Saturday, July 31, 2010

who DOESN'T love joseph gordon-levitt?!

i was browsing through nova's blog, which is slightly confusing to me, and i found something about joseph gordon-levitt, and i was like i LOVE HIM and i should do a blog post about him! so here it is.

he's frackin awesome. and handsome? yes. i don't tend to drool over male celebrities like a lot of girls/women because it's slightly pointless, but he's one of the few exceptions.

[from here]

anyone remember him from 3rd rock? awww tommy <3

i always wanted him to get a hair cut so bad. but then he finally did. yes! [he's the one in red in case you couldn't tell.]

and that's about as close to a fangirl as you'll see me get. unless you show me a video of guitar screaming, of course.

Friday, July 30, 2010

new layout for real this time!

i'm excited about it now!! woohoo! hahah. comments?

new[ish] layout

i'm not fully satisfied with this. so i may change it. i usually don't like dark webpages; i tend to leave those more quickly. i didn't want to use only a template though, because that would mean my blog would look exactly like someone else's in the world, you know? but i'm really lazy so we'll just see.

but i did make the header allll by myself. that might be a first. usually i used somone's pictures or someone's textures but this one's all me :D

edit: i changed it a bit, and i think i like it now! although none of you probably saw how it looked when i didn't like it. heh!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

radda radda radda

you know. people are irritating.

but they can't spoil my good mood. ha.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

noo fotoez

lookit! <--click!

and i'll post them here also because i'm that nice.

#1 televsion bokeh

#2 slash bokeh

#3 I love this instrument

thanks for looking :)

for all you nickelodeon/disney watchers

is anyone else reallllly tired of hearing "famous" by big time rush? maybe it's just me? because it comes on every commercial break. and i don't like that song very much anymore. or that show. because it sort of gets on my nerves. and i don't think any of them are particularly attractive. but that's just me.

so yesterday i was watching a video of hilary duff singing "beat of my heart" and she was freakishly skinny there. that video was back in 2004 or 2005, but that's not important. anyway, i was looking in the comments and a person made a very good point: lizzie mcguire was a show that actually could pertain to our lives! it was about a normal girl, facing normal problems, and sort of getting through them like a normal person would! [excluding the movie. hah.] these shows now, like hannah montana, wizards of waverly place, or even the suite life on deck! they don't really help you unless you're secretly famous, secretly a wizard, or a twin who lives on a boat with almost no adult supervision. hm.

and when i watch lizzie mcguire, it feels like i'm actually watching real life. but these other shows they show now don't even feel real. even when it shows the pop star and wizards in their "normal" lives, most of that stuff wouldn't happen in any of our lives! like a famous tv star coming to your school and falling in love with you? has that happened to anyone? not that i know of. and the other stuff that happens to them is made up merely to get a laugh. it's stupid stuff. these shows are becoming more and more fantasy, and less and less about reality! they need to start showing lizzie mcguire again. i remember one day they showed it like all day and i was hoping that meant a comeback, but sadly no. sigh.

oh. in closing. i decided i'd make new lists every couple months or something. should be fun. ok bye.

p.s. so this is the 71st post of 2010. i just posted the same amount from january to july that i did in all of 2009. cool.

Friday, July 23, 2010


man! i can't believe how perfect he is. he's so awesome, so sweet, so loving, such a great person. i'm glad i was blessed enough to have met him. i'm so selfish, though. simply meeting him is not enough for me. i wanna talk to him. get to know him. but he left this town a long time ago and i may never see him again. isn't that awful? but if he ever, ever comes back, i need to do something. what? i don't know. i just BLAHH. ok. bless you for reading this.

