Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 7. Things you like/don't like about the way you look.

I wish they gave like a numerical value for this one. but whatever! I think I'll go with 5.

5 things I like:

1. I think I have pretty eyes for someone with brown eyes. I think blue eyes are just stunning, though. but they really wouldn't work on me cause of my slight asian-ness. hahah.

2. I'm pretty skinny right now, if I do say so myself. thank you, running.

3. I'm pretty tan all year round, which is nice.

4. I'll probably have a pretty nice smile once these braces come off! haha. I hope so anyway!

5. I like my height! hahah. it's a good height. not too tall, not too short. it's good.

5 things I don't like:

1. my feet. I'm not a big fan of feet in general. except cute lil baby feet!

2. acne! if only my face could be acne free. move over katy perry, that's what I call a real teenage dream.

3. sometimes my hair is just, bleh. but it happens. bad hair days are frequent among...most people.

ok. well not to be conceited or anything, but I can't really think of anything else. hahah. I don't think I'm the prettiest person around, but I just don't focus a lot on my "flaws" or whatever. so. sorry. haha.

bye!! have a nice christmas eve. reminds's about time to make my year-end blog post!!!! totally love doing that.

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