Just in case you were wondering about the weirdo "red house" references, just go on over to my Watch This page and you'll understand. it's just so catchy!
Remember how I was all "I'm gonna put quotes on here" I still will, but there weren't any that really stood out this week!
Anyway, I'm adding a new page on here. It's called Unrecognized Talent and it's based on my last post. Every once in awhile I'll put a new flickr photo and if you like it, click it, thus giving the photographer more views. Better yet, if you have a flickr account, comment! You know how much you love views and comments, flicker-ers.
I just like making other people feel good :) haha.
Man, I heard something awesome the other day. My health teacher was talking about marriage and stuff and she was like "This is what I believe. God made Eve from Adam's rib. He made her just for him. So I'm convinced that God made someone out there just for me." I was like. Blown away. That's awesome. So there is someone that God made just for me. Isn't that exciting? Very. Very exciting :) Just hold on, folks. Life is a whirlwind and you can't control a whirlwind. Only God can.
My new life verse:
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails. -Proverbs 19:21
It's so dern easy to try to plan out your life yourself, isn't it? And it's so easy to worry about how things are gonna turn out. But I'm starting to learn that neither of those things are what I'm supposed to do.
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” -Psalm 46:10
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
At the redddd house!
so I hate how there are great photos on flickr, but only the "famous" flickr people get views, comments, and favorites. this picture, in my opinion, is AWESOME. but when I happened upon it, I was viewer number 2. what up. so if you think this picture is cool, click it! share it! people deserve applause for awesome stuff they do! rah!
that is all.
for now.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Cut your hair short, then walk through an airport
...then you can dream of destinations. Man relient k is awesome. awesome I say.
so today I finished "Out of My Hands"! I counted and it's my 46th song. woo! I wish I liked all of my songs as much as the "good ones". The "good ones" are an elite group of my songs that I actually would play for people. the others are ones that are not quality songs. Most of them were my earliest ones, though, so that makes sense.
They're calling for wintery weather again. nooooo! not tonight! Cause tomorrow's wednesday, and wednesday is like my favorite day! I don't wanna miss church, so snow and ice and whatever else, stay in the sky! thank you.
Today I noticed that I had 2,006 tweets and I was like what?? I missed the 2,000 mark! then I looked back to see what my 2,000th tweet was and it was "Treadmills are heavy." nice, lee. real nice. "Thank you...CATHERINE obvious!" "wait, is it catherine obvious or captain obvious?" ahhh ian.
so today I finished "Out of My Hands"! I counted and it's my 46th song. woo! I wish I liked all of my songs as much as the "good ones". The "good ones" are an elite group of my songs that I actually would play for people. the others are ones that are not quality songs. Most of them were my earliest ones, though, so that makes sense.
They're calling for wintery weather again. nooooo! not tonight! Cause tomorrow's wednesday, and wednesday is like my favorite day! I don't wanna miss church, so snow and ice and whatever else, stay in the sky! thank you.
Today I noticed that I had 2,006 tweets and I was like what?? I missed the 2,000 mark! then I looked back to see what my 2,000th tweet was and it was "Treadmills are heavy." nice, lee. real nice. "Thank you...CATHERINE obvious!" "wait, is it catherine obvious or captain obvious?" ahhh ian.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sweet Sixteen!
not me! but Alex!!! yay happy birthday!!! she's awesome. and she's gonna have a great 16th year!
so yeah! I have school today....first time I've had school on a monday since december 13th. weeeird.
see you cats later!
so yeah! I have school today....first time I've had school on a monday since december 13th. weeeird.
see you cats later!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Tutorial Time Part 3? I think?
MUAHAHA I have broken blogger's font barrier!
although it doesn't seem threatening in such a girly frilly font. anyway, alex was expressing her dislike of blogger's font choices, and I was being all HTMLy and figured out how to put whatever font you feel like!
so tutorial time! I can't remember how many of these I've done, so I'm gonna go with this being the third one.
btw, you can click these pictures if you can't see what they say to make them bigger.
Step 1: Get your new post ready.
Step 2: Type something!
Step 3: Now you could be realllly HTMLy and just type out the code for a font, but I found this easier. Change it to "Georgia" or whatever font, but just do georgia, ok?
Step 4: Switch over to the "Edit HTML" tab.
