Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Heh. Hi. So the fun little research thing. I counted how many times I heard the expression "fo' REAL?" today. 10. I'll conduct this experiment again tomorrow. See, last year, the phrase was "REALLY?" And it got on my NERVES when people said that. Now everyone says "fo' REAL?" gahh. I don't say that though. Because that would make me a hypocrite. Yeah. And I recorded a video of me saying those just to show you what I was talking about but I'd have to upload it to youtube first and I don't feel like it. Hahah. Ok that's it. I hope I'm not so boring that everyone stopped reading. Oops.

1 comment:

Nova said...

bwahaha. sayings are such a regional thing. it sounds so weird to think of everyone saying fo' REAL? here. we say, i know, right?? in a really annoying CA way with a little sarcasm mixed in. like, i know, raaiiiyyyiiiittttt??? i guess i kinda started it though. :P