Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 28: Tell Us About Your Year So Far

hahaha. I'm looking at my posts from the beginning of the year and it totally feels like it was a different year. hehe. anyway.

highlights of each month:

january: homecoming! it was fun. and the attention was pretty cool, I have to say. but that was a one night thing and things quickly returned to normal.

february: SKI INVASION!!!!!! sorry.

march: probably my birthday sleepover with alex, seeing To Save a Life the next day, and then watching the star wars movies for the first time. haha. I still haven't watched episode VI yet. I need to.

april: when I got to see someone I really wanted to see for a few seconds. it made my month. heheh.

may: um. definitely the end of freshman year. it wasn't very fun. except computer class. those classes were the best ever. hahaha.

june: california!! more specifically, the bro-am. sooo much fun. and that sleepover with alex where we made a certain call. hahahaaaaaaaaaa. ok.

july: I can't really think of anything. but last july? awesome. haha.

august: hmmm. dollywood, cross country camp, and finding out that I possibly will get to see that person again! wahoo. but the best day was august 1st when alex and I played our first show. win.

september [so far]: definitely the 3 cross country meets so far. I'm doing really well! yay.

so this year as a whole, not bad. not GREAT, but not bad. it's gone by so fast though. it's crazy man.

ok, see ya tomorrow!

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