Step 5: Highlight "Georgia" and replace it with the name of your font of choice! [except comic sans, por favor] Make sure you type it in exactly.
Step 6: Switch back over, and wah-lah!
the end!
although it doesn't seem threatening in such a girly frilly font. anyway, alex was expressing her dislike of blogger's font choices, and I was being all HTMLy and figured out how to put whatever font you feel like!
so tutorial time! I can't remember how many of these I've done, so I'm gonna go with this being the third one.
btw, you can click these pictures if you can't see what they say to make them bigger.
Step 1: Get your new post ready.
Step 2: Type something!
Step 3: Now you could be realllly HTMLy and just type out the code for a font, but I found this easier. Change it to "Georgia" or whatever font, but just do georgia, ok?
Step 4: Switch over to the "Edit HTML" tab.
Step 5: Highlight "Georgia" and replace it with the name of your font of choice! [except comic sans, por favor] Make sure you type it in exactly.
Step 6: Switch back over, and wah-lah!
the end!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Cheeseburger Doritos
man! have you had these?? I had never tried them and my sister wanted to get them today at wal-mart, and I was like...ew! But they're actually good! they taste alot like cheeseburgers. you can even taste the mustard and pickles, which I don't actually like that much. but still. they're good. I would recommend them if you are a fan of both the cheeseburger and the dorito.
I worked more on that song I mentioned yesterday, in case you were wondering. It's called "Out of My Hands"! but it's still not finished. I usually take multiple days on my songs. but every once in a while I'll write one in one sitting.
texting quote of the day:
Me: We're supposed to have wintery weather again next week possibly
Matthew: Stupid gopher
haha matthew is so awesome :D
bye folks! go get some doritos.
I worked more on that song I mentioned yesterday, in case you were wondering. It's called "Out of My Hands"! but it's still not finished. I usually take multiple days on my songs. but every once in a while I'll write one in one sitting.
texting quote of the day:
Me: We're supposed to have wintery weather again next week possibly
Matthew: Stupid gopher
haha matthew is so awesome :D
bye folks! go get some doritos.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Say What You Wanna Say!
a really good song is "3:42 AM (Writer's Block)" by mercyme.
man, sometimes when I work on graphics for a long time it puts me in a horrible mood! but it's over now cause I took a shower. although the water went cold less than 5 minutes into the shower, which was not fun. but I'm in a good mood now!
this week at school was like the easiest normal week of school in the history of my life. oh wait, we didn't have school monday. so I guess it doesn't count.
I'm working on a new song today. it's really hard to write about your feelings when you can't figure out what the heck your feelings are doing. at least I try not to live based off of my feelings, I just write songs about them. heh! anyway, the last time I counted I had like 45 songs. maybe more. that's so exciting! I love writing songs. I just never play them for people except alex. haha. maybe that'll change someday.
my hands are cold, as usual. except, it's just my right hand, minus the thumb. what?
I need to be more interesting on here! when february rolls around, I might start that 3rd 30 Day Challenge. we shall see!
man, sometimes when I work on graphics for a long time it puts me in a horrible mood! but it's over now cause I took a shower. although the water went cold less than 5 minutes into the shower, which was not fun. but I'm in a good mood now!
this week at school was like the easiest normal week of school in the history of my life. oh wait, we didn't have school monday. so I guess it doesn't count.
I'm working on a new song today. it's really hard to write about your feelings when you can't figure out what the heck your feelings are doing. at least I try not to live based off of my feelings, I just write songs about them. heh! anyway, the last time I counted I had like 45 songs. maybe more. that's so exciting! I love writing songs. I just never play them for people except alex. haha. maybe that'll change someday.
my hands are cold, as usual. except, it's just my right hand, minus the thumb. what?
I need to be more interesting on here! when february rolls around, I might start that 3rd 30 Day Challenge. we shall see!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
That's Quotable!
I'm gonna start putting quotes on here at the end of every week or month or something. today had some purty good ones! so for the first edition of this, I'm gonna just put a bunch of 'em that I've collected lately. if I put "[text]" after it, it means it was a text messaging convo. otherwise, it was real life! also, some of these were "had-to-be-there" moments, as much as I hate to be a jerk about that. anyway, enjoy!
