Thursday, December 16, 2010

"glooooria" heh heh heh

wow! so I bought one person a christmas present, and my wallet has exactly 1 dollar left. sorry, everyone who isn't alex! :) hahaha. best friends get 1st priority. sorry. especially the awesomest best friend ever. [thank you thank you thank you thank you, etc. :)]

ANYWAY. random things:

today is the next-to-last day of school and YAY.

last night was fun!

it's raining. and cold.

I'm kinda hungry.

I wanna write more songs.

I love being at church. I've been feeling like that more and more lately. I just like helping. it's fun.

After eating nothing but junk food yesterday, [seriously...breakfast: 2 poptarts, lunch: pizza inn pizza, including dessert pizza, then cookie cake, supper: cupcakes/cookies.] I feel like eating healthy for the rest of my life. Not likely to happen, though. just sayin.

I'm so glad christmas break is almost here. I need a bigggg break from school and the drama inside it.

and that's it! I'm in a good mood even though I'm tirrrreeed!

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