still great. and I missed it a whole lot for a while after I left. but I'm fine now. haha.
July. this is when lebron announced that he was gonna play for miami. and now he's hated by many people. poor guy. I hope miami wins it all this year so that at least he'll get a ring out of it. that sounds so twisted. not sure if I like it.
hmm. the only other thing I really remember about july is that it was really hot all the time and I complained alot about how I missed san diego. haha.
August. I went to dollywood for the first time since like 6th grade...I think! we used to go alllll the time and it was great to go back! I've gone one other time since then, and I wanna go back now! also, I lost my favorite guitar pick there. boo.
the start of sophomore year...scary at first, but now it's fine.
it's when I started my first 30 day challenge! fun times.
and the first time in a while that I've sang in front of people. FUN DAY.
September. the first time I drove on the interstate, the first time I used a mac, the first time I played piano in chapel, the first time I won a race [kinda].
september was a cross country-y month. it was very encouraging because I was horrible last year. this year I was good! yay!
a very sad thing that happened in september was when my youth pastor and his family moved back to texas. it was so unexpected and it made me cry. they told us one wednesday, and they were gone. I never saw them again. I hope I get to one day. but God has a plan! and I feel like I can already see it taking place!
October. I finally beat my best time in cross country. first time I did that since 2007. crazy!!! 22:43 was the time. :) also, we won state again. woo. it wasn't as exciting this year for some reason.
this was the month when a certain person started talking to me again. weird.
speak now came out!!!
and the halloween party that started some new friendships and a new stalkership. hahaha.
November. when the stupid drama at school started. I was enjoying school until this all started. now it's just annoying.
november marks when I finally moved on from something that was just "mindless dreaming"
I got to go to a super awesome fun taekwondo tournament! it was so fun.
oh boy. this was the month when I started liking someone that I'm currently starting to try not to like. yay.
December. well. december started out with a freaking AWESOME camping trip. I can't even explain how great it was. it was just...ahhhh! it's definitely going on the top 10 awesome things of the year. it might even be number 1.
a very stressful process that led to a very awesome play!! haha.
really fun christmas party!!!
andddd my first white christmas. not as cool as it sounds, really.
oh. and the lakers lost. it was. awesome. hahahaa.
and that concludes the 2nd end-of-year post! I still haven't decided how many more I'm doing, but I know I'm gonna do the top 10 awesome things of 2010 at some point! stay tuned.
January. man I almost remember January like it was yesterday! the 2nd half of alex's super fun new years party was on january 1st, you know. and I believe that the funnest part of it was in january because midnight was about the time we realized the power went out!
also in january, I was picked as homecoming rep for the freshman class. that was so surprising. like. what! haha. homecoming was pretty fun. but I'm not going this year. I don't think it'll be that fun anymore. that's just me. too much pressured dancing with people you don't wanna dance with.
February. SKI INVASION!! that was such a fun trip. and painful. but still fun.
february also marked my first track practices. darkness. and coldness.
March. my birthday! I barely remember it, though. it was a pretty low-key birthday. but really fun cause alex came over! we saw To Save a Life at the movies, then I think this was the night of a certain phone call having to do with chinese snacks. hehehh.
April. this happened. then this happened. basically someone who I hadn't seen in several months came back and I saw them for 5 seconds then they left before I could talk to them. but it's all okay now. let's leave it there.
also in april my youth pastor and his wife had their first son. awwwww.
May. my first time being a legitimate part of a state championship! we won state in track. there was kinda competition. but not really. haha. but we probably won't win this year due to the fact that our star runner graduated. it's all good, though.
the end of freshman year. apparently I hated freshman year! cause going back on my blog posts I always wrote about school in a negative fashion. I barely remember last year, so apparently I chose to forget it. interesting.
the stupid bidfire auction that ate up my whole day and my 30 dollars. I can't forget that!
June. the super fun sleepover with alex and the super hilarious, shocking, and just...great prank call that we will probably never forget.
also in June, I went to california. super fun trip--I actually made it to the bro-am!!--except for the fact that I got sick. but it was still great. and I missed it a whole lot for a while after I left. but I'm fine now. haha.
July. this is when lebron announced that he was gonna play for miami. and now he's hated by many people. poor guy. I hope miami wins it all this year so that at least he'll get a ring out of it. that sounds so twisted. not sure if I like it.
hmm. the only other thing I really remember about july is that it was really hot all the time and I complained alot about how I missed san diego. haha.
August. I went to dollywood for the first time since like 6th grade...I think! we used to go alllll the time and it was great to go back! I've gone one other time since then, and I wanna go back now! also, I lost my favorite guitar pick there. boo.
the start of sophomore year...scary at first, but now it's fine.
it's when I started my first 30 day challenge! fun times.
and the first time in a while that I've sang in front of people. FUN DAY.
September. the first time I drove on the interstate, the first time I used a mac, the first time I played piano in chapel, the first time I won a race [kinda].
september was a cross country-y month. it was very encouraging because I was horrible last year. this year I was good! yay!
a very sad thing that happened in september was when my youth pastor and his family moved back to texas. it was so unexpected and it made me cry. they told us one wednesday, and they were gone. I never saw them again. I hope I get to one day. but God has a plan! and I feel like I can already see it taking place!
October. I finally beat my best time in cross country. first time I did that since 2007. crazy!!! 22:43 was the time. :) also, we won state again. woo. it wasn't as exciting this year for some reason.
this was the month when a certain person started talking to me again. weird.
speak now came out!!!
and the halloween party that started some new friendships and a new stalkership. hahaha.
November. when the stupid drama at school started. I was enjoying school until this all started. now it's just annoying.
november marks when I finally moved on from something that was just "mindless dreaming"
I got to go to a super awesome fun taekwondo tournament! it was so fun.
oh boy. this was the month when I started liking someone that I'm currently starting to try not to like. yay.
December. well. december started out with a freaking AWESOME camping trip. I can't even explain how great it was. it was just...ahhhh! it's definitely going on the top 10 awesome things of the year. it might even be number 1.
a very stressful process that led to a very awesome play!! haha.
really fun christmas party!!!
andddd my first white christmas. not as cool as it sounds, really.
oh. and the lakers lost. it was. awesome. hahahaa.
and that concludes the 2nd end-of-year post! I still haven't decided how many more I'm doing, but I know I'm gonna do the top 10 awesome things of 2010 at some point! stay tuned.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Day 9. Something that makes you sad when you think about it.
ahh. I was reading my friend taylor's blog the other day and she said--well lemme just copy/paste.
"I don’t know why people think letting go is the right thing to do anyway. Do they not realize how hard it will be? If you’re that close to someone, then you’ve probably thought about what your life would be like without them at somepoint. And it probably scared you, because you truly can’t picture yourself with out them. That’s why. That is why letting go is so hard. The person has become a huge part of our lives and the uncertainty scares us! What if we never get back together with them? What if we never find someone else? What if.."
that's what makes me sad. picturing my life without several people in it. I don't like it. but I'm determined that God lets the people that are supposed to be in our lives stay there. or leave and eventually come back. so yes. it still makes me sad, though.
so for Christmas day, this was a pretty downer post. but today was a super fun christmas day! and, as I predicted, the gifts really had nothing to do with the funness! it was the cousins. and the fact that this is our first white christmas!!! woohoo!
have a merry Christmas, friends!
"I don’t know why people think letting go is the right thing to do anyway. Do they not realize how hard it will be? If you’re that close to someone, then you’ve probably thought about what your life would be like without them at somepoint. And it probably scared you, because you truly can’t picture yourself with out them. That’s why. That is why letting go is so hard. The person has become a huge part of our lives and the uncertainty scares us! What if we never get back together with them? What if we never find someone else? What if.."
that's what makes me sad. picturing my life without several people in it. I don't like it. but I'm determined that God lets the people that are supposed to be in our lives stay there. or leave and eventually come back. so yes. it still makes me sad, though.
so for Christmas day, this was a pretty downer post. but today was a super fun christmas day! and, as I predicted, the gifts really had nothing to do with the funness! it was the cousins. and the fact that this is our first white christmas!!! woohoo!
have a merry Christmas, friends!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Day 8. Your last night out in detail.
hmm. it depends on the definition of "night out". if it needs to be something that both started and ended at night, then it'll be last sunday's bonfire. sure, I'll talk about that.
I got to church with some meatballs cause they told us to bring food. and I started to get into the church van, but it was full of boys. one of them was like "go away. there's no room." and I said "but I have meatballs!!" needless to say, I rode to the bonfire in the van. I do wish there was a girl in there. just one. but no. it was me and 9 boys. all younger than me, I believe. it was an interesting drive.
we got there and there was a huge fire. yay! I ate food, stood by the fire, talked to various people, almost got thrown into the fire... after doing that for a long time, I watched a winning machine school 5167187499021 people at ping pong, then expressed my annoyance at the fact that he wins everything.
then the same winning machine dumped flour on a girl's head. she got him back with more flour, then he got really mad. later he came back and cracked a RAW EGG on her head. who does that??? then I expressed more annoyance with the group around me. it was nice.
I semi-helped clean up, then it was back to the van. different people were in there this time. including 2 girls. which was good. but then I ended up having to support myself to keep from falling off the edge of the seat due to the fact that there were 4 of us on a 3 seat row. but it was ok.
I don't know how fun that seemed by the way I told it, but it really was! have a great Christmas!!! see you tomorrow.
I got to church with some meatballs cause they told us to bring food. and I started to get into the church van, but it was full of boys. one of them was like "go away. there's no room." and I said "but I have meatballs!!" needless to say, I rode to the bonfire in the van. I do wish there was a girl in there. just one. but no. it was me and 9 boys. all younger than me, I believe. it was an interesting drive.
we got there and there was a huge fire. yay! I ate food, stood by the fire, talked to various people, almost got thrown into the fire... after doing that for a long time, I watched a winning machine school 5167187499021 people at ping pong, then expressed my annoyance at the fact that he wins everything.
then the same winning machine dumped flour on a girl's head. she got him back with more flour, then he got really mad. later he came back and cracked a RAW EGG on her head. who does that??? then I expressed more annoyance with the group around me. it was nice.
I semi-helped clean up, then it was back to the van. different people were in there this time. including 2 girls. which was good. but then I ended up having to support myself to keep from falling off the edge of the seat due to the fact that there were 4 of us on a 3 seat row. but it was ok.
I don't know how fun that seemed by the way I told it, but it really was! have a great Christmas!!! see you tomorrow.
2010 #1 - changes
I was looking through my end-of-year posts from last year. I had 4! [one//two//three//four] what. I think this year I'll have 2 or 3. I'm doing the month-by-month thing, the top 10 moments of the year, the year as a whole, and the first post is gonna be a new one--changes. I feel alot has changed this year, so I'll see how long I can write about that. haha.
oh my. so much has changed as far as music goes. it's nuts. I haven't been a super switchfoot crazy kafjgiaji fam since around the bro-am. I'm just kinda broadening my musical horizons now. I've been listening to a little of everything this year! switchfoot still, rk, needtobreathe, taylor swift, the beatles, avalanche city, buddy holly, the traveling wilburys, the list goes on and on. I like being a multi-band listener. it's fun!