"She's probably going to the elevator. That lazy hag!" -Austin
"I have so much neck skin!" -Allison
"I play hymns!!!!!!" -Me
"I cannot possibly give birth, let alone to a rhino!" -Eric
"I hope this is decent!" -Casey
"Curse you [Katy] Perry the Platypus!" -Me [text]
"You sing good." -Chris
"If someone rubs you the wrong way, just...turn the cat around!" -Pastor Tony
Blake: You need to keep in touch with your feelings.
Me: I have my feelings on speed dial.
"They grow like WATER!!!" -Emily
"Yea its great cuz driving by yourself is like being in your own little bubble... a bubble with a great sound system!" -Alex [text]
Blake: You ever heard the old wise tale about snow?
Me: Dont eat it if its yeller?
Blake: Haha no. If snow lays for three days, there will be more to come within ten days.
[In spanish class:]
Coach Richardson: it's really easy. It says "I want to buy a white shirt made of--" then it says 'cotton' or 'bargain'.
Carly: CARTON!
"Oh my gosh, I have to tell you about the scariest dream I've ever had--have you ever heard of Ray Romano?" -Sierra
Chase: How ya doin?
Me: Bathroom!
[I thought he said "Where ya goin?" okay??? hahahaha]
Ms. K: Have you ever noticed how on the side of your facebook page, the ads are always about stuff you like?
Students: Yeah, how do they do that??
Zeier: Cause they track your cookies, duh!
"She's probably going to the elevator. That lazy hag!" -Austin
"I have so much neck skin!" -Allison
"I play hymns!!!!!!" -Me
"I cannot possibly give birth, let alone to a rhino!" -Eric
"I hope this is decent!" -Casey
"Curse you [Katy] Perry the Platypus!" -Me [text]
"You sing good." -Chris
"If someone rubs you the wrong way, just...turn the cat around!" -Pastor Tony
Blake: You need to keep in touch with your feelings.
Me: I have my feelings on speed dial.
"They grow like WATER!!!" -Emily
"Yea its great cuz driving by yourself is like being in your own little bubble... a bubble with a great sound system!" -Alex [text]
Blake: You ever heard the old wise tale about snow?
Me: Dont eat it if its yeller?
Blake: Haha no. If snow lays for three days, there will be more to come within ten days.
[In spanish class:]
Coach Richardson: it's really easy. It says "I want to buy a white shirt made of--" then it says 'cotton' or 'bargain'.
Carly: CARTON!
"Oh my gosh, I have to tell you about the scariest dream I've ever had--have you ever heard of Ray Romano?" -Sierra
Chase: How ya doin?
Me: Bathroom!
[I thought he said "Where ya goin?" okay??? hahahaha]
Ms. K: Have you ever noticed how on the side of your facebook page, the ads are always about stuff you like?
Students: Yeah, how do they do that??
Zeier: Cause they track your cookies, duh!
Monday, January 17, 2011
I think it was Me-onday!
so lately I've been posting music on facebook. I like that. I don't know if anyone actually listens to it, but I'm just putting some of my current favorites on there as they come up on shuffle in iTunes. and on my "Watch This" page I'm gonna be putting music on there unless I find a decent video. good? good! I try to change it up every week or so, but I forget sometimes. sorry bout that.
this is the last day of Christmas break part deux. see, we had real Christmas break from december 18th-january 3rd. then we went to school for 4 days, then it was the weekend, then it snowed sunday night/monday morning, then we were out for the whole week. then it was the weekend again, and now it's Martin Luther King Jr. day, or "milk day" as blake calls it. the break was superdy duper GREAT. because I wasn't at school, and not being at school is one of my favorite states of being. if that even made sense.
so what I'm expecting to do today:
this is the last day of Christmas break part deux. see, we had real Christmas break from december 18th-january 3rd. then we went to school for 4 days, then it was the weekend, then it snowed sunday night/monday morning, then we were out for the whole week. then it was the weekend again, and now it's Martin Luther King Jr. day, or "milk day" as blake calls it. the break was superdy duper GREAT. because I wasn't at school, and not being at school is one of my favorite states of being. if that even made sense.
so what I'm expecting to do today:
- get everything printed out and put together for my big book project that I did finally finish. I don't think I did most of it right, though. at this point, I kind of don't care. not to be a jerk or anything. it's just that I did work on it for a long time but I know I'm supposed to do my best at everything, and...just...too bad.
- maybe possibly finally get a haircut. we'll see.
