Saturday, November 28, 2009

z0MG gUyZZZ.

My head hurts just from writing that. I apologize.

Anyway, I somehow figured out how to log into my blog on this laptop. Isn't that exciting! I wasn't able to before, which really annoyed me. You probably don't care.

I wrote a corny song/poem the other night. I started out writing it for one person, then by the end I decided it pretty much describes everyone in my life who makes me happy or has made me happy at least one time. If you're reading this, then you definitely make me happy.

So here's to you, bringers of joy.

You're the sweet red cherry right on top
You're the laughing gas before the shot

You're the finish line at the end of the race
You're the gold medal when I win first place

You're the quiet oasis in the middle of the desert
You're the spongebob bandaid for when I get hurt

You're the ice cold water when I'm dying of thirst
You're the bright blue balloon that will never burst

You're the calm before the inevitable storm
You're the radiant sun that keeps all of me warm

You're the neverending song running through my head
You're the brand of butter that's easy to spread

You're the movie I love to watch over and over
You're harder to find than a 4-leaf clover

You're the spot of color in the midst of all the gray
You're the bold, brave hero that saves the day

Yet all these corny metaphors still aren't enough
Words can't express how much you are loved.

1 comment:

Renae said...

I love that a lot lee!! :D
That's amazing. I adore it.
