done!!! thanks for reading! I'm planning on doing a third one of course.
1. The person you like and why you like them.
2. A famous person you've been compared to.
3. 5 things that irritate you about the opposite sex/same sex.
4. The best thing to happen to you this week.
5. Weird things you do when you're alone.
6. How you'd spend $10,000.
7. Things you like/don't like about the way you look.
8. Your last night out in detail.
9. Something that makes you sad when you think about it.
10. One thing you've lied about.
11. Would you rather be stranded on a desert island with someone you love for 10 years or someone you hate for a month? Keep in mind you gotta survive. Discuss.
12. Something you're currently worrying about.
13. Name one celebrity you'd throw off a cliff, one you'd marry, and one you'd like to be best friends with.
14. Something disgusting you do.
15. Lyrics that apply to your current situation/mood.
16. Last crazy thing you did.
17. Something you regret.
18. To do list.
19. Post a picture of yourself without make-up/hair done.
20. Something you've always wanted to do.
21. Press ctrl+v and post.
22. Post a bit of your last IM conversation.
23. 5 things you want to change.
24. 5 things you're looking forward to.
25. Someone you'd like to be for a day and why.
26. 5 things within touching distance right now.
27. Someone's facebook status that made you cringe.
28. An embarrassing/socially awkward situation you've found yourself in.
29. Something you're not proud of.
30. The last argument you had.