I've written a lot more songs this year. like 90% of my songs were written this year. I love songwriting!
I've gotten alot more into piano. I just re-started taking lessons at the end of last year. I love it way more than I ever did the other 2 rounds of lessons. hahaha. [one from like 1st-4th grade. the other in 5th-6th grade.] I am on a break from lessons right now, though. I might start back soon. not sure yet. but still. LOVE the piano.
another change is that I play piano in praise band now. I like it. but I loved playing guitar. and I miss it. so hopefully that'll re-change.
I've barely gotten on tab websites this year! playing by ear is the bomb. I love it. it's like a superpower!
something that hasn't changed is that I still love my beautiful guitar :). I loooooove it. I could go on. and on.
running/fitness in general
I ran track this year for the 1st time in my 4 year running career. haha. I didn't really like it that much. but it kept me in shape-ish! cross country this year was by far my best year! I was in better shape this year than ever before. I did some weight lifting and alot of push-ups/sit-ups during cross country season and was basicly in the best shape of my life this fall. I need to start the weights and push-ups/sit-ups again. seriously.
wow. I feel like this has REALLY changed from last year. I know alex and I have gotten alot closer throughout this year! but not only her. I've been getting better at making friends! school? not so much. I have a few friends there, but what I'm really talking about is church. I've been loving church so much lately because I'm finally starting to feel fellowship there! I've made more new friends at church this year than I did in probably 07-09 combined. I've also not been on LOBH this year. I guess it was a way for me to have friends. but even though I'm not there anymore, I still have a few LOBHers that I keep in touch with from time to time, which is good.
I've definitely become more confident with myself this year. I've gotten a little bit more comfortable with speaking in front of people, especially at church. I hope that continues to get even better!
the last big change in my life this year has been what's important to me. I used to be incredibly selfish, and I probably still am, but not near as much. I've been trying to think of others first. it feels good. also, I'm slowly stepping away from caring about material things. I'm not really even looking forward to the gift-portion of christmas. how nuts is that? I just got some sense knocked into me. stuff doesn't matter, and it can't make you happy! like I don't even wear my state cross country/track rings anymore. they're not as important to me as they used to be. I've also been reading the Bible more this year. spending less time on the computer in the morning and spending more time in the Word. speaking of time, my tv watching and computer using time has decreased a BUNCH this year! I've been spending way more time on my music. it's great.
well. that was long. I wonder if anyone is gonna read this! haha. well. part 2 may or may not come tomorrow. stay tuned!
oh my. so much has changed as far as music goes. it's nuts. I haven't been a super switchfoot crazy kafjgiaji fam since around the bro-am. I'm just kinda broadening my musical horizons now. I've been listening to a little of everything this year! switchfoot still, rk, needtobreathe, taylor swift, the beatles, avalanche city, buddy holly, the traveling wilburys, the list goes on and on. I like being a multi-band listener. it's fun!
I've written a lot more songs this year. like 90% of my songs were written this year. I love songwriting!
I've gotten alot more into piano. I just re-started taking lessons at the end of last year. I love it way more than I ever did the other 2 rounds of lessons. hahaha. [one from like 1st-4th grade. the other in 5th-6th grade.] I am on a break from lessons right now, though. I might start back soon. not sure yet. but still. LOVE the piano.
another change is that I play piano in praise band now. I like it. but I loved playing guitar. and I miss it. so hopefully that'll re-change.
I've barely gotten on tab websites this year! playing by ear is the bomb. I love it. it's like a superpower!
something that hasn't changed is that I still love my beautiful guitar :). I loooooove it. I could go on. and on.
running/fitness in general
I ran track this year for the 1st time in my 4 year running career. haha. I didn't really like it that much. but it kept me in shape-ish! cross country this year was by far my best year! I was in better shape this year than ever before. I did some weight lifting and alot of push-ups/sit-ups during cross country season and was basicly in the best shape of my life this fall. I need to start the weights and push-ups/sit-ups again. seriously.
wow. I feel like this has REALLY changed from last year. I know alex and I have gotten alot closer throughout this year! but not only her. I've been getting better at making friends! school? not so much. I have a few friends there, but what I'm really talking about is church. I've been loving church so much lately because I'm finally starting to feel fellowship there! I've made more new friends at church this year than I did in probably 07-09 combined. I've also not been on LOBH this year. I guess it was a way for me to have friends. but even though I'm not there anymore, I still have a few LOBHers that I keep in touch with from time to time, which is good.
I've definitely become more confident with myself this year. I've gotten a little bit more comfortable with speaking in front of people, especially at church. I hope that continues to get even better!
the last big change in my life this year has been what's important to me. I used to be incredibly selfish, and I probably still am, but not near as much. I've been trying to think of others first. it feels good. also, I'm slowly stepping away from caring about material things. I'm not really even looking forward to the gift-portion of christmas. how nuts is that? I just got some sense knocked into me. stuff doesn't matter, and it can't make you happy! like I don't even wear my state cross country/track rings anymore. they're not as important to me as they used to be. I've also been reading the Bible more this year. spending less time on the computer in the morning and spending more time in the Word. speaking of time, my tv watching and computer using time has decreased a BUNCH this year! I've been spending way more time on my music. it's great.
well. that was long. I wonder if anyone is gonna read this! haha. well. part 2 may or may not come tomorrow. stay tuned!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Day 7. Things you like/don't like about the way you look.
I wish they gave like a numerical value for this one. but whatever! I think I'll go with 5.
5 things I like:
1. I think I have pretty eyes for someone with brown eyes. I think blue eyes are just stunning, though. but they really wouldn't work on me cause of my slight asian-ness. hahah.
2. I'm pretty skinny right now, if I do say so myself. thank you, running.
3. I'm pretty tan all year round, which is nice.
4. I'll probably have a pretty nice smile once these braces come off! haha. I hope so anyway!
5. I like my height! hahah. it's a good height. not too tall, not too short. it's good.
5 things I don't like:
1. my feet. I'm not a big fan of feet in general. except cute lil baby feet!
2. acne! if only my face could be acne free. move over katy perry, that's what I call a real teenage dream.
3. sometimes my hair is just, bleh. but it happens. bad hair days are frequent among...most people.
ok. well not to be conceited or anything, but I can't really think of anything else. hahah. I don't think I'm the prettiest person around, but I just don't focus a lot on my "flaws" or whatever. so. sorry. haha.
bye!! have a nice christmas eve. reminds me...it's about time to make my year-end blog post!!!! totally love doing that.
5 things I like:
1. I think I have pretty eyes for someone with brown eyes. I think blue eyes are just stunning, though. but they really wouldn't work on me cause of my slight asian-ness. hahah.
2. I'm pretty skinny right now, if I do say so myself. thank you, running.
3. I'm pretty tan all year round, which is nice.
4. I'll probably have a pretty nice smile once these braces come off! haha. I hope so anyway!
5. I like my height! hahah. it's a good height. not too tall, not too short. it's good.
5 things I don't like:
1. my feet. I'm not a big fan of feet in general. except cute lil baby feet!
2. acne! if only my face could be acne free. move over katy perry, that's what I call a real teenage dream.
3. sometimes my hair is just, bleh. but it happens. bad hair days are frequent among...most people.
ok. well not to be conceited or anything, but I can't really think of anything else. hahah. I don't think I'm the prettiest person around, but I just don't focus a lot on my "flaws" or whatever. so. sorry. haha.
bye!! have a nice christmas eve. reminds me...it's about time to make my year-end blog post!!!! totally love doing that.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Day 6. How you'd spend $10,000.
ahhh! it's so hard to do this. there are so many choices! but, if I was going to spend the whole $10,000 on myself...
1. tithe $1000
2. macbook pro
3. logic studio (assuming it doesn't come with the macbook)
4. photoshop CS5
5. $300 worth of clothes from various places over a pretty long period of time
6. $1000 worth of CD's
7. heck, let's make it $2000
8. this looks fun. 5 weeks of it. why not? unless it's just for lil kids.
9. drumset
10. however many drum lessons it takes to spend the rest of this money
yay!!! finally. this literally took me like 2 hours. plus I've been watching tv. so as you can see, I kinda just made up stuff to get rid of the money after number 4. I don't really need stuff. if I was to spend it on not myself, it would probably go towards gifts for people or I'd give it to my church.
see you tomorrow.
1. tithe $1000
2. macbook pro
3. logic studio (assuming it doesn't come with the macbook)
4. photoshop CS5
5. $300 worth of clothes from various places over a pretty long period of time
6. $1000 worth of CD's
7. heck, let's make it $2000
8. this looks fun. 5 weeks of it. why not? unless it's just for lil kids.
9. drumset
10. however many drum lessons it takes to spend the rest of this money
yay!!! finally. this literally took me like 2 hours. plus I've been watching tv. so as you can see, I kinda just made up stuff to get rid of the money after number 4. I don't really need stuff. if I was to spend it on not myself, it would probably go towards gifts for people or I'd give it to my church.
see you tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Day 5. Weird things you do when you're alone.
I don't really do that many weird things when I'm alone. I do weird things normally. and the weird things I do alone are generally less weird or exactly the same as I do when I'm not alone. but here are some that I could think of.
*I sing really loud
*I make weird faces in the mirror
*I put on makeup to see what it looks like on me
*I dance all around
*I make weird food combinations with whatever I want
I mean. I'm pretty much the same when I'm alone and not alone. except I don't usually wear make up or dance in front of people. so yeah.
did anyone see the dang lunar eclipse last night??? Alex and I had a mini sleepover last night even though we were at our own houses. we stayed up til 3 am, but it was cloudy and we couldn't see anything. well, if you did see anything, and you took pictures, I wanna see!
*I sing really loud
*I make weird faces in the mirror
*I put on makeup to see what it looks like on me
*I dance all around
*I make weird food combinations with whatever I want
I mean. I'm pretty much the same when I'm alone and not alone. except I don't usually wear make up or dance in front of people. so yeah.
did anyone see the dang lunar eclipse last night??? Alex and I had a mini sleepover last night even though we were at our own houses. we stayed up til 3 am, but it was cloudy and we couldn't see anything. well, if you did see anything, and you took pictures, I wanna see!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Day 4. The best thing to happen to you this week.
well, considering "this week" has been made up of only 2 days...
it's a toss up between last night's bonfire and today's shopping adventure with alex and her little sister!
I pick shopping! even though I don't usually like shopping, it's super fun with alex!!! we were pretty hyper today! it was really fun. and tiring. now I'm really tired, as the previous sentence hinted.
sorry the post was short. but there is really nothing more to say.
it's a toss up between last night's bonfire and today's shopping adventure with alex and her little sister!
