My head hurts just from writing that. I apologize.
Anyway, I somehow figured out how to log into my blog on this laptop. Isn't that exciting! I wasn't able to before, which really annoyed me. You probably don't care.
I wrote a corny song/poem the other night. I started out writing it for one person, then by the end I decided it pretty much describes everyone in my life who makes me happy or has made me happy at least one time. If you're reading this, then you definitely make me happy.
So here's to you, bringers of joy.
You're the sweet red cherry right on top
You're the laughing gas before the shot
You're the finish line at the end of the race
You're the gold medal when I win first place
You're the quiet oasis in the middle of the desert
You're the spongebob bandaid for when I get hurt
You're the ice cold water when I'm dying of thirst
You're the bright blue balloon that will never burst
You're the calm before the inevitable storm
You're the radiant sun that keeps all of me warm
You're the neverending song running through my head
You're the brand of butter that's easy to spread
You're the movie I love to watch over and over
You're harder to find than a 4-leaf clover
You're the spot of color in the midst of all the gray
You're the bold, brave hero that saves the day
Yet all these corny metaphors still aren't enough
Words can't express how much you are loved.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
"It's Nonsensical, Yes it Is"
Ah, Black Friday. The day where thousands of Americans who are most likely already in debt spend tons of money on stuff they do not need, just because it's on sale. Sale means nothing, because you're just gonna buy more stuff, right? Right. Don't kid yourself.
This year I choose not to go shopping. My mom might go, and I might go with her, just so I don't lay around the house like a lazy person [I need to walk off all that food from yesterday anyway]. Now, you know, I, being a girl, have the natural instinct to WANT to shop. And to be perfectly honest, I do! But you just have to fight. You know how it's our nature to sin, too? I have to fight that also. I'm sorry I have to do this, but here's an example from Twilight: the vampires obviously are predators. They are "programmed" to kill humans, right? Well the Cullens fight that instinct. That's what we should do.
It also amazes me how people have such a hard time waking up at 6 for school or church, but they have no problem at all waking up at 4 to shop. Bah. I feel like the Grinch.
Now I'm not saying "DON'T SHOP, YOU HEATHEN!" No, no, no. I'm saying that should go shopping, because if you need something, it's most likely on sale today. but before you put each item in your cart, ask yourself, "do I really, REALLY need this?" You'll be surprised at what you put back.
Alright. have a nice day.
You've been having trouble staying asleep
You been waking up at 4:12
You roll the voices over in your head
Then you try to put them neatly on the shelf
You watch the sun rise
You saw the darkness had no choice before the dawn
With your own eyes
And then you broke out laughing from a yawn
You said,
"I'm so sorry I've been so down.
I started doubting things could ever turn around.
And I began to believe that all we are is material.
It's nonsensical."
So you walk outside and everything's new
You're looking at the world with new eyes.
As if you'd never seen a sky before that's blue
As if you've never seen the sky in your whole life
And then the phone rings
As it turns out you're already late
And now you're wondering
Was peace just a temporary state?
You're waiting tables and parking cars
You've been selling cell phones at the shopping mall
And you began to believe that all you are is material
It's nonsensical
I still can't believe that all we are
And that all of are dreams are nothing more than material
Souls aren't built of stone,
Sticks and bones
[lyrics provided by]
This year I choose not to go shopping. My mom might go, and I might go with her, just so I don't lay around the house like a lazy person [I need to walk off all that food from yesterday anyway]. Now, you know, I, being a girl, have the natural instinct to WANT to shop. And to be perfectly honest, I do! But you just have to fight. You know how it's our nature to sin, too? I have to fight that also. I'm sorry I have to do this, but here's an example from Twilight: the vampires obviously are predators. They are "programmed" to kill humans, right? Well the Cullens fight that instinct. That's what we should do.
It also amazes me how people have such a hard time waking up at 6 for school or church, but they have no problem at all waking up at 4 to shop. Bah. I feel like the Grinch.
Now I'm not saying "DON'T SHOP, YOU HEATHEN!" No, no, no. I'm saying that should go shopping, because if you need something, it's most likely on sale today. but before you put each item in your cart, ask yourself, "do I really, REALLY need this?" You'll be surprised at what you put back.
Alright. have a nice day.
You've been having trouble staying asleep
You been waking up at 4:12
You roll the voices over in your head
Then you try to put them neatly on the shelf
You watch the sun rise
You saw the darkness had no choice before the dawn
With your own eyes
And then you broke out laughing from a yawn
You said,
"I'm so sorry I've been so down.
