Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 23. 5 things you want to change.

about myself? in general? well I can do what I want, so I choose both!

5 things I want to change in general:
  1. the way the whole celebrity thing works. like...ooh you happened to be born into a "famous family" or ooh you're attractive and happen to be a good actor, so BOOM you get to do whatever you want and cut in line and close down amusement parks. but yeah, I know alot of celebrities really worked hard to get where they are, but I'm talking about the reality tv stars or the stars that no one knows why they're famous in the first place :P paris hilton anyone?
  2. people wouldn't murder each other. that would be monumental.
  3. it would be really cool if the sky was a different color sometimes. I love blue, but I'm just curious to see what it would be like if it wasn't blue. or maybe like more than one color at the same time! that would be awesome.
  4. you know on websites or ads where you just mouse over something and something else pops up?? I hate that! that should be banned from the internet. hahaha not to mention other things.
  5. school would only take up 6 months of the year instead of, what is it, 8 or 9? that's ridiculous. we should get the same amount of not-school as we do school, right? right!
5 things I want to change about myself:
  1. I would talk to certain people more! you know, like instead of being so quiet. I can be a quiet and sometimes awkward person unless I'm with people I can be totally comfortable around.
  2. I wish I was a better driver. I mean I know I'll get better...I've only been driving for about 6 months! I just need to be more observant is all.
  3. I wish I didn't procrastinate so much. I'm rrrreally bad about procrastinating on school stuff or other stuff that I don't particularly wanna get done. it doesn't really matter how difficult the thing is, like I don't mind working on stuff for church [I love it actually] but most stuff for school that doesn't involve artistic ability will not get done without procrastination getting ahold of it first.
  4. maybe work on my not dressing like a slob as often. I do the whole t-shirt, jeans, converse, ponytail thing too much. but this is like the least important item on this list, I think.
  5. I would DEFINITELY be better with directions. I'm HORRIBLE. horrrrriiibbbbllleeee! this is the only thing on the "myself" list that I can't figure out how to actually change...
that was fun! I love lists! in case you didn't know that already.

sooooo today marks: [heck yeah I'm making another list!]
  1. my first 5K race of 2011! 23:57 (unofficial). not bad! I think that's my best off season race time ever. but I don't keep track of my off season races, so I really have no idea!
  2. the day I finally let go of 2010. 2011 is looking like a great year, because I'm pretty sure I've loved every day of this year so far!
  3. elvis's birthday and also my friend madi's birthday. she got an elvis birthday card, which is awesomissimo!
I think that's it. ok, well I hope you have a good weekend! bye!

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