Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 17. Something you regret.

wow. the second day of a new year is not the day to be thinking about regrets.

but anyway, I regret not working on my big book project during the break. I mean I worked on some of it, but I still have some left. I totally could've gotten it done the first week if I wanted to, but I was a very lazy girl over this break, as usual. hahah. but it's cool. it's due the 14th. I have 2 things left: 1. annotated bibliography, and 2. 5-8 paragraph book review. I did all the easy stuff first, so that's what I got now. I'm gonna have to do one of the 2 tomorrow and the other one sometime this week or this weekend. I can do this.

ahh church today was awesome!! I missed it so much. praise and worship was great, service was great, it was just great. and I get to go again wednesday! yay. love it. this year is gonna be so great because I'm starting it with the happiness that started towards the end of last year! make sense? well it does in my head. can you tell I'm in a really good mood today? :)

last thing: I hope they have a Victorious soundtrack! cause I love the music from that show.

the end.

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