I started doubting things could ever turn around.
And I began to believe that all we are is material.
It's nonsensical."
So you walk outside and everything's new
You're looking at the world with new eyes.
As if you'd never seen a sky before that's blue
As if you've never seen the sky in your whole life
And then the phone rings
As it turns out you're already late
And now you're wondering
Was peace just a temporary state?
You're waiting tables and parking cars
You've been selling cell phones at the shopping mall
And you began to believe that all you are is material
It's nonsensical
I still can't believe that all we are
And that all of are dreams are nothing more than material
Souls aren't built of stone,
Sticks and bones
[lyrics provided by]
Monday, November 23, 2009
"wait so who is this justin bieber chick?"
Bahahahaha. That's what Mr. Andy Barron tweeted yesterday. It made. my. day. HAHA. Really, that's what I was asking at the end of the summer when I got back to school and I heard his name every couple of minutes.
Apparently he's this singer who's like 15 who sounds like he's 11 or 12? Yeah. I guess so. And a large percentage of girls from age 11 probably to 16 are OBSESSED with him. I think the Jonas fangirls have moved on to the Bieber. I feel kinda bad for the Jonas Brothers. They've died down just like every disney music prodigy has. How sad.
Anyway, I saw a commercial with the Justin kid in it, and I'm guessing it was snippets of his music videos, and he was all close and junk to these two different girls. And I was like---HOW could you watch this guy be all cozied up with these girls on tv and still be in "LOVE" with him?!
It just doesn't make sense to me! How can people be married to actors/actresses? Seeing them on tv and in movies kissing [and more...] other people? I just don't get it.
Apparently he's this singer who's like 15 who sounds like he's 11 or 12? Yeah. I guess so. And a large percentage of girls from age 11 probably to 16 are OBSESSED with him. I think the Jonas fangirls have moved on to the Bieber. I feel kinda bad for the Jonas Brothers. They've died down just like every disney music prodigy has. How sad.
Anyway, I saw a commercial with the Justin kid in it, and I'm guessing it was snippets of his music videos, and he was all close and junk to these two different girls. And I was like---HOW could you watch this guy be all cozied up with these girls on tv and still be in "LOVE" with him?!
It just doesn't make sense to me! How can people be married to actors/actresses? Seeing them on tv and in movies kissing [and more...] other people? I just don't get it.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
DUDE. Happiness. I am HAPPY. I haven't been this happy in a long while. Since August, maybe. Switchfoot can't fill all the holes, but they filled one with the upcoming show. Recently another hole was filled. This is GREAT. I'm sorry for being vague. But yeah. I'm a smiley person as of late. There's only a couple more holes left, but that's okay. I don't think God would mind filling a few more than He already has. :).
Tomorrow I am seeing New Moon. Now I'm not one of those freakishly obsessive people. I am a fan, not a askjhfiaoehtIHNIAOISUBUUusudjiaoOMG superfan. Ok? Ok. I've only seen Twilight one time. Other people? like 80. Not healthy. Depending upon the quality of New Moon, I may or may not watch it again. That's enough Twilight talk for one night.
Awwwlright. I'm done. I don't have the attention span to write a very long post, as I have exhibited in past posts. I've posted a bunch lately, though. Have you read them? No. You're not even reading now, are you? Or ARE you? O_o? Or am I typing to no one? Myself. Yes? Hi self. Oh, hello. I think I'm going insane! Oh, are you now? Yes. Well then I think maybe you should stop now. Good idea, self.
Tomorrow I am seeing New Moon. Now I'm not one of those freakishly obsessive people. I am a fan, not a askjhfiaoehtIHNIAOISUBUUusudjiaoOMG superfan. Ok? Ok. I've only seen Twilight one time. Other people? like 80. Not healthy. Depending upon the quality of New Moon, I may or may not watch it again. That's enough Twilight talk for one night.
Awwwlright. I'm done. I don't have the attention span to write a very long post, as I have exhibited in past posts. I've posted a bunch lately, though. Have you read them? No. You're not even reading now, are you? Or ARE you? O_o? Or am I typing to no one? Myself. Yes? Hi self. Oh, hello. I think I'm going insane! Oh, are you now? Yes. Well then I think maybe you should stop now. Good idea, self.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Be There in the Morning
Heh. I am listening to Michael Jackson's "Got to be There" from when he was 11. How precious.