- write a song, once again a maybe.
- and another maybe...I might get to go to church today to work on stuff. I really wanna do that, so I'm gonna try to make that one happen.
- study for stuff that was supposed to happen last week or that's supposed to happen this week. that may or may not happen.
- I should run or something, ya know.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dealing With What I Can't Control...
May not be coming home
To know I'm not alone
Though I can't feel a thing
Time to get over it
The best of what won't quit
me down I can't feel a thing
Where do I go
Where do I stand
Where can I find myself again
Where do I go
If not disappear
Oh where do I go from here?
My steps right back to you
The clock to save an hour or two
And facing
The fact I don't feel a thing
I'm dealing
With what I can't control
Confused cause I don't know if
Is when you don't feel a thing
Where do I go
Where do I stand
Where can I find myself again
Where do I go
If not disappear
Oh where do I go from here?
lyrics courtesy of azlyrics.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Day 30. The last argument you had.
like 2 seconds ago with my sister about doing housework/exercising. why did this have to be the last post? it kind of put me in a bad mood.
BAD MOOD DONE. cause YAY the challenge is complete!!!!!
you know I had to write another song. so enjoy!
and too bad I'm not a better singer. o wellz.
see ya!
BAD MOOD DONE. cause YAY the challenge is complete!!!!!
you know I had to write another song. so enjoy!
and too bad I'm not a better singer. o wellz.
and as for the presentation quality of the video...I write songs and do graphic design, but video editting? not so much, ok? :)
thanks for reading. if you missed any, head on over to the 30 Day Challenge II page if you wish!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Day 29. Something you're not proud of.
every time I lie I feel like a rotten dirty scoundrel. like dirty dan!
I don't feel post-y today!
but as a side note, today was a really good day!
exclamation points!
I don't feel post-y today!
but as a side note, today was a really good day!
exclamation points!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Day 28. An embarrassing/socially awkward situation you've found yourself in.
lately, I haven't had any seriously embarrassing moments that I can think of! but 5th grade did have a few. or a lot. because I think I was wayyyyy more concerned about what others thought of me then. heheh. but anyway!
it had just rained the night before, and we were at recess. we ALWAYS played kickball. ALWAYS. and if we were in the gym we played handball. that's just how it was. every day. ok I'm pullin a mellie here. I feel draw-y. although my drawings won't be as super awesome as hers. [as I'm drawing I'm realizing that I'm gonna spend about an hour on this post. so you should feel special cuz I worked so hard.]
ok so this is how the game worked:
so basicly there was a bunch of conveniently-placed stuff out there for us. as if the builders/nature intended for us to play kickball. 1st base was the log on the side of the playground...there were logs around the playground with gravel inside. gravel isn't the most fun thing to fall off the monkey bars into, but whatever. 2nd base was a random dirt spot that just happened to be there, 3rd base was up the hill--the side of the school, and home plate was a random concrete slab. the pitcher's "mound" was another random dirt spot. awesome, huh? it was basicly like the sandlot, but even cooler.
anyway, on this particular day, I was wearing a white hoodie. annnnd basicly I kicked the ball, ran to first, ran to second, and fell flat on my face. into the muddy hole of death. I just completely wiped out before I knew what happened. every single soul on the playground was laughing. I was mortified. I went up to my teacher and she got MAD at me. I was like...ok sure, I've already slipped and fell on my face, everyone is laughing at me, why not go ahead and tell me how irresponsible I am for doing it? cool. so if this kind of thing happened today, it would be hilarious! but then, it totally wasn't.
the end.
it had just rained the night before, and we were at recess. we ALWAYS played kickball. ALWAYS. and if we were in the gym we played handball. that's just how it was. every day. ok I'm pullin a mellie here. I feel draw-y. although my drawings won't be as super awesome as hers. [as I'm drawing I'm realizing that I'm gonna spend about an hour on this post. so you should feel special cuz I worked so hard.]
ok so this is how the game worked:
so basicly there was a bunch of conveniently-placed stuff out there for us. as if the builders/nature intended for us to play kickball. 1st base was the log on the side of the playground...there were logs around the playground with gravel inside. gravel isn't the most fun thing to fall off the monkey bars into, but whatever. 2nd base was a random dirt spot that just happened to be there, 3rd base was up the hill--the side of the school, and home plate was a random concrete slab. the pitcher's "mound" was another random dirt spot. awesome, huh? it was basicly like the sandlot, but even cooler.
