Monday, December 7, 2009

The Art of the Inside Joke

Ah. Inside jokes. These make a real hypocrite out of me sometimes. I'm a part of so many, yet I get so mad at other people who make their inside jokes so public. What is it about inside jokes? I think they make us feel more included. They make us feel special because we exclude others. That's not cool. Really folks. If it's such an inside joke, don't post it on your facebook status. People will ask about it, then you'll reply, "inside joke!" thus making that person angry. So stop it, please. If you explain your inside joke, that's good. I've started doing that. It feels good when people are nice enough to explain their inside joke to you. Although it's not "inside" anymore, that's the POINT. We need to get away from this independent attitude and start being there for eachother.

That's my preachy/annoying blog post of the day. Bye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey, that wasn't annoying at all. i happen to agree with you. :) good blog post.