Today went by fast. I'm glad it did. It had the potential to be a bad day, but I didn't let it. I'm slowly learning that--in the words of Hannah Montana--"life's what you make it." It really is. You can be an optimist or a pessimist. I choose optimism. I've only recently discovered this power over my life, but I'm learning. And I'm excited about it! So between me and God, I think we'll make this life pretty awesome. I'm hoping.
I feel like playing guitar right about now. I'll go do that now. Bye!
Today went by fast. I'm glad it did. It had the potential to be a bad day, but I didn't let it. I'm slowly learning that--in the words of Hannah Montana--"life's what you make it." It really is. You can be an optimist or a pessimist. I choose optimism. I've only recently discovered this power over my life, but I'm learning. And I'm excited about it! So between me and God, I think we'll make this life pretty awesome. I'm hoping.
I feel like playing guitar right about now. I'll go do that now. Bye!
I'll Open all the Windows
Hello, folks.
I think I was right about this week. I hope so. Because yesterday was a pretty good day also. I don't have alot to type today. Plus I don't have alot of time either. ok bye.
I think I was right about this week. I hope so. Because yesterday was a pretty good day also. I don't have alot to type today. Plus I don't have alot of time either. ok bye.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Non-Fail Week
Yesterday marked the beginning of non-fail week. It was a pretty awesome day. So hopefully this week will indeed be a non-fail one like I predicted. I'll keep you posted.
The Scene and Herd - Relient K
So here it is it's just me
A different drummer but the same old beat
It seems like everything is going to be just fine
Cause I'm having a good time
As long as I'm staying true to myself
Then out isn't something I can sell
And I can sleep at night without your help it's fine
Cause I'm having a good time
The scene and herd
Seem to make it all just a little bit worse
And I don't wanna go down that road
Oh no no no
The scene and herd
I'll be the first to tell you I'm worse
But I don't wanna go
Down that road
Oh no
And odds are that you probably
Magically got this song for free
And I'm not sure if it bothers me it seems fine
Cause I'm having a good time
And if the path I take to validate
Everything I do means everything I create
Is knocking on the door of everything I hate I'll decline
Cause I'm having a good time
Well everyone's got something on their mind
And this is my thought at the present time
I say what I want might not be what you want to hear
The scene and herd
Block out the sun like a flock of birds
And I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go
The Scene and Herd - Relient K
So here it is it's just me
A different drummer but the same old beat
It seems like everything is going to be just fine
Cause I'm having a good time
As long as I'm staying true to myself
Then out isn't something I can sell
And I can sleep at night without your help it's fine
Cause I'm having a good time
The scene and herd
Seem to make it all just a little bit worse
And I don't wanna go down that road
Oh no no no
The scene and herd
I'll be the first to tell you I'm worse
But I don't wanna go
Down that road
Oh no
And odds are that you probably
Magically got this song for free
And I'm not sure if it bothers me it seems fine
Cause I'm having a good time
And if the path I take to validate
Everything I do means everything I create
Is knocking on the door of everything I hate I'll decline
Cause I'm having a good time
Well everyone's got something on their mind
And this is my thought at the present time
I say what I want might not be what you want to hear
The scene and herd
Block out the sun like a flock of birds
And I don't wanna go
I don't wanna go
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Maybe, Just Maybe.
I am writing another post. 2 in one day. Cool. I have an awful headache. And I don't know why. Ow ow ow. EEEK. I don't like headaches. Who does?
I'm currently sitting here wondering why a bunch of my friends always hang out on the weekends, yet I'm never invited. :/. You know that sinking feeling of being left out? Yeah, I feel that a lot. Maybe I'm just not "cool" or whatever. What's wrong with me? Bleh. I fail. I guess because it's still week of fails. Tomorrow needs to come fast, because I think it would be considered a new week. Yeah. Sunday. Ok. Well I don't know what to say anymore. I like blogging. I like people to identify with what I'm feeling. But most people have friends that they are probably hanging out with now. Hm. I still don't know what's wrong with me. Sometimes I just wanna move away and start over and see if I could possibly be more outgoing, then possibly I'd get invited to hang out with friends. Just maybe.
I'm currently sitting here wondering why a bunch of my friends always hang out on the weekends, yet I'm never invited. :/. You know that sinking feeling of being left out? Yeah, I feel that a lot. Maybe I'm just not "cool" or whatever. What's wrong with me? Bleh. I fail. I guess because it's still week of fails. Tomorrow needs to come fast, because I think it would be considered a new week. Yeah. Sunday. Ok. Well I don't know what to say anymore. I like blogging. I like people to identify with what I'm feeling. But most people have friends that they are probably hanging out with now. Hm. I still don't know what's wrong with me. Sometimes I just wanna move away and start over and see if I could possibly be more outgoing, then possibly I'd get invited to hang out with friends. Just maybe.