anyway, on this particular day, I was wearing a white hoodie. annnnd basicly I kicked the ball, ran to first, ran to second, and fell flat on my face. into the muddy hole of death. I just completely wiped out before I knew what happened. every single soul on the playground was laughing. I was mortified. I went up to my teacher and she got MAD at me. I was like...ok sure, I've already slipped and fell on my face, everyone is laughing at me, why not go ahead and tell me how irresponsible I am for doing it? cool. so if this kind of thing happened today, it would be hilarious! but then, it totally wasn't.
the end.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Day 27. Someone's facebook status that made you cringe.
"i do not want to be snowed in all week.. im too bored"
there were several statuses like that this week. even if I am bored I never say it because I feel like it jinxes it!! hahah. plus I can always find something to do. why would you NOT want to be out of school?? I just can't comprehend it. but that's just me.
oh. my. remember this? well. that's becoming a reality in a few months. and it really stinks. and it's kinda weird how creepily accurate this group of sentences is: "but I'm determined that God lets the people that are supposed to be in our lives stay there. or leave and eventually come back. so yes. it still makes me sad, though." ahhh. but God has a plan. I just have to remember.
there were several statuses like that this week. even if I am bored I never say it because I feel like it jinxes it!! hahah. plus I can always find something to do. why would you NOT want to be out of school?? I just can't comprehend it. but that's just me.
oh. my. remember this? well. that's becoming a reality in a few months. and it really stinks. and it's kinda weird how creepily accurate this group of sentences is: "but I'm determined that God lets the people that are supposed to be in our lives stay there. or leave and eventually come back. so yes. it still makes me sad, though." ahhh. but God has a plan. I just have to remember.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Day 26. 5 things within touching distance right now.
- a brochure for a "Greatest Legends" show at the tennessee shindig. I totally wanna see this. it's where people dress up as music legends and perform. some of them are apparently just like the people. some of em on here include elvis, the beatles, michael jackson, little richard, ray charles, and...obama? what? ok.
- my flash drive that contains so much important stuff it's not even funny. school stuff, church stuff, music stuff. lotsa stuff.
- a tootsie pop. I've never been a big fan of suckers in general.
- my bottle of water that I always drink out of. I run cross country, so we always have an abundance of the 8 oz. gatorade bottles [I'm not sure of the actual size, but it's the small ones], and we always just fill em up with water and use em over and over. I'm known at school for my water bottle, ya'll.
- my handy dandy phone.
yay for random items.
ok so I'm having this issue where I'm being personally victimized by one of the 50 united states. this year ain't gonna be as great as I thought. the first half is gonna be, though. I'm gonna make sure it will be.
that is all.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Day 25. Someone you'd like to be for a day and why.
this is hard!!!! uhhhhhhh...
I mean I would say taylor swift, but that's too obvious. I'm thinking still.
random: all day I've had "there's a ladybug in my bed tonight, there's a ladybug in my bed!" in my head. I thought of verses for that song today. but I didn't write them down cause I hardly ever write down improv song writing lyrics. I probably should. I wish I would've written down the mafia songs I made up. but anyway, back to thinking of someone I wanna be...
I wanna be like...miranda cosgrove or jennette mccurdy. because it seems like SUPER fun to be on iCarly! that's my final answer.
so it did end up snowing! I'm not sure how much, but it was probably around 4-5 inches at my house. I know alot of people got 6-8. go them! snow isn't that fun when you don't own a sled or 4 wheeler, I have to say. my sister and I played in it for like 30 minutes and we were like...it's cold...let's go inside. hahah. the funnest part was swinging really high on our swingset and just jumping out face-first into the snow. oh yeah. and school's already declared to be closed tomorrow. AWESOME. things are going according to my plan. muahah. but it's like sleeting. and sleet sometimes means power outages. which are not good. so an addition to my plan is: no power outages. ok. good.
I mean I would say taylor swift, but that's too obvious. I'm thinking still.
random: all day I've had "there's a ladybug in my bed tonight, there's a ladybug in my bed!" in my head. I thought of verses for that song today. but I didn't write them down cause I hardly ever write down improv song writing lyrics. I probably should. I wish I would've written down the mafia songs I made up. but anyway, back to thinking of someone I wanna be...