on top of that, today was one of the most frustrating days of my life. i don't really know why. but i need to be happy again! happy happy happy happy happy and typing the word over and over didn't really help. oh well. you know one thing that really frustrated me? today the temperature was 100 degrees outside before it was even 11 AM. that's SO messed up. we have our own little temperature thing, and we put the sensor outside in the SHADE. it was 100 degrees in the SHADE. i am so sick of this weather. it's the worst. and right now it's 10:09 PM and the temperature outside is 85. that's ridiculous! chances are, once i'm married [if i get married, of course] and my if husband agrees, i'm out of here. i mean i love the country. it's so wide open and great and wonderful, and people here are usually really nice, and southern cooking is the BEST, but i can't even spend any time outside because the heat index is always at the "dangerous" level. anyway, as i was saying, once i'm married, if my husband agrees, i'm moving. to san diego. that's where i'm going to live. it's so great there. and the weather is awesome. so yes. now you know where i'm going to live. haha. bye.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


dude. i can't believe it's almost august. august=school, and school=unhappy lee. really. school is like social happity hoppity blah blah blah for most people and it's where they get to flirt and be happy with all their happy friends, but in case you haven't noticed, i'm not like any of those people. for me school Is Watching all the happity hoppIty peopLe, giving answers to peopLe who preteNd to be my friends, wondEring why i don't get inVited to things by those people who pretended to be my friends, and homework. but maybe that'll change this year. i don't wanna bE all pReppy and change myself just to "Fit in" Or whatever. i've never tRuly been one to fit in. that's not my thing. i GuEss thaT's why i'm in mY position. ha.

so here's the main part of this pOst. even thoUgh iT's probablY going to end up smaLler than thE random intRoduction. 1 year ago today was a top 3 best day of my life. i met someone who is very awesome. even though we never once hung out, or even talked, that person totally made my day every time i saw them. until they left. and since last august i've only seen that person one time. so that's why today is a sadiversary. but i guess...don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened. yes, that was indeed one of those cheesy facebook fan pages. but it rings true.

here's to meeting more awesome people. cheers.

4 lists [4/4]

it's now time for my final list. my love list. this list thing was really fun! haha. my list adventure has ended, but be sure to check out renae's blog, because she's starting a list series of her own ^_^

10 things i love
  1. music. i can't even explain to you how much i love music. it's so beautiful, an art. i can express myself through music however i want. through my songs, through someone elses, or just playing guitar or piano. i can't even imagine what my life would be like without music. it's one of the greatest gifts God gave us.
  2. my best friend alex. honestly, i don't know what i'd do without her. in all seriousness, i'd probably be friendless and depressed. so i know you probably don't read this, alex, but you basicly saved my life :)
  3. my family. even though they can grate on me sometimes, they're my family. and loving is pretty much required.
  4. God. i mean how could i not? He loves me even when it feels like no one else does. He's the reason I'm alive. He's the reason i'm healthy, the reason i live in a house with nice air conditioning...the list goes on. but the best part is that He sent His only Son to die for me, and i totally don't deserve that. He did it anyway, though, and now i have the hope of something better than this life.
  5. san diego. i fell in love with the city. and i need to go back someday.
  6. switchfoot! i'll always love those guys and their music. even though i've been a pretty lousy fan lately, they'll probably always be my favorite band.
  7. food. it keeps me going, man.
  8. graphic-making. i enjoy it. it's like an escape and i can do whatever i want with whatever i'm making. i'm not a great artist, but i'm pretty good on the computer.
  9. boardies! you guys are the bomb. we don't keep in touch as much, but honestly, ya'll were my only friends for a little while there. crazy times.
  10. my future husband. i really hope there is a future husband, first of all, but assuming i will get married, i can't wait to meet him! he's gonna be awesome.
alright! so that concludes the four part list series. hope you enjoyed. regularly scheduled blogging will return soon.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

4 lists [3/4]

random opening statement: i feel like the worst switchfoot fan ever. i haven't listened to any of the unreleased songs. any of them. ugh.

ok. i'm doing my dislike list today. i know i just did my hate list, and that would be two negative lists in a row, but i want to end on a good note with the love list, if that makes sense.