"Suprise" by Jars of Clay is what I am currently listening to. It's a pretty song that makes me feel depressed for no good reason. Hah. Okay. Today's race went well! I ran my best time of the year. Too bad that wasn't a real cross country race. heh.
Today I put stickers everywhere to promote Switchfoot. I don't think it's legal to randomly stick stickers everywhere, so I just didn't peel them off. I set them on random tables at a college. Here's a picture because visual aides equal win.
Yes. The reason there is a napkin holder in the shot is because they have a cool cafe there in the student center. Cool, huh? I wanna go there.
In other news... uhhhh there is none. OOH there's a new ICarly tonight. Looking forward to it. And Lizabeth and I are fails. I think that's all. Adios.
Today I put stickers everywhere to promote Switchfoot. I don't think it's legal to randomly stick stickers everywhere, so I just didn't peel them off. I set them on random tables at a college. Here's a picture because visual aides equal win.
Yes. The reason there is a napkin holder in the shot is because they have a cool cafe there in the student center. Cool, huh? I wanna go there.
In other news... uhhhh there is none. OOH there's a new ICarly tonight. Looking forward to it. And Lizabeth and I are fails. I think that's all. Adios.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Looking at the World Through New Eyes
Today I was running, and I decided to run easy today because I have a race [sort of] Saturday, and I did something that I don't think I've ever done. I looked around at everything while I was running. Usually I stare at the ground, but today I looked at the trees and the sky and houses and everything. It was cool. How many of us, when we're in the car, text? Just text then when the car stops, get out. When was the last time you really saw the world? Look past your phone for just a few minutes while you're in the car and tell me, what do you see? Life, right? Yes. Life.
Topic changeeee. Heheh. It seems as if my graphics have lost their popularity. Oh well. I still love making them. Here's some that I haven't posted.
Hello Hurricane promo banner I made for the LOBH contest:

Cure for Pain banner I'm fairly proud of:

Let it All Out banner:

Always banner:

OK. bye friends.
Topic changeeee. Heheh. It seems as if my graphics have lost their popularity. Oh well. I still love making them. Here's some that I haven't posted.
Hello Hurricane promo banner I made for the LOBH contest:

Cure for Pain banner I'm fairly proud of:

Let it All Out banner:

Always banner:

OK. bye friends.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
A Little More Than Useless
Do you ever feel inadequate? Like your best can never be good enough? I struggle with that. I don't feel like elaborating, plus it's not important anyway.
HAPPY THING. I bought switchfoot tickets yesterday shortly after I wrote that review! STOKED for the show. yayyyyyyyyyy.
Also, new Project Rewrite150 post. It's slowly coming along, I think. Tell me what you think.
Hmm. What else? Oh yeah. I think that piknic or picnik or how is that thing spelled? Anyway, I think that it has given people with no photo editing experience the ability to edit their pictures to a pulp and think it looks good. I mean seriously. I know I sound snotty, but it's true! I've seen several of my friends on facebook with albums full of edited pictures and it's a tad scary. hah. I like *hugs pdn* it's so complicated at times that I feel like a nerd for knowing how to do stuff on there. And that's the way it should be.
Goodbye and God bless.
HAPPY THING. I bought switchfoot tickets yesterday shortly after I wrote that review! STOKED for the show. yayyyyyyyyyy.
Also, new Project Rewrite150 post. It's slowly coming along, I think. Tell me what you think.
Hmm. What else? Oh yeah. I think that piknic or picnik or how is that thing spelled? Anyway, I think that it has given people with no photo editing experience the ability to edit their pictures to a pulp and think it looks good. I mean seriously. I know I sound snotty, but it's true! I've seen several of my friends on facebook with albums full of edited pictures and it's a tad scary. hah. I like *hugs pdn* it's so complicated at times that I feel like a nerd for knowing how to do stuff on there. And that's the way it should be.
Goodbye and God bless.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Super Short Hello Hurricane Review, so Short, You Might Actually Read It
Hello. I just listened to Hello Hurricane for the first time. So right now I'm posting a review of it, but only what *really* stood out to me, so I won't listen to it while I'm writing this.