I wanna be like...miranda cosgrove or jennette mccurdy. because it seems like SUPER fun to be on iCarly! that's my final answer.
so it did end up snowing! I'm not sure how much, but it was probably around 4-5 inches at my house. I know alot of people got 6-8. go them! snow isn't that fun when you don't own a sled or 4 wheeler, I have to say. my sister and I played in it for like 30 minutes and we were like...it's cold...let's go inside. hahah. the funnest part was swinging really high on our swingset and just jumping out face-first into the snow. oh yeah. and school's already declared to be closed tomorrow. AWESOME. things are going according to my plan. muahah. but it's like sleeting. and sleet sometimes means power outages. which are not good. so an addition to my plan is: no power outages. ok. good.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Day 24. 5 things you're looking forward to.
- not going to school tomorrow! they already called school off for tomorrow and it hasn't even started snowing yet! how great is that?? the perfect plan for this week would be: no school tomorrow or tuesday, and 2 hour delay wednesday. cause my last 2 classes wednesday are easy classes and I wanna go to church! let's see what happens.
- movie night this friday! we're having movie night at church and I'm really excited! I love all these youth events we're having.
- beach retreat this summer! speaking of youth events, we're going on a super awesome beach trip! I'm super excited about it. it's gonna be great!
- if/when I get to play guitar in the youth band. I reallllly want to. because I miss playing guitar in a band soooo much! plus our youth band is super awesome and seems to be organized well, which is GREAT.
- when my big bad book project is over and done with. you'd think I'd be finished by now. but no. well. once it's over, everything will be just super. I mean life is going great, but that stupid thing sneaks up on my good thoughts and then makes me feel less good because I still have to finish it. I just don't want to cause it's really hard! blahh! but it'll be over in 10 days. 10 dayyysss.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Day 23. 5 things you want to change.
about myself? in general? well I can do what I want, so I choose both!
5 things I want to change in general:
sooooo today marks: [heck yeah I'm making another list!]
5 things I want to change in general:
- the way the whole celebrity thing works. like...ooh you happened to be born into a "famous family" or ooh you're attractive and happen to be a good actor, so BOOM you get to do whatever you want and cut in line and close down amusement parks. but yeah, I know alot of celebrities really worked hard to get where they are, but I'm talking about the reality tv stars or the stars that no one knows why they're famous in the first place :P paris hilton anyone?
- people wouldn't murder each other. that would be monumental.
- it would be really cool if the sky was a different color sometimes. I love blue, but I'm just curious to see what it would be like if it wasn't blue. or maybe like more than one color at the same time! that would be awesome.
- you know on websites or ads where you just mouse over something and something else pops up?? I hate that! that should be banned from the internet. hahaha not to mention other things.
- school would only take up 6 months of the year instead of, what is it, 8 or 9? that's ridiculous. we should get the same amount of not-school as we do school, right? right!
- I would talk to certain people more! you know, like instead of being so quiet. I can be a quiet and sometimes awkward person unless I'm with people I can be totally comfortable around.
- I wish I was a better driver. I mean I know I'll get better...I've only been driving for about 6 months! I just need to be more observant is all.
- I wish I didn't procrastinate so much. I'm rrrreally bad about procrastinating on school stuff or other stuff that I don't particularly wanna get done. it doesn't really matter how difficult the thing is, like I don't mind working on stuff for church [I love it actually] but most stuff for school that doesn't involve artistic ability will not get done without procrastination getting ahold of it first.
- maybe work on my appearance...like not dressing like a slob as often. I do the whole t-shirt, jeans, converse, ponytail thing too much. but this is like the least important item on this list, I think.
- I would DEFINITELY be better with directions. I'm HORRIBLE. horrrrriiibbbbllleeee! this is the only thing on the "myself" list that I can't figure out how to actually change...
sooooo today marks: [heck yeah I'm making another list!]
- my first 5K race of 2011! 23:57 (unofficial). not bad! I think that's my best off season race time ever. but I don't keep track of my off season races, so I really have no idea!
- the day I finally let go of 2010. 2011 is looking like a great year, because I'm pretty sure I've loved every day of this year so far!
- elvis's birthday and also my friend madi's birthday. she got an elvis birthday card, which is awesomissimo!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Day 22. Post a bit of your last IM conversation.
