Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Catch Sight of the Sun

Hello hello hellooooo.
Soooo. My lip is completely better! AND the Asheville show on December 4th is LEGIT and I can go as long as I buy the tickets, plus my dad needs 2 days to think about it. heh! I remember how upset I was when he said I couldn't go to the charlotte show because it was a Thursday. I feel so spoiled now because everything's working out. Do you ever feel that way? Don't answer that. Not that you would anyway.

Tomorrow is my first time performing with my new guitar. I'm excited! It sounds beautiful when it's plugged in.

And there are 2 new hello hurricane reviews up today!! I didn't read the "Your Love is a Song" one because I haven't heard  it yet, but if you want, go for it! There's a review for "The Sound" also, which I read. I'm so pumped for this album!


I think that's it for today. I'm about to head to church. Biya.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Hello Hurricane Reviews

Remember what I said yesterday about the whole hello hurricane thing? Well this is more tolerable. heheh. Job and Jeanna have begun to review the album. So I think you should check it out. Although I don't think I'm going to read the reviews for the songs I haven't heard yet. The only songs I've heard are:

Needle and Haystack Life [just live, and I've heard part of the album version from the DF video]
Hello Hurricane*
Mess of Me
The Sound*
Bullet Soul*
Always Yours*

I believe that's it. So I haven't heard one measure of any of the other songs, and I don't plan to until November 10th! Now here's where you can read the reviews.

We're Awakening

Land of Broken Hearts

Alright. Bye guys!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Away from the Specific

I apologize for my last post. Not all children are like that. Just a select few. I still don't know if I want kids, though. hahah. You know what I do want? Hello Hurricane. It comes out in 2 weeks. If I can just grit my teeth through hearing all these people TALKING about the album because they've already HEARD it [seriously guys, let's not advertise it to the world by talking about it constantly on twitter. not that I'm annoyed or anything], I'll be okay. I'll be glad, though, that I didn't hear it before it came out once it comes out. I think I'm done. I'm sorry about the short post. But I can't think of anything else. Goodbye!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I don't know why anyone would WANT to have children. I don't know. I do. not. know. They're loud and you can't take your eye off of them for one second because they grab stuff out of the TRASHCAN and put it in their MOUTH. AH. Maybe when I'm older I might think differently, but for now, no way. Blahhh.

Sorry about that. In other news, my life has taken a turn for the better. heh. So. Switchfoot is supposedly playing at the Orange Peel on december FOURTH which is a FRIDAY. But the show isn't on switchfoot's site and it's 16+ so I have to verify. I think that 16+ shows are ok if a parent comes with you. I think. I hope. Because I really don't want to miss this tour. And I would be freaking DEVASTATED if this show didn't work out because I've already been dissappointed twice this tour. 1st, they had no dates near me. 2nd, once they added a date near me I found out I couldn't GO, and the third spot is open, so hopefully it'll be filled with HAPPINESS. 

The second good thing is that my lip is almost better! Yayyyy.

And the third thing is that clemson won today. I still can't believe it. heh. Ok I think that shall be all for today. Bye!

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's Not the End of the World

Hello. So a series of unfortunate events has taken place in my whiny little life recently. First, the inside of my upper lip is like...chapped or something. It hurts so bad. grr. Second, we're not allowed to eat in front of the tv anymore, so my snack intake has been completely demolished as of late. Not that eating is fun anymore, thanks to my randomly pained lip. And third, the worst of all, I can't go see switchfoot on december 3rd. HGIAJIOAJEWIOJ. This is the hello hurricane tour. The one that I've been looking forward to since the Music Builds Tour that I didn't get to go to. I don't think that the album was called Hello Hurricane yet back then but still I was looking forward to the "new album tour" as I called it. This is like a once in a lifetime type thing, really. Until vice verses comes out, I suppose. But GAH. Stupid SCHOOL. I guess my next switchfoot show will be one of those lame ones where they don't play very long. Or the bro-am which is still 8 months away. If I even get to go to it. Oh well. I just have to quit being such a baby and feeling sorry for myself. I do that too much.

A FORTUNATE event happened today though. I got a new guitar. An electric acoustic. It's nice. And we got a good deal on it. I'm paying for half, and the other half is my christmas present. Heh. So now I don't have to stand in front of a stupid microphone to play. I have freedom! Freeeeddommmm. Sorry.

I need to still upload videos from the RK show. But I don't feel like it. So bye. And I guess I'm stopping the QOTM thing too. Maybe I should just get rid of the comment thing altogether. I don't know. I'll deal with it later. Bye again.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Don't Forget that Yes is Yes and No is No

Ok. I am in love with "This is the End (If you Want It)" by Relient K from their new album Forget and Not Slow Down. It makes me cry. When his voice just gives out it rips my heart out because I'm sure that the whole breakup thing was extremely painful. The whole album communicates it. It almost makes me feel like I'm listening in on something that's between Matt and Shannon. But there I go again, invading people's personal lives.