1. Needle and Haystack Life- the beginning was great. it's was like drew was gathering all the sounds for the entire album and drawing them in. excellent opener.
2. Mess of Me- great, as always. jon's vocals are just so spot on, especially in the bridge.
3. Your Love is a Song- WOW. I had never heard any of this song before, but it was PERFECT. the lyrics, the way it flowed. one of the most magnificent songs I have ever heard.
4. The Sound- all the energy in this song is unreal! drew's guitar solo is sick. and I love when the music just STOPS at certain points in the song. fabulous song.
5. Enough to Let Me Go- this song is such a pretty song. it makes me wanna cry. the vocals in this song are great too.
6. Free- woahh. before, all I had heard of this was the acoustic version they did at that radio station in charlotte. [I was gonna go to that, but school...anyway...] This BLEW ME AWAY. It was so vibrant. an anthem. it's definitely the strongest song on this record. it made me wanna jump up and pump my fists or something. hahah. when it was over I remember thinking "this song HAS to be on the radio!!"
7. Hello Hurricane- I really liked this one. it also flowed really well. it has a wonderful message too. it kept making me think of the katrina victims. "there's nothing left for you to take away."
8. Always- oh wow. I love it. it gave me chills from the start. my favorite part is definitely the bridge. the "ah ooh, ooh ooh" part. I closed my eyes, and imagined diving into the ocean and coming back up. great great great song.
9. Bullet Soul- I remember that this was one of my least favorites that I heard live recordings of, but I really enjoyed the album version. the music is great, and this song has a lot of energy.
10. Yet- Ah, yet. I remember being in LOVE with the live version I have. I still am. it's still my favorite song. and I was sure it would be my favorite on the album. But it really wasn't. it was still beautiful, but I was expecting something BIG to happen after the bridge, but it never did. maybe it'll grow on me.
11. Sing it Out- the beginning of this song sounds like the screechy, haunting music they always play when they show footage from Auschwitz. the song, though, isn't as haunting. it's lovely, but I don't remember how it goes anymore. I remember the words, but not the melody. that's okay. I'll listen to it again soon.
12. Red Eyes- I love the picture this song painted from the start. the chorus was great!! and the end was so cool. it reminded me of the end of "Dance on Our Graves" by paper route. excellent.
Thoughts on the Album as a Whole- What really stood out to me throughout the album was the distortion on drew's guitar. Also, I heard a lot more Tim. There was a whole lot more harmony than in any of their other albums, but harmony is one of my favorite things, especially 3-part, so that was wonderful for me. Overall, this album is probably the best they've done, and I can't wait to see and hear all it went through to become what we now know as Hello Hurricane.
1. Needle and Haystack Life- the beginning was great. it's was like drew was gathering all the sounds for the entire album and drawing them in. excellent opener.
2. Mess of Me- great, as always. jon's vocals are just so spot on, especially in the bridge.
3. Your Love is a Song- WOW. I had never heard any of this song before, but it was PERFECT. the lyrics, the way it flowed. one of the most magnificent songs I have ever heard.
4. The Sound- all the energy in this song is unreal! drew's guitar solo is sick. and I love when the music just STOPS at certain points in the song. fabulous song.
5. Enough to Let Me Go- this song is such a pretty song. it makes me wanna cry. the vocals in this song are great too.
6. Free- woahh. before, all I had heard of this was the acoustic version they did at that radio station in charlotte. [I was gonna go to that, but school...anyway...] This BLEW ME AWAY. It was so vibrant. an anthem. it's definitely the strongest song on this record. it made me wanna jump up and pump my fists or something. hahah. when it was over I remember thinking "this song HAS to be on the radio!!"
7. Hello Hurricane- I really liked this one. it also flowed really well. it has a wonderful message too. it kept making me think of the katrina victims. "there's nothing left for you to take away."
8. Always- oh wow. I love it. it gave me chills from the start. my favorite part is definitely the bridge. the "ah ooh, ooh ooh" part. I closed my eyes, and imagined diving into the ocean and coming back up. great great great song.
9. Bullet Soul- I remember that this was one of my least favorites that I heard live recordings of, but I really enjoyed the album version. the music is great, and this song has a lot of energy.
10. Yet- Ah, yet. I remember being in LOVE with the live version I have. I still am. it's still my favorite song. and I was sure it would be my favorite on the album. But it really wasn't. it was still beautiful, but I was expecting something BIG to happen after the bridge, but it never did. maybe it'll grow on me.