I pick shopping! even though I don't usually like shopping, it's super fun with alex!!! we were pretty hyper today! it was really fun. and tiring. now I'm really tired, as the previous sentence hinted.
sorry the post was short. but there is really nothing more to say.
Day 3. 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.
yup. I already missed a day. I have an excuse, though. the internet at my house was not working. at all. then at like 11 something I was gonna do this post on my phone, but the internet took forever and I just wanted to go to bed! [/lame excuses] I'll just do 2 posts today. problem solved.
anyway. these lists are just based on people I have met so far, myself [for the girls list of course], and maybe some people from tv, which is probably a bad idea, because they're not real. and obviously, these things do not apply to everyone!
1. they're way too jealous! most girls have trust issues.
2. they're backstabbers. they act like they're someone's friend, then they go and talk about them behind their back. it's very very very common. believe me. as if you haven't seen this yourself.
3. alot of girls are very flirty, and I don't like flirting. some of them act stupid to get attention [still not sure about the logic behind that one.], some of them just laugh at everything a guy says, some just get way too close, etc.
4. some of them don't realize that they're wearing too much makeup or that their makeup is not applied correctly. that's why I tend to stray from makeup, because I feel like I'll become that way.
5. and the obvious one. alot of girls don't dress right. their tops are too low, their skirts/shorts are too high... they don't realize that it distracts from their face. guys have a really hard time with that, you know? if you're a christian, you have to think of guys as your brother in Christ. you wouldn't want to do anything to make him stumble, would you?
1. alot of them are just way too competitive. to the point where whatever game you're playing is way past the point of even being fun anymore.
2. when they talk to girls about how "hot" other girls are. do they not care about our feelings at all? hm. but once they get older, I think they'll be better about that. keep in mind, I'm talking about 14-16 year old guys in this particular one.
3. video games. I don't get it. I'm not a big fan of them, so I guess that's a personal list item. haha. I mean, I don't mind playing them, but I don't get how you can play for like hours and hours and hours and...hours.
4. some guys just aren't good listeners. once again, 14-16 age group.
5. some guys are flirty too! although, I don't like to use the word flirty to describe guys. cause flirty sounds like a girly word. I don't know what other word to use though. anyway, they say sweet things to make you think they like you, but then they'll say the same things to other girls too. I don't know what's up with that, but it's probably another one of those things they'll grow out of. hopefully.
the end! that was fun. although the girls list was much easier than the guys list. hahaha. and most of the things on the guys list do not apply to the person I described in my first post. heheh.
ok be back later today for today's post!
anyway. these lists are just based on people I have met so far, myself [for the girls list of course], and maybe some people from tv, which is probably a bad idea, because they're not real. and obviously, these things do not apply to everyone!
1. they're way too jealous! most girls have trust issues.
2. they're backstabbers. they act like they're someone's friend, then they go and talk about them behind their back. it's very very very common. believe me. as if you haven't seen this yourself.
3. alot of girls are very flirty, and I don't like flirting. some of them act stupid to get attention [still not sure about the logic behind that one.], some of them just laugh at everything a guy says, some just get way too close, etc.
4. some of them don't realize that they're wearing too much makeup or that their makeup is not applied correctly. that's why I tend to stray from makeup, because I feel like I'll become that way.
5. and the obvious one. alot of girls don't dress right. their tops are too low, their skirts/shorts are too high... they don't realize that it distracts from their face. guys have a really hard time with that, you know? if you're a christian, you have to think of guys as your brother in Christ. you wouldn't want to do anything to make him stumble, would you?
1. alot of them are just way too competitive. to the point where whatever game you're playing is way past the point of even being fun anymore.
2. when they talk to girls about how "hot" other girls are. do they not care about our feelings at all? hm. but once they get older, I think they'll be better about that. keep in mind, I'm talking about 14-16 year old guys in this particular one.
3. video games. I don't get it. I'm not a big fan of them, so I guess that's a personal list item. haha. I mean, I don't mind playing them, but I don't get how you can play for like hours and hours and hours and...hours.
4. some guys just aren't good listeners. once again, 14-16 age group.
5. some guys are flirty too! although, I don't like to use the word flirty to describe guys. cause flirty sounds like a girly word. I don't know what other word to use though. anyway, they say sweet things to make you think they like you, but then they'll say the same things to other girls too. I don't know what's up with that, but it's probably another one of those things they'll grow out of. hopefully.
the end! that was fun. although the girls list was much easier than the guys list. hahaha. and most of the things on the guys list do not apply to the person I described in my first post. heheh.
ok be back later today for today's post!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Day 2. A famous person you've been compared to.
well? it's true!
in chemistry the other day we were playing a review game, and my teacher made me a team captain and he made us team jasmine. therefore I am jasmine. except I dress a little more conservatively and am not a princess.
haha. I definitely would've chosen a real person, except I'm not ever compared to any real celebrities. I like that, though. I guess I'm just my own person. ;)
in chemistry the other day we were playing a review game, and my teacher made me a team captain and he made us team jasmine. therefore I am jasmine. except I dress a little more conservatively and am not a princess.
haha. I definitely would've chosen a real person, except I'm not ever compared to any real celebrities. I like that, though. I guess I'm just my own person. ;)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Day 1. The person you like and why you like them.
[heya! I'm starting a new 30 day challenge! woohoo! I added a page up there for it. also, I updated the VOTW page! and, to top it all off, Alex is doing this too! :) let the 30 day challenge part 2 begin!!!]
um. I'm not saying his name on here. hahaha! not happening. and I really can't completely say why without giving away who it is. cause I don't know who reads this.
but he's just perfect and sweet and has the prettiest eyes and prettiest smile and best laugh and is just so excited about life and he's so different from other guys. and so many other things. but they would totally give away who he is. seriously. uhh. yeah. ok. done? done.
[yeah, I can already tell this 30 day challenge is gonna be more personal than the other one. hah! I don't know how I feel about that right now. hmm. bye!]
um. I'm not saying his name on here. hahaha! not happening. and I really can't completely say why without giving away who it is. cause I don't know who reads this.
but he's just perfect and sweet and has the prettiest eyes and prettiest smile and best laugh and is just so excited about life and he's so different from other guys. and so many other things. but they would totally give away who he is. seriously. uhh. yeah. ok. done? done.
[yeah, I can already tell this 30 day challenge is gonna be more personal than the other one. hah! I don't know how I feel about that right now. hmm. bye!]
Thursday, December 16, 2010
"glooooria" heh heh heh
wow! so I bought one person a christmas present, and my wallet has exactly 1 dollar left. sorry, everyone who isn't alex! :) hahaha. best friends get 1st priority. sorry. especially the awesomest best friend ever. [thank you thank you thank you thank you, etc. :)]
ANYWAY. random things:
today is the next-to-last day of school and YAY.
last night was fun!
it's raining. and cold.
I'm kinda hungry.
I wanna write more songs.
I love being at church. I've been feeling like that more and more lately. I just like helping. it's fun.
After eating nothing but junk food yesterday, [seriously...breakfast: 2 poptarts, lunch: pizza inn pizza, including dessert pizza, then cookie cake, supper: cupcakes/cookies.] I feel like eating healthy for the rest of my life. Not likely to happen, though. just sayin.
I'm so glad christmas break is almost here. I need a bigggg break from school and the drama inside it.
and that's it! I'm in a good mood even though I'm tirrrreeed!
ANYWAY. random things:
today is the next-to-last day of school and YAY.
last night was fun!
it's raining. and cold.
I'm kinda hungry.
I wanna write more songs.
I love being at church. I've been feeling like that more and more lately. I just like helping. it's fun.
After eating nothing but junk food yesterday, [seriously...breakfast: 2 poptarts, lunch: pizza inn pizza, including dessert pizza, then cookie cake, supper: cupcakes/cookies.] I feel like eating healthy for the rest of my life. Not likely to happen, though. just sayin.
I'm so glad christmas break is almost here. I need a bigggg break from school and the drama inside it.
and that's it! I'm in a good mood even though I'm tirrrreeed!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
what up with all this "fredalupe" business?
my mood today is so much better than it was yesterday. like WOOW! hahaahah.
and it's not like anything amazing happened today. it's probably because it was just a day off where I could just play guitar and chill. it was very nice.
I played SO much today though. my fingers even hurt a little! that's rare. like last weekend I played a whole lot too, but my fingers didn't hurt. weird.
my mom's cooking something, and it smells GOOD.
you know, I kinda want a ukelele. but I feel like I would be into it for a few weeks, then I'd forget about it. I don't know. I might ask for one for my birthday or something.
and it's not like anything amazing happened today. it's probably because it was just a day off where I could just play guitar and chill. it was very nice.
I played SO much today though. my fingers even hurt a little! that's rare. like last weekend I played a whole lot too, but my fingers didn't hurt. weird.
my mom's cooking something, and it smells GOOD.
you know, I kinda want a ukelele. but I feel like I would be into it for a few weeks, then I'd forget about it. I don't know. I might ask for one for my birthday or something.
Friday, December 10, 2010
sorry for being a downer but...
this week. has been. atrocious.
I can't even.
like, I have just lost it so many times.
part of it probably has to do with how great last weekend was. there's just no comparison. it's like chuck norris and justin bieber. this week's got NOTHING on last week. and just thinking about right now, exactly a week ago makes me wanna just cry. just IHFISGOERJ.
and then I come on here, ready to have a venting session on my blog, and I click on itunes, and it's NOT THERE. so now I'm reinstalling it. like. WHAT. why.
but next week. it is going to be better.
I'm making it be better.
and if it isn't, who cares?
because after next week, there's no school. no. school. for 2. weeks.
so now, I don't really know exactly what I'm going to do.
maybe write a song or something. or uhhhhh yeah. song sounds good.
I can't even.
like, I have just lost it so many times.
part of it probably has to do with how great last weekend was. there's just no comparison. it's like chuck norris and justin bieber. this week's got NOTHING on last week. and just thinking about right now, exactly a week ago makes me wanna just cry. just IHFISGOERJ.
and then I come on here, ready to have a venting session on my blog, and I click on itunes, and it's NOT THERE. so now I'm reinstalling it. like. WHAT. why.
but next week. it is going to be better.
I'm making it be better.
and if it isn't, who cares?
because after next week, there's no school. no. school. for 2. weeks.
so now, I don't really know exactly what I'm going to do.
maybe write a song or something. or uhhhhh yeah. song sounds good.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
this weekend was so great! It so needed to last longer. life is so much better without tv/computer. just music, a deck of cards, and food is all you need :P
but jdifjaija I'm tired. but I have to study for things and whatnot.
I might still take a nap anyway.
but jdifjaija I'm tired. but I have to study for things and whatnot.
