Saturday, September 5, 2009


Why does Nova=win? Well she posted this in her blog a couple weeks ago.
Today I had a realization, Facebook is just like wearing a bikini, except it's on the Internet. What do I mean by this? I shall explain. You see, when wearing a bikini, you cover up your most private things and expose everything else at the same time. Facebook is the same way. You tell everyone you're friends with what you're thinking and doing 24 hours a day. How is there any privacy like that? But you still keep your most private information the way it should be, private. It's pretty weird when you think about it. Those random people who go to your school don't need to know what you just ate, where you take your showers, or how you feel about America's Next Top Model. They don't need to see pictures of you on your winter vacation.

It's exactly why I stopped tweeting/facebooking so much. I couldn't have said it better. I used to tweet like 495849207532 times a day. But I came to the realization that no one CARES. Hah. I still like to tweet every once in a while though, if it's something worth mentioning.

ANYWAY. Mess of Me! Heh. I'm sure you know about how Switchfoot's spreading their new single throughout the world. If you haven't, then go to and find the mess of me page. I recently got to hide a copy! I'm fairly sure someone has already gotten it, but anyway, it's at the Sonic at hillcrest on the little carousel thing. hahaha. I'm so glad I got to be a part of this. I'll remember this forever probably.

I have stuff to do today, so I'll leave you with this video that I made for my friend amylynne. Oh, and I'll blog all about the switchfoot show sometime too. Tomorrow maybe. HEHEH. I'm a terrible procrastinator, just in case you didn't have that figured out yet. ok here's the video. adios, amigo-gos.

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