10 things i dislike
  1. those annoying kids in my neighborhood and their golf cart that they ride around everywhere. it probably wouldn't bother me as much if they didn't yell various things at me while i was running. it hikes the blood pressure up way too high. plus i'm running in 90+ degree weather, which is already unhealthy enough.
  2. southern weather. it's too hot in the summer. and it's too cold in the winter. and then in the spring it feels pretty nice, but the pollen makes me miserable and i can't enjoy it.
  3. school. wahhhh. it's awful. the only good part about it for me is chorus and praise band. music.
  4. beeping noises. i can't stand them. this one probably even belongs on the hate list.
  5. justin bieber. maybe it's not really him that i dislike, it's probably his music.
  6. violent tv shows, movies, and video games. and people wonder why the crime rate is so high. this one probably belongs on the hate list too.
  7. miley cyrus. even hannah montana is starting to look sorta trashy.
  8. "alex russo" from wizards of waverly place. i don't like the way she acts. i like that show, but her "i don't care about anything and i'm super lazy blah blah blah" thing annoys me for some reason. but i like the way she acts when she tones it down a bit. kinda reminds me of myself.
  9. mosquitoes. this should totally go on the hate list. HA.
  10. whennn peopleee typeeee likeeee thisssss withhhhh extraaa lettersssss atttt theee endddd offfff theirrrrr wordsssss. i used to do that, i think. but now it really annoys me.

Monday, July 19, 2010

4 lists [2/4]

well, now that i'm in an irritated mood, i'm gonna go ahead and make my hate list.

10 things i hate
  1. HOUSEWORK. I HATE IT SO MUCH. especially because during school i have to do it on the weekends and it's like HELLO i was just in school all week and i have to spend 1-2 of my precious free hours working MORE?
  2. FLIRTING. it makes me want to puke. i mean really! you look like a FOOL with your DIGNITY on the ground.
  3. excessive drinking. once again, the foolishness and loss of dignity, and add driving to the equation, and you've endangered multiple lives.
  4. when people comment on your status with an unrelated statement, thus discouraging any others from commenting because it would be awkward.
made-up example: Lee is going to learn how to play the fiddle.
person: OmG I s@w U @ wAlMart lAzT nIte!!!!1!!!one!11!

that's what wall posts are for, friends.

5.   when i drop my hairbrush while i'm brushing my hair. like it gets caught in a tangle, then it falls to the ground. it just makes me very mad for some reason.

6.   riding in cars. i hate the way the insides of cars smell, especially after being outside in the heat for an hour, it makes me sick. and hate riding in the back seat because it makes me feel sick. the front's ok sometimes.

7.   not taking a shower every single day. i feel so icky if i skip just one day! ahaha.

8.   the way some adults treat teenagers like we're all good-for-nothing delinquents.

9.   inside jokes that are broadcasted to the world. i HATE THIS. i have inside jokes too, but i don't post them as my facebook status, and i don't yell them out in front of 10 people when there are only 2 or 3 in the group that would get it. it just makes people feel left out and it really irritates me.

10.   racism. some people are so racist here, i don't know about anywhere else. but it's ridiculous. people are people. so quit being a jerk.

ok. i feel somewhat better now. except for the fact that i have to do housework now. BLAH.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

4 lists [1/4]

reading amylynne's hateblog made me want to list things i hate also. but that's not all i'm going to do. i'm going to make 4 lists. 10 things i like, 10 things i dislike, 10 things i love, and finally 10 things i hate. should be very fun.