I might still take a nap anyway.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
mad worrrrrllllddd
this makes my head sad. I also don't like when a word is rhymed with itself to make a rhyme. I'm sure I've done it before, and plenty of artists I listen to have done it, but the fact that I don't listen to that G6 song makes me hate it even more.
I have a ton of 60's music on my ipod now. It's cool.
stupid 2010 popular music. with the exception of a few tunes. coughtaylorswiftcough.
I have a ton of 60's music on my ipod now. It's cool.
stupid 2010 popular music. with the exception of a few tunes. coughtaylorswiftcough.
Monday, November 29, 2010
hungry like the wolves!
man!! sometimes girls are like starving wolves. so glad I'm not involved. stupid drama.
in other news...
blake: you need to stay in touch with your feelings.
me: I have my feelings on speed dial.
in other news...
blake: you need to stay in touch with your feelings.
me: I have my feelings on speed dial.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
happy thanksgiving!
it's thanksgiving! [duh] and I am thankful for...
God's gift of salvation
my school
the internet
my phone
my house
my bed
my church
my youth pastors, past and present
my ipod
clean water
my guitar
my piano
writing utensils
all my organs
flash drives
my teachers
I hope I didn't forget anything. enjoy your delicious meals!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Dear _______: 5th edition
1st edition//2nd edition//3rd edition//4th[lyrical]edition
Dear 1: I'm going to attempt to start talking to you again. let's see how this goes. cuz before I was all:
but now you actually have talked to me and I've ignored you. so that needs to change. oh boy.
Dear 2: That "maybe" has been demoted to a "no". not looking forward to telling you that, but yeah.
Dear 3: I guess it's time to forget about you because it was pretty pointless in the first place. you're not even here anyway.
Dear 4: You are really cool and pretty and nice and have a beautiful voice! I hope you hit it big one day! I wish I talked to you yesterday, but I didn't really know what to say! haha. I'm considering buying your album when it comes out.
Dear 5: Good job. thanks for ruining it.
Dear 6: You're the best friend anyone could ask for, and I love you more than you know... :)
Dear 7: I could basically write a whole paragraph. but I won't. I pretty much need to stop thinking about you. which is hard considering I see you all the dern time. you make my mind feel like:
the end.
Dear 1: I'm going to attempt to start talking to you again. let's see how this goes. cuz before I was all:
but now you actually have talked to me and I've ignored you. so that needs to change. oh boy.
Dear 2: That "maybe" has been demoted to a "no". not looking forward to telling you that, but yeah.
Dear 3: I guess it's time to forget about you because it was pretty pointless in the first place. you're not even here anyway.
Dear 4: You are really cool and pretty and nice and have a beautiful voice! I hope you hit it big one day! I wish I talked to you yesterday, but I didn't really know what to say! haha. I'm considering buying your album when it comes out.
Dear 5: Good job. thanks for ruining it.
Dear 6: You're the best friend anyone could ask for, and I love you more than you know... :)
Dear 7: I could basically write a whole paragraph. but I won't. I pretty much need to stop thinking about you. which is hard considering I see you all the dern time. you make my mind feel like:
the end.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Chad, chad, chaddy chad chad!
I just saw this episode last night for the first time and OMG ITS SO FUNNY.
it kills me.
so I'm gonna start another 30 day challenge. on december 5th or 6th. yep! I'm excited about it!
and tomorrows gonna be a great day as long as my side stops hurting by the morning [pray please].
anddd that's all!
chad, chad, chaddy chad cha-adddd!!
it kills me.
so I'm gonna start another 30 day challenge. on december 5th or 6th. yep! I'm excited about it!
and tomorrows gonna be a great day as long as my side stops hurting by the morning [pray please].
anddd that's all!
chad, chad, chaddy chad cha-adddd!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
what up, bloggers?
for the past 3 days or so, no one on my blog list has been posting! wahh.
hmmmm. what to talk about.
I forgot to vote in the boardie awards.
I'm hungry.
I need to start my gigantic comp & research project.
I played football today.
I have 1 1/2 days of school this week.
I miss _____, ___, _____, and ____.
I mean, what's so great about that state, huh? Everyone has to go there. Blah!
I need to stop thinking about ______ and [freaking] _____. [haha :)]
I need to write more songs!
I can't cook.
I have to run soon.
Brown sugar cinnamon poptarts are my favorite.
Smores poptarts are my second favorite.
I'm hungry.
Oh I said that already.
I can't wait til tuesday. I've been looking forward to it for such a long time!
Ok. Bye.
hmmmm. what to talk about.
I forgot to vote in the boardie awards.
I'm hungry.
I need to start my gigantic comp & research project.
I played football today.
I have 1 1/2 days of school this week.
I miss _____, ___, _____, and ____.
I mean, what's so great about that state, huh? Everyone has to go there. Blah!
I need to stop thinking about ______ and [freaking] _____. [haha :)]
I need to write more songs!
I can't cook.
I have to run soon.
Brown sugar cinnamon poptarts are my favorite.
Smores poptarts are my second favorite.
I'm hungry.
Oh I said that already.
I can't wait til tuesday. I've been looking forward to it for such a long time!
Ok. Bye.
Friday, November 19, 2010
How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!
~ Psalm 139:17-18
~ Psalm 139:17-18
Monday, November 15, 2010
dear _______: lyrical edition
I was SO gonna do this yesterday. then Alex did it today. so weird. we do weird mind things like this all the time. read hers!
also, here's the other dear _______:'s I've done in the past. 1st edition//2nd edition//3rd edition.
dear 1: "I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you."
dear 2: "And I promise to be there whenever you need me because you'll always be my best friend."
dear 3: "Just leave me alone!"
dear 4: "And while I'm able, I think I'll label experience with you as a mistake."
dear 5: "Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes..."
wow that's a lot harder with song lyrics. that's all then! haha.
also, here's the other dear _______:'s I've done in the past. 1st edition//2nd edition//3rd edition.
dear 1: "I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you."
dear 2: "And I promise to be there whenever you need me because you'll always be my best friend."
dear 3: "Just leave me alone!"
dear 4: "And while I'm able, I think I'll label experience with you as a mistake."
dear 5: "Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes..."
wow that's a lot harder with song lyrics. that's all then! haha.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
martial arts out the wazoo!
[random spurt post]
friday night: watched the new karate kid
saturday from 8-3: attended a taekwondo tournament
saturday night: watched the original karate kid
and it was all AWESOME. I like the original karate kid the best.
the tournament was loads of fun, as I said in yesterday's post.
and today has been pretty good. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!!!! it's gonna be so fun! I hope! hehe.
"last kiss" by taylor swift has been in my head all day.
I wish I could throw a football really far.
matthew is the coolest kid ever.
Alex is the bestest friend ever! even though she repeatedly reminds me of "freaking [you-know-who]" lol.
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet yo-ou.
I need to make a november/december calendar now.
uhhhhh ok that's it.
also, new VOTW. I think it's pretty funny. do you?
friday night: watched the new karate kid
saturday from 8-3: attended a taekwondo tournament
saturday night: watched the original karate kid
and it was all AWESOME. I like the original karate kid the best.
the tournament was loads of fun, as I said in yesterday's post.
and today has been pretty good. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!!!! it's gonna be so fun! I hope! hehe.
"last kiss" by taylor swift has been in my head all day.
I wish I could throw a football really far.
matthew is the coolest kid ever.
Alex is the bestest friend ever! even though she repeatedly reminds me of "freaking [you-know-who]" lol.
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet yo-ou.
I need to make a november/december calendar now.
uhhhhh ok that's it.
also, new VOTW. I think it's pretty funny. do you?
Saturday, November 13, 2010
"is it catherine obvious or captian obvious??"
oh ian. hahahaha good times.
today was a greatttt day!!! I had so much fun! so much. I hung out with some of my favorite people on earth.
yep! I'll possibly add to this post later when I have something else to say.
[11:40 pm]
back now. this world's messed up. there are so many people going through so much hard stuff in their lives and one of the top 10 news stories was about justin bieber hurting his KNEE. that was my rant of the day.
I'm really tired now. I feel like tomorrow's gonna be another good day. and monday! so looking forward to monday. quote me on that, cause it's a rare sentence to come from my mouth. or fingers in this case.
today was a greatttt day!!! I had so much fun! so much. I hung out with some of my favorite people on earth.
yep! I'll possibly add to this post later when I have something else to say.
[11:40 pm]
back now. this world's messed up. there are so many people going through so much hard stuff in their lives and one of the top 10 news stories was about justin bieber hurting his KNEE. that was my rant of the day.
I'm really tired now. I feel like tomorrow's gonna be another good day. and monday! so looking forward to monday. quote me on that, cause it's a rare sentence to come from my mouth. or fingers in this case.
Friday, November 12, 2010
rip, slip, brush, ahh!
does anyone remember those commercials??
oh, here we go.
hahah. my sister and I used to make fun of them alot. for some reason while I was trying to come up with a title, that popped into my head.
this was a fairly good week. fairly. the first few days, not good. wednesday/thursday, good! today, ehh. but tomorrow is supposed to be AWESOME IHFAIOEJAIOWJIO. I'm excited. I get to go see people kick eachother and do other cool things at a taekwondo tournament! should be one of the coolest things I'll ever see in my LIFE.
hmm, what else.
I can't really think of anything. oh that dog that chased me last week while I was running chased me again today. I don't remember if I even mentioned the other dog on here.
yeah, that's it. I'm kind of in one of those lull states again. I posted about this before. hang on, I'll find it. HERE. yeahhhhh. I've been in it for awhile, but not as bad as usual. but daylight savings time ending definitely has something to do with it. I bet the dude who invented daylight savings time worked for the guy who invented depression medication. it's so depressing when it gets dark at 5:00. pluh.
oh, here we go.
hahah. my sister and I used to make fun of them alot. for some reason while I was trying to come up with a title, that popped into my head.
this was a fairly good week. fairly. the first few days, not good. wednesday/thursday, good! today, ehh. but tomorrow is supposed to be AWESOME IHFAIOEJAIOWJIO. I'm excited. I get to go see people kick eachother and do other cool things at a taekwondo tournament! should be one of the coolest things I'll ever see in my LIFE.
hmm, what else.
I can't really think of anything. oh that dog that chased me last week while I was running chased me again today. I don't remember if I even mentioned the other dog on here.
yeah, that's it. I'm kind of in one of those lull states again. I posted about this before. hang on, I'll find it. HERE. yeahhhhh. I've been in it for awhile, but not as bad as usual. but daylight savings time ending definitely has something to do with it. I bet the dude who invented daylight savings time worked for the guy who invented depression medication. it's so depressing when it gets dark at 5:00. pluh.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
go on now go! walk out the door!
hey hey hey!
alex finished her speak now reviews! part1/part2/part3/bonustracks. yayyyy!