I haven't been on fb chat in forever
i see
yeah and today's 30 day challenge is "post a bit of your last IM conversation" so in a way I'm using you for selfish reasons
just thought I would be up front with that. haha
selfish! =P

its fine
I know! I'm a terrible person
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Day 21. Press ctrl+v and post.
21. Press ctrl+v and post.
^yep. every time I do a 30 day challenge post I go to my 30 Day Challenge II page, highlight the day's post, hit ctrl+c, then I come here, type "day" then hit ctrl+v. so this was uneventful. bye!
^yep. every time I do a 30 day challenge post I go to my 30 Day Challenge II page, highlight the day's post, hit ctrl+c, then I come here, type "day" then hit ctrl+v. so this was uneventful. bye!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Day 20. Something you've always wanted to do.
well, I've always wanted to be a professional musician. like touring and playing my own songs, maybe be in a band. but lately, I've been thinking that the touring life would definitely not be for me!
something else I've always wanted to do is get married and have a family, and honestly if I was in a touring band, that wouldn't work out well.
but hey, I don't know God's plan for my life yet, but I'm excited to find out! I know He has awesome things in store and that He's gonna put me right where He wants me. and the best part is that He'll put the desire in my heart for whatever "it" is! so it's not like I'm gonna end up doing something that I hate!
I just went on a little spiel there. but seriously, it's much easier to let God just take over instead of trying to plan out your own life! I wasn't planning on writing all that, but I think God just reminded me of it while I was typing, and I just had to share it! I hope that spoke to someone out there!
wellp, see ya'll tomorrow.
something else I've always wanted to do is get married and have a family, and honestly if I was in a touring band, that wouldn't work out well.
but hey, I don't know God's plan for my life yet, but I'm excited to find out! I know He has awesome things in store and that He's gonna put me right where He wants me. and the best part is that He'll put the desire in my heart for whatever "it" is! so it's not like I'm gonna end up doing something that I hate!
I just went on a little spiel there. but seriously, it's much easier to let God just take over instead of trying to plan out your own life! I wasn't planning on writing all that, but I think God just reminded me of it while I was typing, and I just had to share it! I hope that spoke to someone out there!
wellp, see ya'll tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Day 19. Post a picture of yourself without make-up/hair done.
that's almost every day. boom.
unless my hair is completely out of line, then something must be done about it. but usually I just end up like this.
anyway, I got my license today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo. I'm so relieved. thank You, God. I was literally praying the whole time. it was a fun ride.
ok, I'm really jittery and I don't know why so I'm gonna go now!
unless my hair is completely out of line, then something must be done about it. but usually I just end up like this.
anyway, I got my license today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo. I'm so relieved. thank You, God. I was literally praying the whole time. it was a fun ride.
ok, I'm really jittery and I don't know why so I'm gonna go now!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Day 18. To do list.
score! I love lists. so this'll be fun. this is my to do list for the day and some of them are for anytime during the week. although I got a lot done today, and I'll probably be given more things to do tomorrow since school starts tomorrow, so this list might not be as fun as I thought.
today was a good last-day-of-christmas-break. it wasn't a do-nothing day. I did important stuff all day. I finished the annotated bibliography for my big book project. ooh and I finished listening to all the beatles albums! I still have past masters to listen to, but that's not technically one of their albums. and I sent amy my beatles sampler and renae her letter. and I helped my youth pastor today with stuff. and I successfully drove home without any accidents even though like 5 cars decided to pull out in front of me. crazy people.
omg. I just had a random craving for freshly baked muffins! wahhh. I want some. hahahah I know. I'm not normal. as it should be.
- do my book review for my book project. then I'll be done!
- listen to the rest of beatles past masters.
- write in my diary tonight. don't make fun.
- take a shower.
