Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow is not my friend.

Why did it have to snow on a FRIDAY NIGHT? It ripped my weekend to shreds. Not even cool. I had plans. The temperature didn't even get above freezing today. Lame. Now we can't even go to church tomorrow. They rescheduled the service to noon. Um. Ok. I don't know if we're going. But WHATEVER SNOW. I HATE YOU. HATE. OK.

I signed up for track. Again. I signed up 2 years ago but I never followed through because I think my parents told me I couldn't do it and guitar at the same time? I forget. And last year I didn't sign up at all because I was determined I was going to quit running. But of course I didn't. Now here I am again. I haven't told my parents yet, but I was planning tonight. Wish me luck. I'm still not entirely sure whether or not I want to do it. Run track, that is. It seems hard. I'm not good at fast. I run cross country, but that's about endurance over longer distances. Track is short and fast. Ehhh. I'm going to try it though to see if I'm gonna do it next year. After all, my coach has wanted me to do it and he said it was important and helpful. Maybe it'll help me be more confident in finishing strong in cross country.

So ask me questions on my formspring? Wouldja wouldja wouldja?? No one's asked me anything in a week. Lame. I might delete that. Heh. Like I deleted my songwriting blog [I can hear the chorus of "what songwriting blog?"] and I almost deleted my twitter. and this blog. But I like blogging, even if no one reads.

My upper arm is cold and I hate that feeling. It makes me feel fat for some reason. It makes me want to lift weights. HAHA. I'm so weird.

Alright. Bye self/anyone who is reading this.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh Please.

Disclaimer: Hear me out before you judge me as a heartless jerk.

Ok, so have you seen commercials like these? No need to watch the whole thing if you've seen them unless you just enjoy seeing tortured animals.

So I was thinking the other day when one of these commercials came on tv--it's sad and all, but it's RIDICULOUS. Ridiculous. Animals are nice and useful and friendly and whatnot, but I don't think they're more important than humans. At all. So they don't need to be "saved" before humans. Who's more important, now? Us or animals? If you were a fireman would you save the animals before you saved all the humans? I'd get every human I could before I helped out one animal. Think of the world as a burning building. You know how many people are dying out there? You know how many people are starving, homeless, lonely, abused, SLAVES? Yes. So I'm going to spend all my money saving mankind before I spend a cent on animals. I hate to sound like a nazi. But that's just how it is.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dear _______:

I have several things to say to several people. The following may be confusing.

Dear 1: Thank you for having fun with me last night. I probably wouldn't have danced around like a crazy person if you hadn't been there.

Dear 2: Thank you for dancing with me last night. It was nice. I enjoyed it; I'm not sure whether or not you did, but yes. If I had the whole gym full of guys to choose from, I would still pick you.

Dear 3 and 4: I didn't want to dance with you, but I had no choice. Oh well.

Dear 5: I'm glad I avoided you so I didn't have to dance with you.

Dear 6: Why do you always look like you wanna kill someone? Chill out.

Dear 7: Dancing with you was slightly awkward, and I would like to continue being your friend, and only your friend.

Dear 8: Thanks for the balloon. You're cool. I voted for you.

Dear 9: You're a good teacher, and I love you but when you're in a bad mood everyone hates you.

Dear 10: Um, you texted me last night at 11, I replied at 12, and still nothing. That's fine, though. Take your time. I need to take you in doses.

Dear 11: I miss you SO MUCH. Please come back and don't leave again.

Dear 12: I wish I had never met you, but I don't hate you. You don't want anything to do with me and I've spent way too much of my life on you. I wish you the best, but I think I don't want you to be in my life anymore. I honestly feel terrible for saying that, though.

Dear 13: You're an awkward person, ok? Ok.

Ok, I'm done. Bye!

Friday, January 15, 2010

"I Guarantee It."

That quote came from some commercial that I can't even remember anymore. Probably advertising some insurance or something. Actually I think it was J.G. Wentworth? [JAY GEE]. I don't know. But that's ok.