I've been in such a songwriting mood lately! I finished one today, and I'm hoping to start another one. it's just so much fun.
I'm so ready for thanksgiving. you don't even know. fooood. and a long break! we get out that tuesday at 12 or something like that, then we have the rest of the week off! so excited. but this week the teachers are piling on the work. I have a calendar where I put assignments, projects, tests, etc, and there's at least one thing on every day of this week. ahh! I'll survive, though. yep yep yep.
ummmmm. I guess that's it.
alex finished her speak now reviews! part1/part2/part3/bonustracks. yayyyy!
I've been in such a songwriting mood lately! I finished one today, and I'm hoping to start another one. it's just so much fun.
I'm so ready for thanksgiving. you don't even know. fooood. and a long break! we get out that tuesday at 12 or something like that, then we have the rest of the week off! so excited. but this week the teachers are piling on the work. I have a calendar where I put assignments, projects, tests, etc, and there's at least one thing on every day of this week. ahh! I'll survive, though. yep yep yep.
ummmmm. I guess that's it.
Friday, November 5, 2010
ouch, ouch, annnnnd OUCH.
today was pretty good. but a small part of it was kind of like...

Ouch ! my car :(, originally uploaded by kamran baig.
yeah. but I really shouldn't complain. tomorrow will be better!

Ouch ! my car :(, originally uploaded by kamran baig.
yeah. but I really shouldn't complain. tomorrow will be better!
"isn't texas big enough already??"
this has been a good week! yay. ok. I need to get ready for school. boo.
pointless post woo
oh, wait. it has a point. alex posted her speak now part 2 review! here it is.
pointless post woo
oh, wait. it has a point. alex posted her speak now part 2 review! here it is.
Monday, November 1, 2010
your heart's an empty ho-ole!!!

heck yes! I think this is an awesome photo. don't you??? raf took it. she's a wonderful photographer. and this picture deserves more than single digit views. yahhhh.
I decided not to do a speak now review because I don't feel like it. you can read this one instead. I'll link you to part 2 when it's posted.
that's all for today, friends!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I was enchanted to meet you
oh, taylor. she wrote a song just for me. not really. but it sure seems like it. I've never heard a song that so perfectly fits the situation. it's awesome.
I listened to Speak Now in its entirety for the first time last night. I'll do an album review like I did for hello hurricane back in november. I'm just not allowed to listen to the album again until I do that, because I like to review it after listening to it only once. I'm just weird like that. anyway, round 1: my favorite song was "Enchanted." after the album was over I listened to this song 2 or 3 more times. loooove it.
Here I was again tonight
forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifiting eyes and vancancy
vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Your eyes whispered "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
starts to make it's way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
The lingering question kept me up
2am, who do you love?
I wonder till I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth
wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say,
It was enchanted to meet you
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
This is me praying that this was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again
These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
I listened to Speak Now in its entirety for the first time last night. I'll do an album review like I did for hello hurricane back in november. I'm just not allowed to listen to the album again until I do that, because I like to review it after listening to it only once. I'm just weird like that. anyway, round 1: my favorite song was "Enchanted." after the album was over I listened to this song 2 or 3 more times. loooove it.
Here I was again tonight
forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired, lonely place
Walls of insincerity
Shifiting eyes and vancancy
vanished when I saw your face
All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you
Your eyes whispered "have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
starts to make it's way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
The lingering question kept me up
2am, who do you love?
I wonder till I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth
wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say,
It was enchanted to meet you
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
This is me praying that this was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again
These are the words I held back as I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Today is a good day.
1. I turned in my completed chemistry project. on time. and it was decent-looking.
2. today was tacky day. and I wore my awesome bell bottoms. and people loved them.
3. surprise lunch outing with all A's people. of course I didn't know until today, so I was out in public with tacky clothing on. oh well. it was a good experience.
4. I finally got Speak Now! I haven't listened to it yet. I like to listen to albums for the first time through earbuds, uninterrupted, and I won't get to do that til tonight. so I'll wait til tonight.
yeah! so now I think I'll go work on my Superman song. alex, me, and taylor swift all had the idea to write a song called "superman", no lie. it's so weird! and awesome!
1. I turned in my completed chemistry project. on time. and it was decent-looking.
2. today was tacky day. and I wore my awesome bell bottoms. and people loved them.
3. surprise lunch outing with all A's people. of course I didn't know until today, so I was out in public with tacky clothing on. oh well. it was a good experience.
4. I finally got Speak Now! I haven't listened to it yet. I like to listen to albums for the first time through earbuds, uninterrupted, and I won't get to do that til tonight. so I'll wait til tonight.
yeah! so now I think I'll go work on my Superman song. alex, me, and taylor swift all had the idea to write a song called "superman", no lie. it's so weird! and awesome!
Monday, October 25, 2010
horrified looks from everyone in the room, but I'm only looking at you
yeah son!!! I'm attempting my first phone blog post. I also tried this last night and typed this huge post and then when I published it THE POST WAS GONE. I was so. mad. and I'm typing this without being entirely sure that it'll even show up.
well anyway I'm almost finished with my chemistry project!! just a little carving left! yay!!
well I shall wrap this up now because I'm not in as much of a posty mood as I was last night. ya'll understand, right? thought so.
well bye!!!
well anyway I'm almost finished with my chemistry project!! just a little carving left! yay!!
well I shall wrap this up now because I'm not in as much of a posty mood as I was last night. ya'll understand, right? thought so.
well bye!!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
"Now I'm going to go watch an Australian tv show about mermaids."
HAHAHA. oh alex. I laughed when I saw that. ^
you know what's weird? the best days of this week were the days I was at school. huh. THAT CAN'T BE GOOD. what's happening to me????
thursday and yesterday were decent days. but I really had fun at school monday-wednesday. mostly because we're between quarters and basicly all we did in all our classes was watch stuff. that's probably why. next week I'm sure it'll return to normal.
today was not very nice. but it's fine. tomorrow, I've decided is gonna be a GREAT DAAA-AAYYY. I don't know why. but it's going to be.
I watched a special tonight about taylor swift, and I decided I wanna be like her. she's so cool. so I'm going to work on that. I need to write more songs. I've written like...20? I need to get writin'.
I love blogging in spurts like this. all these unrelated sentences. it's fun. I have phases where I blog in paragraphs and spurt phases. and hyper phases. and hyper spurt phases.
PS new layout. do you like it?
you know what's weird? the best days of this week were the days I was at school. huh. THAT CAN'T BE GOOD. what's happening to me????
thursday and yesterday were decent days. but I really had fun at school monday-wednesday. mostly because we're between quarters and basicly all we did in all our classes was watch stuff. that's probably why. next week I'm sure it'll return to normal.
today was not very nice. but it's fine. tomorrow, I've decided is gonna be a GREAT DAAA-AAYYY. I don't know why. but it's going to be.
I watched a special tonight about taylor swift, and I decided I wanna be like her. she's so cool. so I'm going to work on that. I need to write more songs. I've written like...20? I need to get writin'.
I love blogging in spurts like this. all these unrelated sentences. it's fun. I have phases where I blog in paragraphs and spurt phases. and hyper phases. and hyper spurt phases.
PS new layout. do you like it?
Friday, October 22, 2010
oh boy, am I in a pickle now. there's this chemistry project, right? and I have this long weekend that I'm in the middle of now. I was going to work on it during said weekend. but I have run into several problems:
1. none of the libraries in the system or whatever of libraries where I live has any books on John Dalton. so I have to get them from college libraries. and I do not understand college level books.
2. I have to do an 8 source annotated bibliography with said books.
3. I don't really know how to do an annotated bibliography.
4. I don't have the books yet, and I probably won't get them until the end of the day today so I'll have to work on it tomorrow.
5. I have a race tomorrow. I'll be gone from the time I wake up to noon or so.
5. The annotated bibliography is not all I have to do. I have to also make a tombstone about John Dalton.
7. It's due Tuesday.
8. I'm gonna be in trouble.
HIHGIAHGIOAJO. This is bad. but I'll pull it off. I always do. ehhh. I'm actually a tad worried about this. and what bugs me is that I have this whole day and I can't work on it. blech.
hmm. Happy Birthday Jon Foreman.
and...that's it. I guess. I still wanna make a new layout because I'm getting tired of yellow and brown. but school should come first. and I'm getting tired of sitting in front of this computer.
ok bye.
1. none of the libraries in the system or whatever of libraries where I live has any books on John Dalton. so I have to get them from college libraries. and I do not understand college level books.
2. I have to do an 8 source annotated bibliography with said books.
3. I don't really know how to do an annotated bibliography.
4. I don't have the books yet, and I probably won't get them until the end of the day today so I'll have to work on it tomorrow.
5. I have a race tomorrow. I'll be gone from the time I wake up to noon or so.
5. The annotated bibliography is not all I have to do. I have to also make a tombstone about John Dalton.
7. It's due Tuesday.
8. I'm gonna be in trouble.
HIHGIAHGIOAJO. This is bad. but I'll pull it off. I always do. ehhh. I'm actually a tad worried about this. and what bugs me is that I have this whole day and I can't work on it. blech.
hmm. Happy Birthday Jon Foreman.
and...that's it. I guess. I still wanna make a new layout because I'm getting tired of yellow and brown. but school should come first. and I'm getting tired of sitting in front of this computer.
ok bye.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
why you gotta be so mean?
I really like taylor swift's new song. the only version I've been able to listen to, though, is a version on youtube in which her voice sounds like the chipettes. I hate when that happens. but I think it's necessary to avoid copyrights or something. I don't know. but the album comes out next monday so I'm gonna get the real version then! so excited.
in other news, I finally reached another goal! I got straight A's on a highschool report card. never done before. until yesterday. awesome!
and I finally beat my best cross country time. boo ya.
bye friends!
in other news, I finally reached another goal! I got straight A's on a highschool report card. never done before. until yesterday. awesome!
and I finally beat my best cross country time. boo ya.
bye friends!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
"It's Slender Man!!!!" *runs*
today was a weirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd day. weird. I don't know if it was a good weird or bad weird. it was edweird. HAHA. that only makes sense if you're either me or alex. heheh.
I watched the spongebob "texas" episode tonight and felt compelled to make this.
goodnight, friends.
I watched the spongebob "texas" episode tonight and felt compelled to make this.
goodnight, friends.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Friday, October 1, 2010
not to mention truthophobic!
hah. everybody hates chris.
this week was one of the best I've had in a while, with the exception of wednesday night. one of the saddest nights I can remember. but God has a plan in this, and I know nothing. anyone who's had a wonderful youth pastor that you love move on to another church/ministry knows how I feel. this is the second time I've experienced this, and it's hard, isn't it? :[
I need to make a new layout. I shall.
