Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hello October. Hello Hurricane ALMOST.

SO OMG. Today Switchfoot released some previews of the new album for FOTF. I decided that I won't listen to it. I don't wanna spoil the new album! I understand listening to Mess of Me because it's going to be all over the radio in a matter of days ANYWAY but I want the album as a whole to be fresh. Yes. I remember being so freaking JEALOUS of the people who got to hear the album early, but now I'm glad I didn't get to hear it. glad I tell you.

Today I got to play guitar in chapel! They didn't replace me! Eeheheh. yay. But there were no words on the screen so it was depressing to look out and see people just talking and stuff. :(. It's all good though. Next week will be better, hopefully. I felt like Drew up there with my glasses on. [I can't wear my contacts until my eye turns un-pink. hah.] Ick. I hate glasses though. Contacts are so much better for me. I hate how when I look up, everything's blurry, but with contacts, it's like I have 20/20 vision. Pah. I just can't wait until Saturday when I get to wear them again.

Hmm. What else can I talk about? Oh I guess I shall go ahead with the Question of the Moment. Or QOTM for short. AHAHA reminds me of Jeanna. the almighty QOMT. Bwah. And for the record, I *did* notice that the first QOTM wasn't actually a question. Fail. HAHA. Anyway. Today we watched the Sound of Music. That is a classic indeed. What are some of your favorite classic movies? The latest year they can be from is 1999, ok? So High School Musical is unacceptable. Some of my favorites are The Sound of Music, the Wizard of OZ, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Grease, and Mary Poppins. There are a ton more that I forgot. Anyway, go to it!

P.S. new PRW150 post. please check it out. please do. I went to so much trouble for it. really I did. Click on the Project Rewrite 150 banner over there to see.

1 comment:

Rachel24 said...

Let's see: The Wizard of Oz, Snow White, The Sound of Music, A Hard Day's Night, Help!, Cinderella. There's probably more I can't remember right now.