Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Oh My. Pink eye.

Darnnnnn it. I have pink eye. Lame. LAMELAMELAMELAMELAME because I'm not even allowed to go to school tomorrow because of it. It's not even that bad. But BLAH because we have band practice tomorrow and I can't GO and I might not be able to play in chapel because of it. rahhh. And I missed my cross country meet today because of it. Darn that disease. Or whatever it is. Disease, yeah. I guess. I couldn't even go to the doctor because there's so much flu going around that I'll probably catch it. The doctor people like refused to let me come in. AHAH. But we described my eye to them on the phone and they said it was pink eye so my dad just has to get medicine from eckerds. or rite aid. That's so retarded. I always call it eckerds anyway. hahaha.

And you needed to know that becaauuuussseeee... I don't know! But I like blogging. It's fun. Heheheh.

Tomorrow will be very boring because I'll be stuck at home probably doing nothing. So I might cover Relient K's "Overthinking." Because that's the song I want to cover next. I just don't know if I want to cover it tomorrow. We'll see. Oh by the way. You should pre-order their album. Go to relientk.com. I haven't pre-ordered it yet, but I will. Because they're just that awesome. I'm possibly seeing them for the first time next FRIDAY. coooool. maybe though. My dad has to try to get off work. ok bye folks. Pray I get better tomorrow so I can come back to school Thursday to watch someone else take my place as acoustic guitarist. *sobs*

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