[/3 random paragraph-type things. yay.]
this week was one of the best I've had in a while, with the exception of wednesday night. one of the saddest nights I can remember. but God has a plan in this, and I know nothing. anyone who's had a wonderful youth pastor that you love move on to another church/ministry knows how I feel. this is the second time I've experienced this, and it's hard, isn't it? :[
I need to make a new layout. I shall.
[/3 random paragraph-type things. yay.]
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
hahhy birthday lizabeth! [yesterday]
heheh. how ironic. look at this post that nova reposted awhile back. haha.
ANYWAY. I told lizabeth I'd write her a song, and that I did. I was listening/playing old southern gospel hymns yesterday, then I decided to write this song, and that's why it sounds all bluegrassy. :)
I found a new audio hosting site because the old one I used didn't work anymore. weird. I should make a music myspace or something. anyway, if you do listen to this and can't understand what I'm saying, lemme know and I'll post the lyrics. and on this site, there may be an ad with a wheel of fortune type thing that makes annoying clicking sounds. I can't do anything about that. erg. oh well. you could download it and listen to it that way.
here's the song!
also, I'm in the midst of making a new page featuring songs I write for this blog. stay tuned. bye!
ANYWAY. I told lizabeth I'd write her a song, and that I did. I was listening/playing old southern gospel hymns yesterday, then I decided to write this song, and that's why it sounds all bluegrassy. :)
I found a new audio hosting site because the old one I used didn't work anymore. weird. I should make a music myspace or something. anyway, if you do listen to this and can't understand what I'm saying, lemme know and I'll post the lyrics. and on this site, there may be an ad with a wheel of fortune type thing that makes annoying clicking sounds. I can't do anything about that. erg. oh well. you could download it and listen to it that way.
here's the song!
also, I'm in the midst of making a new page featuring songs I write for this blog. stay tuned. bye!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
well butter my biscuits!
my mom's making my favorite meal. biscuits and gravy!!! yes!
today I won a race. I got a medal and everything. and our team won too! yay! according to the results, some other girl actually won though, but her whole team didn't count for some reason. but that made me feel less...good. hahah.
I wanna make a new layout. I think I will.
today I won a race. I got a medal and everything. and our team won too! yay! according to the results, some other girl actually won though, but her whole team didn't count for some reason. but that made me feel less...good. hahah.
I wanna make a new layout. I think I will.
Monday, September 20, 2010
"just give me some soup!" "I ain't gonna give ya no soup!"
I've been thinking. well, actually, I've been writing. I was writing to Renae. and I was thinking I should write more silly songs. like my 30 day challenge one. and I was thinking I should post them on here because like 3 whole people listened to the last one. and I think that's cool. so what do you 3 and additional readers think? it sounds like fun to me, so I may do it anyway. haha. we'll see.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
cause tight is no longer inny!
I finally changed the VOTW. the last one was up for like 20 days. haha oops. the new one is quite entertaining. I love Sonny With a Chance. it's great. it really is. I watch too many children's programs. it's what I do. that episode just went off, and now I'm watching The Suite Life on Deck. and I'm planning on watching that new show called Pair of Kings whenever it premieres. the little chuck kid from iCarly is going to be on it. plus mitchell musso and the kid who plays marcus on suite life will be on there. it has potential.
I'm hungry. bye!
I'm hungry. bye!
Friday, September 17, 2010
I am back. from the retreat. it was very fun. except for when I almost died mountain biking. not cool. or comfortable. but I did complete the high ropes course, and I discovered that I really enjoy high ropes courses. I didn't think I did.
today we had cross country practice, and I heard one of the funniest puns ever. the story was that some girls on the team were talking about the book To Kill a Mockingbird, and another girl thought they were saying "tequila mockingbird". hahahah. that made me laugh. and I was so hoping that was the first time anyone had thought of that. but I googled it, and many more have thought of it first. it's actually a band. and a music house in austin, texas. what? yeah.
another unoriginal event happened to me personally today. sometimes when I watch iCarly, I look at miranda cosgrove and see a striking resemblence to michael jackson. she has his eyes/eyebrows and complexion. although his eyes/eyebrows/complexion aren't technically even his own. anyway, again, I googled it, but others had already thought that. oh well.
welllll bye!
today we had cross country practice, and I heard one of the funniest puns ever. the story was that some girls on the team were talking about the book To Kill a Mockingbird, and another girl thought they were saying "tequila mockingbird". hahahah. that made me laugh. and I was so hoping that was the first time anyone had thought of that. but I googled it, and many more have thought of it first. it's actually a band. and a music house in austin, texas. what? yeah.
another unoriginal event happened to me personally today. sometimes when I watch iCarly, I look at miranda cosgrove and see a striking resemblence to michael jackson. she has his eyes/eyebrows and complexion. although his eyes/eyebrows/complexion aren't technically even his own. anyway, again, I googled it, but others had already thought that. oh well.
welllll bye!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 30: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

WAHOO! I finished!!!! so excited. thanks to all who followed along! now for the special suprise I was telling you about.
click here for the suprise! hope it doesn't disappoint. hahah. tell me what you think in the tags or comment. :)
peace out, 30 day challenge!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 29: Hopes, Dreams and Plans for the Next 365 Days
ah. I like this one. I'll more than likely forget a few hopes, dreams, and plans, though.
- I'd like to be able to drive well and safely and to be able to pass my driver's test first time around.
- it would be great to play in praise band, and I want to play guitar at church. hopefully it'll work out.
- cross country season has been great so far, so I'm hoping to get even better as it progresses.
- I need to see switchfoot again!
- I need to see relient k and not be sick!
- I need to see needtobreathe for the first time!
- I need to see _____. heheh.
- I'd like to write more songs. I love writing songs.
- I want to work on becoming a better person. I'm still lazy/self-centered. I may not seem it all the time, but I'm pretty sure I am.
- I want a good camera because I want to be a good photographer.
- I'd like to get a job.
- I want a mac.
- I want to get better and better at graphic making.
- I have to go back to san diego. it may not happen in the next 365 days, but it needs to happen.
- I wanna meet or remeet some boardies! :)
- and last but not least, I want my relationship with God to get even better.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 28: Tell Us About Your Year So Far
hahaha. I'm looking at my posts from the beginning of the year and it totally feels like it was a different year. hehe. anyway.
highlights of each month:
january: homecoming! it was fun. and the attention was pretty cool, I have to say. but that was a one night thing and things quickly returned to normal.
february: SKI INVASION!!!!!! sorry.
march: probably my birthday sleepover with alex, seeing To Save a Life the next day, and then watching the star wars movies for the first time. haha. I still haven't watched episode VI yet. I need to.
april: when I got to see someone I really wanted to see for a few seconds. it made my month. heheh.
may: um. definitely the end of freshman year. it wasn't very fun. except computer class. those classes were the best ever. hahaha.
june: california!! more specifically, the bro-am. sooo much fun. and that sleepover with alex where we made a certain call. hahahaaaaaaaaaa. ok.
july: I can't really think of anything. but last july? awesome. haha.
august: hmmm. dollywood, cross country camp, and finding out that I possibly will get to see that person again! wahoo. but the best day was august 1st when alex and I played our first show. win.
september [so far]: definitely the 3 cross country meets so far. I'm doing really well! yay.
so this year as a whole, not bad. not GREAT, but not bad. it's gone by so fast though. it's crazy man.
ok, see ya tomorrow!
highlights of each month:
january: homecoming! it was fun. and the attention was pretty cool, I have to say. but that was a one night thing and things quickly returned to normal.
february: SKI INVASION!!!!!! sorry.
march: probably my birthday sleepover with alex, seeing To Save a Life the next day, and then watching the star wars movies for the first time. haha. I still haven't watched episode VI yet. I need to.
april: when I got to see someone I really wanted to see for a few seconds. it made my month. heheh.
may: um. definitely the end of freshman year. it wasn't very fun. except computer class. those classes were the best ever. hahaha.
june: california!! more specifically, the bro-am. sooo much fun. and that sleepover with alex where we made a certain call. hahahaaaaaaaaaa. ok.
july: I can't really think of anything. but last july? awesome. haha.
august: hmmm. dollywood, cross country camp, and finding out that I possibly will get to see that person again! wahoo. but the best day was august 1st when alex and I played our first show. win.
september [so far]: definitely the 3 cross country meets so far. I'm doing really well! yay.
so this year as a whole, not bad. not GREAT, but not bad. it's gone by so fast though. it's crazy man.
ok, see ya tomorrow!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 27: Tell Us About This Month So Far
so most of this month was this week. so see below post. this month has been pretty good so far. school has been tolerable, and cross country has gotten much better. I'm getting better. woo! so this post is lame because I can't think of anything else interesting to say.
but. I'm working on a special suprise for my final post. I'm so excited. really, I am. you should be too!
but. I'm working on a special suprise for my final post. I'm so excited. really, I am. you should be too!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 26: Tell Us About Your Week So Far
sunday: awesome. I got to see my old youth pastor again!! I miss him so much. ahh. he's the coolest. then I got to go to alex's house and have tons of fun!
monday: more alex fun! haha. then I got to drive home, and on the interstate for the first time. it was scary. I'm not used to fast. but I'll get there eventually.
tuesday: barely remember the school part. good I guess? then we had a 2 by 2 mile cross country speedwork practice, which I beasted, by the way. well, beasted for me. the best I've ever done on that practice. yay me!
wednesday: school was nice, except silly final cut pro was being weird. I hope someone fixes it by the next time I use it, which will be in like 2 weeks. hm. we had an after school practice, which was insanely difficult for me because I was still tired/sore from tuesday. but I survived. then I got to eat at cookout, which is GOOD. then church! church is always nice.
today: good grief. I didn't get to play piano again. in fact, I haven't played YET this year. it's not cool. and I'd actually rather play guitar. it's my main instrument. but I'll take piano if it means I actually get to play, which hasn't happened yet, once again. erg! school was ok-ish. and practice was fun. yay.
so this week as a whole: good!
dude. I just realized that I'm going to finish this challenge the day before I leave for highschool retreat. amazing. because I won't be able to post at all during that, so I'll actually be able to do all 30 posts! sweet. I hope that made sense. hm.
see you tomorrow!
monday: more alex fun! haha. then I got to drive home, and on the interstate for the first time. it was scary. I'm not used to fast. but I'll get there eventually.
tuesday: barely remember the school part. good I guess? then we had a 2 by 2 mile cross country speedwork practice, which I beasted, by the way. well, beasted for me. the best I've ever done on that practice. yay me!
wednesday: school was nice, except silly final cut pro was being weird. I hope someone fixes it by the next time I use it, which will be in like 2 weeks. hm. we had an after school practice, which was insanely difficult for me because I was still tired/sore from tuesday. but I survived. then I got to eat at cookout, which is GOOD. then church! church is always nice.
today: good grief. I didn't get to play piano again. in fact, I haven't played YET this year. it's not cool. and I'd actually rather play guitar. it's my main instrument. but I'll take piano if it means I actually get to play, which hasn't happened yet, once again. erg! school was ok-ish. and practice was fun. yay.
so this week as a whole: good!
dude. I just realized that I'm going to finish this challenge the day before I leave for highschool retreat. amazing. because I won't be able to post at all during that, so I'll actually be able to do all 30 posts! sweet. I hope that made sense. hm.
see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 25: Tell Us About Your Day
well, stressful morning, but it got better once I got to school, oddly enough. then I camera'd the news, which went pretty well, then I made 2 100's in english! I recited the prologue to Romeo & Juliet perfectly. thank you song that I made it into! hehe. then I bombed a geometry test--everyone did except blake. hahaha. but our teacher gave us a redo. thank you sir. thennnn lunch was yummy, media was stressful because guess what. MACS CAN HAVE PROBLEMS TOO. but they're still superior to PCs. then PE, then I ran 5 miles, then church. the end. it was a 7 out of 10. not too shabby.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 24: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
hmm. oh, I know. Job posted this cool picture on his flikr. I thought it was awesome. I don't know how to describe why it's awesome. it just is.