Anyway, new layout. I used 4 of susie's LOVELY pictures. She takes amazing photos, folks. And the song is "Part of It" by Relient K. Good song.

Sorry. I'm BEAT. Because I just spent a bunch of time on the new layout. I'll post some more tomorrow. Bye guys.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Doo Doop Doo-Doo-Doo DOOP Doo-Doo. Doo DOOP Doot DOO-DOO.

If you couldn't figure out what I was saying in the title, it's just the first measure or so of Tim's bass riff in "This is Your Life." I couldn't think of what to name this post, so I thought I'd like to put in a line from a song, and this was what popped into my head. Yay. I hope you found that amusing. And if you laughed at the fact that it said "doo doo" I love you. You're my new best friend. Let's go play in the mud together.

Today I decided that I was tired of this layout. So I think I might change it. I get bored with layouts really fast, and I never really liked this one. I'll change the colors of the background and text and stuff first to see if that'll fix it, and then I'll go from there. heh.

Tomorrow will be EXCITING because I'm going to the CLEMSON GAME. Woohoo. My first clemson game. YAY. I'll take pictures. Me and my big #6 jersey that I've had since 4th grade. Yes. And it's still huge on me so imagine how big it was then. heeehee.

I also decided today that I'm gonna stop announcing new posts on twitter because no one reads this anyway. But I don't care. Don't come rushing in saying "I read it" and all that. I know that the "regulars" read this. I love you guys ^_^.

And that's today's post. I don't have a QOTM so we'll just say the moment from the last QOTM is a very long moment. You can still answer that one. Bye.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Relient K Show and Miley's Twitter Rap.

Would you like to hear about my slightly awful yet magnificent show experience from last night? If not, just skip down to the second half of this post. haha. Ok here we go.

PART 1- Relient K Show Recap

Well yesterday I started feeling kind of sick at school. This type of thing happens to me every year. I get cold chills and my throat hurts and food tastes weird. It just had to happen yesterday. I just didn't mention it to anyone because that probably would've caused me to completely miss the show. ahaha. Anyway, we get to the venue and there's all these teenagers hanging out, most of them in plaid. I wore plaid too. It was weird. Hahah. We waited for about 30 minutes and they decided to open the doors early! Woohoo! So we went in and a large man marked an X on each of my hands so I couldn't drink. heheh. Then we bought tickets, which turned out to be stamps on our hands, then we got a nice spot up close to the stage. Here was the view, without zoom on my camera.

yeah I know. We were really close. But after standing there for another 30 minutes my sickness made me feel...well...sick. I was getting lightheaded and I needed to sit down so we went up to the balcony. I sat on the floor of it for ANOTHER 30 minutes to an hour, I forget, then Barcelona came out. I liked them! They were quite talented.

Then after their set I sat down again. I texted Amylynne and Alex for a little bit then Copeland came out. I've never heard any of their music, but it kind of all sounded the same to me.

Then I started feeling bad again so I sat back down. I felt like such a retard just sitting there, but I couldn't help it. hah. They played for far too long [sorry] then finally they set up for RK. YAY. Here's the setlist of what I stayed for. I couldn't stay for the whole thing because it was like 10 til 11 when they STARTED and my dad had to work today so we needed to get home.

Gilligan's Island Three Hour Tour Intro [a recording I believe]
The One I'm Waiting For
Be My Escape
Forget and Not Slow Down
Forward Motion
Falling Out
Mood Rings
The Office Theme [they even put words to the beginning. ahah. then matt said something about they've played that way too many times.]
Which to Bury, Us or the Hatchet?
Let it All Out <3 [the guy from copeland came out to sing the second verse]

So I loved it. GREAT setlist. GREAT. I wish I could've stayed for the whole thing, but you can't always get what you want, right? Heh. Let it All Out is definitely on my top 5 favorite song list so I'm fairly glad I ended with that. Well I'll post more pictures and a couple of videos tomorrow!

PART 2- Miley's Twitter Rap

so uh Miley decided to post a video, a RAP video, no less, of why she deleted her twitter. And aside from the whole in-your-face aspect and the unnecessary shaking of bottoms, I agree. hahaha. here's the video.

So yeah. QOTM. What are some of your favorite songs? Some of mine: Yet -switchfoot, The Cure for Pain -jon foreman, Let it All Out -relient k, Good Intentions -paper route, and Never Let Me Go -family force 5.

Alright. I'm pretty sure this is my longest post ever. HAHA. deddieihekaehtijah that's all folks!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wanted Dead or Alive

Ah. I forgot about the encouraging thing this week. But there's still one school day left. I'll see what I can do.

