Saturday, December 26, 2009

VEGAN (part 2)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! You should listen to "Boxing Day" by Relient K. It sums up all the feelings of today.

So a morning spent in the bathroom puking has further convinced me to indulge in the life of healthy eating. I ate so MUCH yesterday, and like at MIDNIGHT I was really full but I ate candy anyway. Stupid me. I think I'll start the healthiness today. Yeah.

Anyway, I'm thrilled that I have FANSD now. I haven't had the chance to listen to it on my ipod yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Listening to stuff on my ipod=win because you hear EVERYTHING. Every sound; all the special stuff you don't notice when you're listening to it on your computer. It's great!

Today will most likely be spent on the couch with a book and maybe some tv. And no sudden moves to keep the nausea away. The whole time I was puking I kept thinking about Jon Foreman. I know that's really weird, but I remember a few weeks ago he was really sick so I decided that if he's still alive, I can make it too. It's weird how you think of the strangest stuff. I was thinking about how many people could be in the same position I was in at that very moment. And I decided that if I ever was a stand up comic my first joke would be this one that I made up between sicknesses. "Man I feel really sorry for toilets. They take so much crap." Interesting. My mind goes askew [another favorite word, Renae ;)] whenever I'm sick. I always have the weirdest, most annoying dreams. I'm always half-awake during them too. And I can't make myself wake up. It's awful. Has that ever happened to you?

Well I hope no one over ate like I did, and let that be a lesson to each and every one of ya. Happy Boxing Day.

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