that's all folks.

that's all folks.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Day 23: A YouTube Video
yesterday I signed into facebook, and this was the first thing on my news feed. it made me laugh. especially the very end.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 21: A Recipe
ahhhh. the recipe we use to make chocolate chip cookies. we've had it maybe my whole life. haha. it came with a package of Crisco and we just keep it and whip it out when we need it. I found it on their website, so hopefully they haven't changed it since then. please try these. they're so delicious.
it makes about 3 dozen cookies, by the way. and we don't do the whole nut thing. but if you like nuts, go for it.
-Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies-
3/4 stick Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening Sticks
OR 3/4 cup Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening
1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups Pillsbury BEST® All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 cup)
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional)
1.HEAT oven to 375ºF.
2.COMBINE shortening, brown sugar, milk and vanilla in large bowl. Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Beat in egg. Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Mix into shortening mixture until just blended. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
3.DROP by rounded measuring tablespoonfuls 3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet.
4.BAKE 8 to 10 minutes for chewy cookies, or 11 to 13 minutes for crisp cookies. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheet on a cooling rack. Remove cookies to rack to cool completely.
TIP* If nuts are omitted, add an additional 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
on a side note, blogger is being ridiculous today. oh well. bye! haha.
it makes about 3 dozen cookies, by the way. and we don't do the whole nut thing. but if you like nuts, go for it.
-Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies-
3/4 stick Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening Sticks
OR 3/4 cup Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening
1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups Pillsbury BEST® All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 cup)
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional)
1.HEAT oven to 375ºF.
2.COMBINE shortening, brown sugar, milk and vanilla in large bowl. Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Beat in egg. Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Mix into shortening mixture until just blended. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
3.DROP by rounded measuring tablespoonfuls 3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet.
4.BAKE 8 to 10 minutes for chewy cookies, or 11 to 13 minutes for crisp cookies. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheet on a cooling rack. Remove cookies to rack to cool completely.
TIP* If nuts are omitted, add an additional 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
on a side note, blogger is being ridiculous today. oh well. bye! haha.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 20: A Hobby of Yours
my hobby is music. that's what I do in my free time, so that's a hobby, right? yeah.
speaking of music, I didn't get to check playing piano off my list. maybe next week.
andddd that's it. sorry if I've been boring lately.
speaking of music, I didn't get to check playing piano off my list. maybe next week.
andddd that's it. sorry if I've been boring lately.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 19: A Talent of Yours
I play guitar and piano. and I have a knack for figuring out how to play songs by ear; it's very handy.
that is all.
that is all.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 18: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Alright, so I'm about to leave, so this'll be short.
Random updates:
cross country: yesterday=AWESOME. we won our race. I came in 11th place out of like 40 something. and I ran a 23:57. woohoo.
school: It's going pretty well. geometry is definitely going better, and I'm learning how to use final cut pro on a mac. macs are different. but incredible.
alex: she got her restricted license today! awesome!!!! so happy for her.
music: I'm playing piano tomorrow in chapel. guess what. that was on my sophomore goals list that you may have seen on the sidebar of my blog. I finally get to check something off. yeah!
that's about it. see ya tomorrow!
Random updates:
cross country: yesterday=AWESOME. we won our race. I came in 11th place out of like 40 something. and I ran a 23:57. woohoo.
school: It's going pretty well. geometry is definitely going better, and I'm learning how to use final cut pro on a mac. macs are different. but incredible.
alex: she got her restricted license today! awesome!!!! so happy for her.
music: I'm playing piano tomorrow in chapel. guess what. that was on my sophomore goals list that you may have seen on the sidebar of my blog. I finally get to check something off. yeah!
that's about it. see ya tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Day 17: An Art Piece (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Etc.)
I'm not in touch with the "arts", honestly. I was trying to think of any contemporary art, and fortunately I remembered molly jenson. she's awesome. she sings, she has a lot of interesting dreams, and she's an artist! lookit!
it's so cute.
it's so cute.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Day 16: A Song That Makes You Cry (Or Nearly)
not so much anymore, but this one usually did it.
and then for a couple days after I watch titanic, this one. hahah. ok fine all the time, if I watch this one because it has footage from the movie. :'(
okie doke. bye.
P.S. have you checked out my VOTW page yet? this week's video is hilarious. believe me.
and then for a couple days after I watch titanic, this one. hahah. ok fine all the time, if I watch this one because it has footage from the movie. :'(
okie doke. bye.
P.S. have you checked out my VOTW page yet? this week's video is hilarious. believe me.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Day 15: A Fanfic
Ok, so I've never read any fan fiction. well until like 5 minutes ago, but I only read half a page of it. it wasn't very good. but if someone finds any good fan fiction, let me know. anyway, here's a site with tons of fan fiction on it. woo! fanfiction.net
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Day 14: A Non-Fictional Book
yep. so basicly the title explains itself. I'm pretty sure I really liked this book...I need to reread it because the last time I read it was 6th grade maybe? I saw this guy speak at the revolve tour, and also he's how I pictured Jacob Black when I read the twilight series. true story.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 13: A Fictional Book
I'm seriously too lazy and in a bit of a bad mood today [due to certain parts of the school day and the fact that I'm hungry] to think of a better book than this. plus I haven't read many books lately. this is a good book, though, in my opinion. I'm sure many beg to differ. oh well.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 12: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
I love this song, besides the female's tendency to trail off her voice. you'll probably understand what I mean if you listen. that's all for today!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day 09: A Photo You Took

I took this saturday night. we were eating and this little bulldog was randomly on our porch. so cute. I think this is a rather good picture considering it was taken through a glass door, am I right? course I am.
in other news, remember these posts? yes, the helium is coming back soon. I don't know when, but when it does, I'm gonna be up in the air big time. oh yeah.
come back tomorrow, my friends!

I took this saturday night. we were eating and this little bulldog was randomly on our porch. so cute. I think this is a rather good picture considering it was taken through a glass door, am I right? course I am.
in other news, remember these posts? yes, the helium is coming back soon. I don't know when, but when it does, I'm gonna be up in the air big time. oh yeah.
come back tomorrow, my friends!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Day 07: A Photo That Makes You Angry/Sad
ok. here it is. it's a photo that makes me sad-ish.
because I miss pin!! sad. and we didn't even take a picture at the bro-am. and that makes me angry! so I met the criteria. sad and angry. I don't like this post! it made me sad and angry.
I'm gonna buy new music now. bye.
because I miss pin!! sad. and we didn't even take a picture at the bro-am. and that makes me angry! so I met the criteria. sad and angry. I don't like this post! it made me sad and angry.
I'm gonna buy new music now. bye.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day 07: A Photo That Makes You Happy
this 'un:
![The [best] Band [ever]](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2593/3854345720_fd69c08766.jpg)
this is a photo from my first switchfoot show which was exactly one year from tomorrow. but technically it would've been today because it was on a saturday. anyway, I was extremely blessed to have been able to meet them at my very first show! they are so amazing for making that possible.
this photo brings back memories...
waiting in line--the guy in front of us was at the fiction family show and remembered me because Jon wore my fedora. then during the show Jon took and wore HIS fedora. it was so awesome! when we saw each other after the show we were so psyched and hi-fiving and all. it was the coolest thing ever.
the actual show--my first live viewing of guitar screaming. epic!!!!
the meet & greet--I got to give Chad the letters that some boardies wrote. he really enjoyed and appreciated it. it was so so so cool to get to meet all my heroes. and andy barron took that picture. HOW COOL IS THAT! oh, and I'm not sure who that random lady is, but that's ok.
the aftershow--I asked Jon if he was gonna do an aftershow, and he said he'd do one in the parking lot in like 30 minutes. I remember we still had to eat, so we went to subway, and I was freaking out the whole time because I didn't want to miss the aftershow. I scarfed down half my sandwich and sat there all fidgetty til my family finished their sandwiches, then we headed back to the parking lot. we talked to Romey for awhile--he still remembered my name from the m&g, which is impressive considering all the people he met--then Jon finally came out and we walked with him to Wild Wings for the aftershow. I'll never forget the look on some people's faces when we walked in there with Jon Foreman. hahahah. he sat in a highchair and played us some tunes. I was right in front of him, and it was just the most insane thing ever.
I don't think I ever blogged about this show, so there it is, one year late. hahaha. come back tomorrow!
![The [best] Band [ever]](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2593/3854345720_fd69c08766.jpg)
this is a photo from my first switchfoot show which was exactly one year from tomorrow. but technically it would've been today because it was on a saturday. anyway, I was extremely blessed to have been able to meet them at my very first show! they are so amazing for making that possible.
this photo brings back memories...
waiting in line--the guy in front of us was at the fiction family show and remembered me because Jon wore my fedora. then during the show Jon took and wore HIS fedora. it was so awesome! when we saw each other after the show we were so psyched and hi-fiving and all. it was the coolest thing ever.
the actual show--my first live viewing of guitar screaming. epic!!!!
the meet & greet--I got to give Chad the letters that some boardies wrote. he really enjoyed and appreciated it. it was so so so cool to get to meet all my heroes. and andy barron took that picture. HOW COOL IS THAT! oh, and I'm not sure who that random lady is, but that's ok.
the aftershow--I asked Jon if he was gonna do an aftershow, and he said he'd do one in the parking lot in like 30 minutes. I remember we still had to eat, so we went to subway, and I was freaking out the whole time because I didn't want to miss the aftershow. I scarfed down half my sandwich and sat there all fidgetty til my family finished their sandwiches, then we headed back to the parking lot. we talked to Romey for awhile--he still remembered my name from the m&g, which is impressive considering all the people he met--then Jon finally came out and we walked with him to Wild Wings for the aftershow. I'll never forget the look on some people's faces when we walked in there with Jon Foreman. hahahah. he sat in a highchair and played us some tunes. I was right in front of him, and it was just the most insane thing ever.
