Friday, September 11, 2009

Crazy Early Morning Post

Well, not that crazy. I'm usually up at this time because of school. Anyway, last night I had a crazy revelation-type thing. Actually, I've been having thoughts like these for a lonnng time, but last night was like the peak.
I know, especially if you're a Switchfoot fam, that you've heard this time and time again. "This is your life" and other statements similar to that. But if you're like me, you just close your eyes and nod your head, but the statement just flies over your head. Last night I realized that this *is* life and guess what. After this, there's eternity. Remember? Yeah. This life could end at ANY time, and goodness. I feel like I've pretty much wasted 14 1/2 years of mine. I haven't done anything for Christ, have I? I'm still working on that, so any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.


Rachel said...

Thanks for this Lee, I feel like I really needed to hear that!:) Sometimes I get these sudden revelations too where I think, O my gosh! I have to wake up and start living! But that hasn't happened in a long time and I've been having a tough time recently.

lee said...

Yeah, I still don't know what to do with this revelation. Hah. I'm just praying about it, so I'll include you in my prayers. :)