Monday, October 26, 2009

Away from the Specific

I apologize for my last post. Not all children are like that. Just a select few. I still don't know if I want kids, though. hahah. You know what I do want? Hello Hurricane. It comes out in 2 weeks. If I can just grit my teeth through hearing all these people TALKING about the album because they've already HEARD it [seriously guys, let's not advertise it to the world by talking about it constantly on twitter. not that I'm annoyed or anything], I'll be okay. I'll be glad, though, that I didn't hear it before it came out once it comes out. I think I'm done. I'm sorry about the short post. But I can't think of anything else. Goodbye!


Anonymous said...

I agree totally... I mean, it just makes the rest of us jealous, and it serves no good purpose! Put that excited energy towards writing a review or something! ^_^

lee said...

Exactly. But I'd possibly do the same thing. I'm not sure. But I'm not going to ever have that opportunity anyway. heheh.