Monday, January 17, 2011

I think it was Me-onday!

so lately I've been posting music on facebook. I like that. I don't know if anyone actually listens to it, but I'm just putting some of my current favorites on there as they come up on shuffle in iTunes. and on my "Watch This" page I'm gonna be putting music on there unless I find a decent video. good? good! I try to change it up every week or so, but I forget sometimes. sorry bout that.

this is the last day of Christmas break part deux. see, we had real Christmas break from december 18th-january 3rd. then we went to school for 4 days, then it was the weekend, then it snowed sunday night/monday morning, then we were out for the whole week. then it was the weekend again, and now it's Martin Luther King Jr. day, or "milk day" as blake calls it. the break was superdy duper GREAT. because I wasn't at school, and not being at school is one of my favorite states of being. if that even made sense.

so what I'm expecting to do today:
  • get everything printed out and put together for my big book project that I did finally finish. I don't think I did most of it right, though. at this point, I kind of don't care. not to be a jerk or anything. it's just that I did work on it for a long time but I know I'm supposed to do my best at everything, and...just...too bad.
  • maybe possibly finally get a haircut. we'll see.
  • write a song, once again a maybe.
  • and another maybe...I might get to go to church today to work on stuff. I really wanna do that, so I'm gonna try to make that one happen.
  • study for stuff that was supposed to happen last week or that's supposed to happen this week. that may or may not happen.
  • I should run or something, ya know.
that's all I can think of for now. I'm really tired cause I forced myself to wake up earlier than usual. but I'll be glad when I can actually get to sleep before midnight tonight. well I hope I can!


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