- get my restricted license.
today was a good last-day-of-christmas-break. it wasn't a do-nothing day. I did important stuff all day. I finished the annotated bibliography for my big book project. ooh and I finished listening to all the beatles albums! I still have past masters to listen to, but that's not technically one of their albums. and I sent amy my beatles sampler and renae her letter. and I helped my youth pastor today with stuff. and I successfully drove home without any accidents even though like 5 cars decided to pull out in front of me. crazy people.
omg. I just had a random craving for freshly baked muffins! wahhh. I want some. hahahah I know. I'm not normal. as it should be.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Day 17. Something you regret.
wow. the second day of a new year is not the day to be thinking about regrets.
but anyway, I regret not working on my big book project during the break. I mean I worked on some of it, but I still have some left. I totally could've gotten it done the first week if I wanted to, but I was a very lazy girl over this break, as usual. hahah. but it's cool. it's due the 14th. I have 2 things left: 1. annotated bibliography, and 2. 5-8 paragraph book review. I did all the easy stuff first, so that's what I got now. I'm gonna have to do one of the 2 tomorrow and the other one sometime this week or this weekend. I can do this.
ahh church today was awesome!! I missed it so much. praise and worship was great, service was great, it was just great. and I get to go again wednesday! yay. love it. this year is gonna be so great because I'm starting it with the happiness that started towards the end of last year! make sense? well it does in my head. can you tell I'm in a really good mood today? :)
last thing: I hope they have a Victorious soundtrack! cause I love the music from that show.
the end.
but anyway, I regret not working on my big book project during the break. I mean I worked on some of it, but I still have some left. I totally could've gotten it done the first week if I wanted to, but I was a very lazy girl over this break, as usual. hahah. but it's cool. it's due the 14th. I have 2 things left: 1. annotated bibliography, and 2. 5-8 paragraph book review. I did all the easy stuff first, so that's what I got now. I'm gonna have to do one of the 2 tomorrow and the other one sometime this week or this weekend. I can do this.
ahh church today was awesome!! I missed it so much. praise and worship was great, service was great, it was just great. and I get to go again wednesday! yay. love it. this year is gonna be so great because I'm starting it with the happiness that started towards the end of last year! make sense? well it does in my head. can you tell I'm in a really good mood today? :)
last thing: I hope they have a Victorious soundtrack! cause I love the music from that show.
the end.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Day 16. Last crazy thing you did.
hmm. crazy? it stinks that I can't think of something right off the top of my head. I can think of things from the summer, but there has to be something more recent. right? or have I become a boring person? hm.
ooh. october 30th. the night before the state meet. our annual makeovers. every year the night before state we put makeup on 2 boys. my part in this was helping get the boys into one of our hotel rooms. so there were a bunch of elderly people at the hotel we were at, and the looks on their faces were priceless when they saw all us girls holding boys by the limbs and forcing them into an elevator. the only downer of the night was that some team members got makeup happy and they ended up putting makeup on like 8 guys. but whatever! I guess that can be characterized as crazy!
this is like the most depressing new years day ever! hahah. it's been raining all day. and I miss 2010! haha. I've never been not-excited for a new year. but I'll get into it. especially tomorrow cause I finally get to go to church after a week and a half of not going! yayyyyyyyyyy!
ooh. october 30th. the night before the state meet. our annual makeovers. every year the night before state we put makeup on 2 boys. my part in this was helping get the boys into one of our hotel rooms. so there were a bunch of elderly people at the hotel we were at, and the looks on their faces were priceless when they saw all us girls holding boys by the limbs and forcing them into an elevator. the only downer of the night was that some team members got makeup happy and they ended up putting makeup on like 8 guys. but whatever! I guess that can be characterized as crazy!
this is like the most depressing new years day ever! hahah. it's been raining all day. and I miss 2010! haha. I've never been not-excited for a new year. but I'll get into it. especially tomorrow cause I finally get to go to church after a week and a half of not going! yayyyyyyyyyy!
Day 15. Lyrics that apply to your current situation/mood.
well poo. I missed another day. oh well. I'm trying to think of what my mood was yesterday. ooh.
"it's killing me to see you go after all this time."
-breathe by taylor swift
that was a message to 2010. I loved it so much and I was sad to see it go. when I was watching the ball drop and counting down to 2011 it was slightly sad to me, I'm not gonna lie. cause now all that awesome stuff was last year. it seems more past-y now. aw. but now I just have to make more awesome stuff in 2011.
I'll be back for today's later.
"it's killing me to see you go after all this time."
-breathe by taylor swift
that was a message to 2010. I loved it so much and I was sad to see it go. when I was watching the ball drop and counting down to 2011 it was slightly sad to me, I'm not gonna lie. cause now all that awesome stuff was last year. it seems more past-y now. aw. but now I just have to make more awesome stuff in 2011.
I'll be back for today's later.
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