Sunday, December 27, 2009

2009 [Part 1]

Ah. It's now time for my end-of-year blog post. I would normally write this on the last day of the year, December 31st, but I guess I'll divide it up between the days in this week because these tend to get lengthy and I tend to procrastinate. For today's I'm going to repost last year's end-of-year blog post.

I feel like writing a blog today, so that is what I shall do. I'm writing this one about 2008. 2008 as a whole, what made it a great year, and I'm picking out the 10-20 best moments.

What made 2008 a great year:

-8th Grade. It's amazing. It just feels so laid back compared to every other school year. My class is so small, we've just become so close.
-New friends. Matt, Devin, Jordan, Andie, other Jordan, Rachel, Taylor, and more. I love making new friends. You've made this year great.

-Old friends. Kristin, Alex, Marla, Ann Louise, Chelsea, Ivey, Jamie, Hayley...just to name a few. Great bunch of friends. I love you guys.

-LOBH. The best site. Ever. I've made a ton of new friends there too. Krista, Sare, Jeanna, Dylan, Claire, Gabby, Nova, Elizabeth, Mellie, Mike, wayyyy more. It's really connected me to Switchfoot and to other people THROUGH Switchfoot.

-Guitar. I've gotten very far in my guitar lessons, and performing is so much fun! I love it more than ever.

-Switchfoot & Co. Spring, Summer, The best Yet, Limbs and Branches, Webcam, This is Home, Fiction Family, The Bro-Am, When she's Near, Guitar Screaming, everything. The best band ever has made this a great year.

-Cross Country. It was not a good season for me, but that's not why I chose it for this. Last season was a little better, but I was borderline anti-social. This year I bonded with the team way more. Even though I got hurt and didn't beat my best time or get to run at state, the friends I made that supported me made it all worthwhile. [is that how you spell that?]

Best moments:

10. I ate at 5 Guys for the first time. It was the most amazing burger. Ever.

9. I was part of the huge Twilight thing, but better yet I didn't become obsessed, and once I read the books [some of them twice] I got over it and moved on.

8. Hah. Clemson beat Carolina this year. That's always good. Dabo is growing on me.

7. The day we only had 8 or 9 people in our class. That day we became incredibly close.

6. State. I don't really like remembering that day because I didn't run, but our varsity girls won another one. It was still a good day.

5. The webcam concert. Switchfoot had a concert in Muskegon, MI, and broadcasted it on the webcam. I counted that as my first official Switchfoot concert.

4. Jon merchandise. I bought that tote bag. 97. Made by Jon and his friends and family. That's probably the most special thing I own.

3. Cross Country camp. The friendships with Matt and Devin began during that trip. It was so much fun. Also the first time I ran 8 miles. I also almost died from choking on tea.

2. Joining LOBH. I met all of these great people there who love Switchfoot as much as I do. I never have to tone down the Switchfoot speak there. They understand.

1. There's a tie for this. Sare and Krista. Sare has been such an incredible friend. The moment that is tied for number 1 is The Fingerless Gloves. Sare knits, and I asked her to make a custom order. I bought my gloves from her store, and she sent them to me, along with a 6 (or more) page letter. That was incredibly special, and also my first non-internet contact with a boardie. Krista has been a great LOBH friend too. We have become so close. At least I think so. The great moment was when we came up with our family-friend word. Instead of kin, we came up with 'pin'. I love both of them so much.

2008 as a whole:

Reading all these great things from 2008, you would think it was an incredible year. Well, for me it was pretty good, but not the best. I believe 2009 will be better, and I'll make it better. 2008 for me was filled with too much heartbreak, too many letdowns, too many emotions, too much pain. I've slowly learned to get a hold of myself and learn to deal with things, though. 2008 has made me a stronger person. I will never forget all the things that God used to prepare me for the future, and though they seemed harsh and unfair at the time, I thank Him for them nonetheless.

So to end this blog, I would like to say Happy New Year. May it be much better than last year. Make and break your resolutions if you must, but never forget that the year can only be as good as you make it.

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