First things first--I got one of these suckers. A formspring. I freaking hate following trends but this is cool. And I realize that it's okay to follow trends if you're genuinely interested in it, not just joining in *because* it's a trend. So ask me questions! It's anonymous. I'll be honest. Even though I'm not anonymous on there. Hahah. It's hard to be honest sometimes, even when you're on the internet. Isn't that twisted?

You know, some people make me so happy. Heheh. Just by things they say, a facial expression, the way they laugh, something they put on facebook, the list goes on. It's great. Also, some people make me so sad. The way they totally think the world revolves around them, the way they may never realize that it doesn't, when we used to be friends but they don't want to be anymore, when they express their dislike for me, this list also goes on. But I guess I can get over things like that. Sometimes I wonder why some people have been put in my life, because I know I can't fix them. Maybe I should reach out? Maybe I should just pray. Reaching out is one of the hardest things to do, for me at least. Whew. It's tough. Stepping way out of the nice comfort zone here.

Okay. Bye!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh My My My

Have you heard "Mary's Song" by Taylor Swift? It's sweet. I used to be all anti-Taylor Swift but that was before I heard her music. Some of it's fairly nice. I like it. Sorry if you're not cool with that. I'll post more later because my sister is demanding the computer.

Update: I am back now. A few hours later. I haven't posted in awhile, have I? Nope. Well. Today my life got very interesting. I was voted to be 9th grade representative for homecoming. WOW. I mean I was like the LAST person I expected to win. That's weird. I can think of so many other 9th grade girls who are way prettier and what not. I didn't think that I was even liked too much within my grade. Just in case you haven't noticed, I'm not the coolest/prettiest/girliest person around. Heh! I don't even own a dress, ok? Ha. I'll have to go shopping. Sigh. But I guess this could be fun. After all I do get to be in the parade and throw candy to people. AND I get to bring my own candy so I can get the good stuff, like chocolate stuff and reese cups! Yay!! People always complain about the lame quality of the candy so I can change something for the better! Awesome. I don't think I've ever been in a parade before. How exciting.

In other news, I stink at math this year. I get the stuff, but I make stupid mistakes. Like today. I made ONE mistake and the whole problem's ruined. And this problem I speak of is on a QUIZ. Also, it's the ONLY PROBLEM ON THE QUIZ. So I probably failed. Because I did everything right from that point forward, but since I messed the beginning up I was using all the right steps on the wrong numbers. Oh boy. Not looking forward to getting that one back on Wednesday. But we have a test Wednesday so hopefully I won't screw that up too.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year Stuff

2010 for me is about fresh starts. New beginnings. I know that I can always start over, but the beginning of a new year just makes it alot more significant for me. I'm excited about this year. Seeing how long I can go without blowing it. Heh! I think I'm alot more careful than I was a year ago.

So I got the stomach bug AGAIN. But this time I had fever and chills and mostly just an upset stomach. So in some ways it was better, some ways worse. I hate how when I get this it makes everything I eat/drink taste weird. I think I'll be fine tomorrow. What a shame, though, because I'm running a 5K in a week and I was all prepared for it a couple weeks ago, but these back to back sicknesses have totally ruined my running. Oh well. That's ok.

I had a whole lot of fun bringing in the new year with my friends! I went to my friend Alex's house and we did a lot of fun stuff. There were 8 girls there in all--3 teenagers and 5 little girls [8-9 years old I believe]. We shot off fireworks then the power went out. We drank sparkling cider by candlelight at midnight then I played guitar and we all sang songs in the dark. We told "scary" stories and talked, then at about 4 am the power came back on. We turned the light back off, thank you very much. The next day [yesterday] we decorated t-shirts then my mom picked me up. The moment I got in the car I started to feel sick. I feel sick in the car alot, though, so I didn't think it was a big deal. HA. Little did I know an hour later I'd be laying on the couch falling asleep then waking up feeling positively awful. But sickness aside, I'm loving this year so far. All two days of it.

ICK. I do NOT want to go back to school. DON'T MAKE ME GO. *weeps* I don't like it. Oh well. I guess I'll get over it. Only 5 more months. *twitch*