first up,

10 things i like
  1. children's shows on tv. like disney channel and nickelodeon and nick at nite. that's almost all i watch. seriously. i don't know why, but i like them. so yeah. i don't watch many "grown up" shows like medical shows and reality tv.
  2. new contacts. they feel so fresh. it makes my eyes hahhy.
  3. boys. just sometimes though.
  4. running. it allows me to be in shape and eat basicly whatever i want.
  5. getting a text/comment/wall post/@reply/etc. for some reason it makes me feel special. like i'm noticed.
  6. when we have a test at school. it means at least a little bit of quiet and less time of having to hear a teacher teach us stuff. standardized testing week may be my favorite week of the whole school year.
  7. changing from uncomfortable clothes into basketball shorts and a t-shirt. feels so free.
  8. cake.
  9. socks. i don't go barefoot alot. because 1. my feet are almost always cold. 2. i have cross country tan.
  10. blogging. because it's fun to let out my thoughts somewhere because i don't really have alot of people to talk to. well i guess i do but i'm working on that.
next list coming tonight or tomorrow.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


inspiration is everywhere! i love writing songs. every time i play one of my songs i know what every word means. hidden messages, everything. it's almost like being invisible. i don't know why.

anyway, i'm hungry. but it's almost 11 pm and there's really no point in eating right now cause i'm going to bed soon. you know, my blog posts go nowhere. there's no point to them. oh well. goodnight anyone.


new layout. how do you like it? header photo credits are back. it's on the very bottom of the page.

so. that's it. see ya.

almost new layout and new photos

i'm going to have a new layout sometime. i had a header, but it looked really bad, so i'm gonna hafta make another one.
i'm uploading more CA pictures, and here's one that i like! i'll post again when they're all done. but that could be like next month.

palm trees, originally uploaded by calgflamez.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


i'm watching the mlb all-star game. i want the national league to win. apparently the last time they won, i was maybe 2. cool. so, no offense to people who live there, but the fans in LA are jerks. really, you don't boo people that are on the team you're cheering for. or the MANAGER of the team you're cheering for. judging from applause, the majority of the fans in the stadium are rooting for the american league, and the red sox and yankees happen to be in the american league, and the fans booed all the red sox and yankees. and the manager of the american league team, who is also the manager of the yankees. i mean, i don't like the yankees either. but that's so rude!

anyway, they're showing alot of socal footage. and it's making me miss california SO MUCH. WAH.

and you can still hear my song if you WANT. 2 people have listened to it! yay! 3 including myself. lame!

that is all.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

yeah! follow through!

i wrote a song today! remember this post? maybe you didn't see it in the first place. but anyway, i wrote that song! i made a video, and if you wanna see/hear it, i can send it to you on youtube because it's a private video. so yes. bye!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

patience is a virtue

too bad i don't have very much. seriously the internet is failing me, step by step. first, twitter somehow deleted all my @ replies so i can't see them, then facebook just doesn't load 50% of the time, and now blogger deleted the blogs i follow! dahh. oh well.

tonight at 9 lebron james is announcing what team he's going to play for, aka my new favorite nba team. i'm excited. hahaha. i don't even like the nba that much. i just like lebron. and whatever team he's on. so basicly the whole season what i watch is the cavs, some of the playoffs, and the championship games. i don't really care about anything else.

vague and unrelated to anything in this post: I'M SO GLAD HE'S SAFE EVEN THOUGH HE'S NOT HERE.

haha confusing? good.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

inspiration is rushing in!

there are so many pretty, happy people. i see them alot. there's a group of them. they're like the cullens? but not mysterious and troubled and soul-less. well one of them seems to be. heh. anyway. they're like the elites or something. they're all beautiful people. they all seem perfectly happy. they have it all. they're like...the first class section in the airplane of life.

where am i going with this? you may ask. well, i don't know where i'm going with it. i might write a song.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

so far...

i'm loving july. why? because it's been in the 80's instead of the 90's. it's awesome. so all three days of july so far have been good ones.

i have to re-edit my dang bro-am pictures because some of them look positively revolting. but i can't do it on this computer because our memory card reader disappeared. oh well. i need to fix them though. they look dirty and dark. they look good on the laptop i editted them on, but horrible on here, which probably means horrible for anyone looking at them.

i wanted to make a list of why california is better than where i live, but i'm too lazy, so that'll come later. bye.