11. Sing it Out- the beginning of this song sounds like the screechy, haunting music they always play when they show footage from Auschwitz. the song, though, isn't as haunting. it's lovely, but I don't remember how it goes anymore. I remember the words, but not the melody. that's okay. I'll listen to it again soon.
12. Red Eyes- I love the picture this song painted from the start. the chorus was great!! and the end was so cool. it reminded me of the end of "Dance on Our Graves" by paper route. excellent.
Thoughts on the Album as a Whole- What really stood out to me throughout the album was the distortion on drew's guitar. Also, I heard a lot more Tim. There was a whole lot more harmony than in any of their other albums, but harmony is one of my favorite things, especially 3-part, so that was wonderful for me. Overall, this album is probably the best they've done, and I can't wait to see and hear all it went through to become what we now know as Hello Hurricane.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Heh. Hi. So the fun little research thing. I counted how many times I heard the expression "fo' REAL?" today. 10. I'll conduct this experiment again tomorrow. See, last year, the phrase was "REALLY?" And it got on my NERVES when people said that. Now everyone says "fo' REAL?" gahh. I don't say that though. Because that would make me a hypocrite. Yeah. And I recorded a video of me saying those just to show you what I was talking about but I'd have to upload it to youtube first and I don't feel like it. Hahah. Ok that's it. I hope I'm not so boring that everyone stopped reading. Oops.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Come on Eileen!
I'm listening to Come on Eileen right now. It's so fascinating how this was a number one hit back in the 80's. It *is* catchy. But that's what people say about "I Kissed a Girl" and I refuse to listen to that song because I don't want any of that junk to be constantly flowing through my head.
Anyway, Switchfoot's new video for Mess of Me came out today! WATCH IT! And if you have twitter/myspace/facebook/a blog/whatever, REPOST this!!
Another thing. If I remember tomorrow I'm going to do a research type thing. It'll be interesting. I'll post results tomorrow, once again, if I remember. Hey, I forget things easily. Well I think that's it. Bye and WATCH THE VIDEO.
Anyway, Switchfoot's new video for Mess of Me came out today! WATCH IT! And if you have twitter/myspace/facebook/a blog/whatever, REPOST this!!
Another thing. If I remember tomorrow I'm going to do a research type thing. It'll be interesting. I'll post results tomorrow, once again, if I remember. Hey, I forget things easily. Well I think that's it. Bye and WATCH THE VIDEO.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I'm Not Going Back. Made Up My Mind. It's All Behind.
Hmm. I don't even know what to start with. I guess yesterday? Yeah I guess. Yesterday was fun. I attended a concert. Good Tomorrow. [their site] They're not big yet, but they will be, I assure you. I saw them play a couple years ago too. Love them. I talked to the drummer afterward. I told him I'd bring a megaphone to the next show and he said he'd give me a free t-shirt if I did. I have to look into purchasing one soon.
I learned something the other day that I think I already knew. I think this was in an episode of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Heh. Anyway. It's that if you care for someone and pray for them, what God has in mind as best for them might not be what feels right for you. Did that make sense? I'll try to word it differently. Like they did in the Suite Life. When you love someone, you have to think of them before yourself. Something like that. I'm slowly learning to let go and stop being selfish. It's hard. Hard as anything. But I'm trying.
And I STILL need to get FANSD. Darn me. I'll try to pick it up this week.
EW I hate fall back. Because it gets dark at like 5:00. How lame. Blech. But Christmas is coming, and Hello Hurricane is coming sooner. YAY.
Hmm. I don't even know what to start with. I guess yesterday? Yeah I guess. Yesterday was fun. I attended a concert. Good Tomorrow. [their site] They're not big yet, but they will be, I assure you. I saw them play a couple years ago too. Love them. I talked to the drummer afterward. I told him I'd bring a megaphone to the next show and he said he'd give me a free t-shirt if I did. I have to look into purchasing one soon.
I learned something the other day that I think I already knew. I think this was in an episode of the Suite Life of Zack and Cody. Heh. Anyway. It's that if you care for someone and pray for them, what God has in mind as best for them might not be what feels right for you. Did that make sense? I'll try to word it differently. Like they did in the Suite Life. When you love someone, you have to think of them before yourself. Something like that. I'm slowly learning to let go and stop being selfish. It's hard. Hard as anything. But I'm trying.
And I STILL need to get FANSD. Darn me. I'll try to pick it up this week.
EW I hate fall back. Because it gets dark at like 5:00. How lame. Blech. But Christmas is coming, and Hello Hurricane is coming sooner. YAY.
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