I don't think I ever blogged about this show, so there it is, one year late. hahaha. come back tomorrow!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Day 06: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
I like today's post because I can write about whatever I want. I choose school, since it started wednesday.
sooooo I don't like it. duh. you knew that. I do like some of it, though. so far I really like 5 out of 8 of my classes. so that's good.
but OMG 2 days of geometry, and I'm already lost. I don't get it. I can't even finish my homework. math help needed. I guess I'll ask someone monday, but bleh.
and english...I'm pretty sure I did my summer reading double entry journal wrong, so I might've failed that. that's bad.
and comp and research is not going to be fun. we got assigned a 5 paragraph essay on our first day in there. what? yeah. it wasn't hard, though. I wrote it today. and we don't have to revise it or anything. not too bad.
I'm so tired though, after only 3 days. D: wahhhh. I hope I survive. I guess I will.
OKAY so that's it for today. tomorrow's post will be A Photo that Makes You Happy. yay! I like that.
oh. P.S. I realize that I sound very complainy, but there have been good things about school too! like the other 5 classes that I like. media is my favorite. so fun. and so far every day I've laughed really hard at least once. so school's had good parts too. ok bye!
sooooo I don't like it. duh. you knew that. I do like some of it, though. so far I really like 5 out of 8 of my classes. so that's good.
but OMG 2 days of geometry, and I'm already lost. I don't get it. I can't even finish my homework. math help needed. I guess I'll ask someone monday, but bleh.
and english...I'm pretty sure I did my summer reading double entry journal wrong, so I might've failed that. that's bad.
and comp and research is not going to be fun. we got assigned a 5 paragraph essay on our first day in there. what? yeah. it wasn't hard, though. I wrote it today. and we don't have to revise it or anything. not too bad.
I'm so tired though, after only 3 days. D: wahhhh. I hope I survive. I guess I will.
OKAY so that's it for today. tomorrow's post will be A Photo that Makes You Happy. yay! I like that.
oh. P.S. I realize that I sound very complainy, but there have been good things about school too! like the other 5 classes that I like. media is my favorite. so fun. and so far every day I've laughed really hard at least once. so school's had good parts too. ok bye!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 05: Your Favorite Quote
well this one won't be easy either. I don't really have a single favorite quote, but I have a bajillion random favorite quotes from random times in my life.
here are 3 of my many favorites.
"wait so who is this justin bieber chick?" -andy barron
"see this one even comes with a phone, see, so he can break up with other dolls..." -taylor swift
she's so funny. here's the video that it came from. if you know anything about her and joe jonas, this will make you laugh. ignore the random selena hahaha.
check back tomorrow! and remember again to look at alex's blog. her quote is heftier than mine. haha.
here are 3 of my many favorites.
"wait so who is this justin bieber chick?" -andy barron
"see this one even comes with a phone, see, so he can break up with other dolls..." -taylor swift
she's so funny. here's the video that it came from. if you know anything about her and joe jonas, this will make you laugh. ignore the random selena hahaha.
check back tomorrow! and remember again to look at alex's blog. her quote is heftier than mine. haha.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 04: Your Favorite Book
this one is SO HARD. okay. so I'll just tell you my favorite series. seriesesesesesses. more than one series here.
the christy miller series
the sierra jensen series
the christy and todd series
the katie weldon series
all of the above series basicly tie in together, and you have to read them in that order!! you must. these books are great!
and the twilight saga. sorry, but I love those books. the movies, not so much. but the movies are gradually getting better. they have 2 more shots.
an individual book that I read lately that I really enjoyed was How to Save a Life. watch the movie, then read. or vice versa. I think it would be fine either way, because the book was written *after* the movie, so there aren't many differences.
alright. come back in the morn. or afternoon. or night. I'm not sure.
the christy miller series
the sierra jensen series
the christy and todd series
the katie weldon series
all of the above series basicly tie in together, and you have to read them in that order!! you must. these books are great!
and the twilight saga. sorry, but I love those books. the movies, not so much. but the movies are gradually getting better. they have 2 more shots.
an individual book that I read lately that I really enjoyed was How to Save a Life. watch the movie, then read. or vice versa. I think it would be fine either way, because the book was written *after* the movie, so there aren't many differences.
alright. come back in the morn. or afternoon. or night. I'm not sure.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Day 03: Your Favorite Television Show
I think that currently my favorite tv show would have to be iCarly. I'm watching it now. it's really funnyyyyyy and wonderful. I was going to post a video, but I really couldn't find a good one. sorry.
unfortunately, due to the fact that school starts tomorrow, I won't be able to watch television very much anymore. BOOOOOO. I don't wanna go. orientation was last night, and seriously, I was about to cry several times. but that was probably because I was sleep deprived. that always happens. ok. well I have to go finish my summer reading now. procrastination.
unfortunately, due to the fact that school starts tomorrow, I won't be able to watch television very much anymore. BOOOOOO. I don't wanna go. orientation was last night, and seriously, I was about to cry several times. but that was probably because I was sleep deprived. that always happens. ok. well I have to go finish my summer reading now. procrastination.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 02: Your Favorite Movie
before I get down to the nitty gritty, I got some boots today at kohl's. they're not the exact ones I wanted, but they're close enough. and they were fifteen bucks cheaper. they look exactly like this:
so yes. I also tried on TOMS today for the first time, but they really didn't fit me right. I found my size and everything, but I couldn't walk in them without them slipping off my heels, and my toes were all squished in the process. it's all good, though.
ANYWAY. favorite movie time. I'm into the christmas movies. my favorite used to be Elf. but then I decided that my favorite is actually How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I can quote you most of that movie. it's hilarious and wonderful and christmasy and jim carey-y. plenty of reasons to love it.
alright. come back tomorrow.
so yes. I also tried on TOMS today for the first time, but they really didn't fit me right. I found my size and everything, but I couldn't walk in them without them slipping off my heels, and my toes were all squished in the process. it's all good, though.
ANYWAY. favorite movie time. I'm into the christmas movies. my favorite used to be Elf. but then I decided that my favorite is actually How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I can quote you most of that movie. it's hilarious and wonderful and christmasy and jim carey-y. plenty of reasons to love it.
alright. come back tomorrow.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Day 01: Your Favorite Song
for the longest time, my favorite song ever was "Yet" by switchfoot. but not the studio version. it was a live recording that someone got at an aftershow several months before the album came out and I LOVED it. but I didn't like the studio version as much, and honestly I don't think that it's even my favorite song anymore.
so. I will proceed to list some of my current favorite songs.
in no particular order:
won't turn back - needtobreathe
breathing - lifehouse
cause I am hanging
on every word You're saying
even if You don't wanna speak tonight
that's alright, alright with me
cause I want nothing more than
to sit outside heaven's door
and listen to You breathing
it's where I wanna be, yeah
from where you are - lifehouse
so far away from where you are
these miles have torn us worlds apart
and I miss you
and I wish you
were here
war in my blood - fiction family
I had a girl
I know precisely what made her run
her skin was like the sky
made my heart beat itself like a drum
good intentions - paper route
I wanna be your silhouette
I wanna be your tv set
I wanna be your one solution
I just got no execution
fearless - taylor swift
and I don't know how
it gets better than this
you take my hand and drag me head-first
and I don't know why
but with you I'd dance
in a storm in my best dress
yeah huh. I have too many favorites. there are more than that. but whatever!
I got back from camp today and I'm dead. so bye!
reminder: make sure to check out alex's blog every day because she's doing this too!
so. I will proceed to list some of my current favorite songs.
in no particular order:
won't turn back - needtobreathe
so tell me why I should run for cover
at the sound of the calming thunder
when all I hear is the cry of my lover
so take your shot
I won't turn back
cause I am hanging
on every word You're saying
even if You don't wanna speak tonight
that's alright, alright with me
cause I want nothing more than
to sit outside heaven's door
and listen to You breathing
it's where I wanna be, yeah
from where you are - lifehouse
so far away from where you are
these miles have torn us worlds apart
and I miss you
and I wish you
were here
war in my blood - fiction family
I had a girl
I know precisely what made her run
her skin was like the sky
made my heart beat itself like a drum
good intentions - paper route
I wanna be your silhouette
I wanna be your tv set
I wanna be your one solution
I just got no execution
fearless - taylor swift
and I don't know how
it gets better than this
you take my hand and drag me head-first
and I don't know why
but with you I'd dance
in a storm in my best dress
yeah huh. I have too many favorites. there are more than that. but whatever!
I got back from camp today and I'm dead. so bye!
reminder: make sure to check out alex's blog every day because she's doing this too!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I'm ready! I'm ready! I want those boots!
OMG I WANT THESE! can someone in europe buy them for me??? I've looked all over the internet for them, but the black ones are only on european sites. WUT. that's stupid. they have them in like pink and white and yellow on zappos, but NO I want BLACK. and oh yes, I posted this on facebook, so I can pretty much guarantee you that sometime during the school year some rich spoiled girl is going to have these. "DADDY CAN YOU GO TO EUROPE AND BUY ME THESE BOOTS THAT LEE POSTED ON FACEBOOK SO I CAN HAVE THEM FIRST???" "sure, darling, whatever you want." yeah. awesome. but I still want them. I wish TOMS made ankle boots. I don't like wearing long shin/knee-length boots. they don't look good on me. they look fabulous on others, but I'm an ankler.
wellllll I'm going to camp tomorrow, and I'll be back sunday to start the 30 day challenge! whoooo.
wellllll I'm going to camp tomorrow, and I'll be back sunday to start the 30 day challenge! whoooo.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
list numbers 5 and 6
10 reasons why I am not looking forward to going back to school:
10 reasons why I am looking forward to going back to school:
goodnight, friends.
- because this summer was just too awesome to let go of it. really. it was amazing. last summer was amazing too, but this is a different kind of amazing.
- having to deal with 3 months of inside jokes from the volleyball team. I love you guys, but let's face it. if you're not on the volleyball team, you don't exist or know what the heck anyone's freakin talking about until the season's over.
- some people get on my nerves and make me all stressed.
- I haven't finished The Scarlet Pimpernel yet. oh boy. hahaha.
- I don't want to wear the navy polo and khaki pants! don't make me!!!! at least it's only once a week, though. I'd die if it was every day.
- all the cool seniors graduated last year. they were my favorite seniors ever.
- chemistry and geometry. I'm slightly scared of them. they sound all big and scary.
- I hate waking up early. it's not pleasant.
- some of my favorite people aren't coming back next year. it's so sad man.
- no computer this year. that was one of the best classes EVER.
10 reasons why I am looking forward to going back to school:
- no history this year.
- praise band! music is win. and I want to play piano some this year.
- it's certain that I'll not have to deal with certain people as much this year.
- and I got nothing... I hate school, okay?
goodnight, friends.
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