Friday, October 16, 2009

Doo Doop Doo-Doo-Doo DOOP Doo-Doo. Doo DOOP Doot DOO-DOO.

If you couldn't figure out what I was saying in the title, it's just the first measure or so of Tim's bass riff in "This is Your Life." I couldn't think of what to name this post, so I thought I'd like to put in a line from a song, and this was what popped into my head. Yay. I hope you found that amusing. And if you laughed at the fact that it said "doo doo" I love you. You're my new best friend. Let's go play in the mud together.

Today I decided that I was tired of this layout. So I think I might change it. I get bored with layouts really fast, and I never really liked this one. I'll change the colors of the background and text and stuff first to see if that'll fix it, and then I'll go from there. heh.

Tomorrow will be EXCITING because I'm going to the CLEMSON GAME. Woohoo. My first clemson game. YAY. I'll take pictures. Me and my big #6 jersey that I've had since 4th grade. Yes. And it's still huge on me so imagine how big it was then. heeehee.

I also decided today that I'm gonna stop announcing new posts on twitter because no one reads this anyway. But I don't care. Don't come rushing in saying "I read it" and all that. I know that the "regulars" read this. I love you guys ^_^.

And that's today's post. I don't have a QOTM so we'll just say the moment from the last QOTM is a very long moment. You can still answer that one. Bye.

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