Monday, November 23, 2009

"wait so who is this justin bieber chick?"

Bahahahaha. That's what Mr. Andy Barron tweeted yesterday. It made. my. day. HAHA. Really, that's what I was asking at the end of the summer when I got back to school and I heard his name every couple of minutes.
     Apparently he's this singer who's like 15 who sounds like he's 11 or 12? Yeah. I guess so. And a large percentage of girls from age 11 probably to 16 are OBSESSED with him. I think the Jonas fangirls have moved on to the Bieber. I feel kinda bad for the Jonas Brothers. They've died down just like every disney music prodigy has. How sad.
      Anyway, I saw a commercial with the Justin kid in it, and I'm guessing it was snippets of his music videos, and he was all close and junk to these two different girls. And I was like---HOW could you watch this guy be all cozied up with these girls on tv and still be in "LOVE" with him?!
     It just doesn't make sense to me! How can people be married to actors/actresses? Seeing them on tv and in movies kissing [and more...] other people? I just don't get it.

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