Today our yet-to-be-named band played in front of 500 or so people. It was fun. We only played one song though. Ahah.

Speaking of music, I'm seeing Relient K tomorrow! YAYYYY. YAY YAY YAYAYAY.

Now ready to hear something that enrages me? The movie The Wizard of Oz. Those ruby slippers, there are like 7 pairs in the world or something and they're worth $1.5 million per pair. They let Oprah touch them. But to get the shoes there they had a special plane and a special box for them. My reaction to that was "WHAT?! There are people without HOMES and you're telling me there was a private jet for a pair of SHOES?" I mean what is UP with this world?

And on the show Full House they paid the Olsen twins like 4897289758 dollars per episode when they were still babies and they only said like 3 WORDS. The darn list just keeps on going. I mean today all these mindless people on twitter are freaking out because Miley deleted her twitter account! Heck, I'd do the same thing if I didn't want to see switchfoot's updates! I just hate that people are losing sight of what's important in life. I think that some people haven't yet realized that their life's going to be over one day. It's just really sad. But I guess everyone figures it out at one time. It took me 14 years to figure it out. And I'm still learning.

Ok. QOTM time. I know these can be random, but today in english we were talking about dying because someone died in a story we read, and I started singing "and I'm wanted, WANTEDDDD dead or alive!!" Then I reminded myself that I only know the chorus of that song, so I decided I'd buy it on itunes today. It's downloading as we speak. You know what's really annoying? Songs are $1.29 now. That's LAME. Anyway, what was the last song you bought on itunes? How many times have you listened to it? 

Ok peace out. I'll post something this weekend!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Does it Seem Fair?

Hey. Yesterday I was in the car writing to my friend AmyLynne. I'm not sure why, but a thought popped into my head. And here's what I wrote in the letter. [Sorry AmyLynne, if you're reading this, you'll see this twice. hah.]
"So some stuff seems pointless when you look at the big picture, right? Like-why do we waste our time watching sports or watching amything for that matter? I mean I LOVE watching baseball, basketball, and football, but isn't it ridiculous that these people are being paid millions of dollars for throwing balls and running around when halfway around the world there are entire countries poorer than a single one of those guys?"
Yeah. Doesn't that seem pretty unfair? Is there a way to fix this? I'm not sure. But I think that this life is too short to be spending money on huge houses and several cars when there are people who don't even have a place to call home. I was texting my friend Krista yesterday and she said something along the lines of "you give me so much are a gift from God." I'm not putting this up here to be all boastful or anything, it's to say that we're ALL gifts from God. He put us here to encourage each other. To lift each other up. Wow, right? I definitely need to work on that. Big. Time. I'm so quick to criticize and tell people how messed up they are. Instead I should be blessing them. Try to work on that this week. See what happens. I'll tell you about my week too.

Okay. QOTM time. I know everyone loves music, right? I hope you do! What's your favorite band, favorite song, and favorite album? Me: Band: Switchfoot. Song: Yet -switchfoot. Album: hmmm. Learning to Breathe -switchfoot. Although MMHMM by Relient K is a close second. Yeah, I'm all about the Switchfoot. I'm interested to hear your answers.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October. Hello Hurricane ALMOST.

SO OMG. Today Switchfoot released some previews of the new album for FOTF. I decided that I won't listen to it. I don't wanna spoil the new album! I understand listening to Mess of Me because it's going to be all over the radio in a matter of days ANYWAY but I want the album as a whole to be fresh. Yes. I remember being so freaking JEALOUS of the people who got to hear the album early, but now I'm glad I didn't get to hear it. glad I tell you.

Today I got to play guitar in chapel! They didn't replace me! Eeheheh. yay. But there were no words on the screen so it was depressing to look out and see people just talking and stuff. :(. It's all good though. Next week will be better, hopefully. I felt like Drew up there with my glasses on. [I can't wear my contacts until my eye turns un-pink. hah.] Ick. I hate glasses though. Contacts are so much better for me. I hate how when I look up, everything's blurry, but with contacts, it's like I have 20/20 vision. Pah. I just can't wait until Saturday when I get to wear them again.

Hmm. What else can I talk about? Oh I guess I shall go ahead with the Question of the Moment. Or QOTM for short. AHAHA reminds me of Jeanna. the almighty QOMT. Bwah. And for the record, I *did* notice that the first QOTM wasn't actually a question. Fail. HAHA. Anyway. Today we watched the Sound of Music. That is a classic indeed. What are some of your favorite classic movies? The latest year they can be from is 1999, ok? So High School Musical is unacceptable. Some of my favorites are The Sound of Music, the Wizard of OZ, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Grease, and Mary Poppins. There are a ton more that I forgot. Anyway, go to it!

P.S. new PRW150 post. please check it out. please do. I went to so much trouble for it. really I did. Click on the Project Rewrite 150 banner over there to see.