Ahahah. I have decided today that I am not a very good singer. I tried, I tried. But I just don't like it. So no covers will be coming out of the mouth of Lee until further notice.
For the record, my eye is feeling much MUCH better. I could've totally gone to school today. PAH. Because it's only a LITTLE red. and it feels normal. Grr. Which reminds me, I have to email my teachers and get assignments. *cringes* I hate missing school because it's hard to catch up. Wahhhh.
I've decided to start a new thing on here. Question of the Moment. I'll ask some question at the end and you ANSWER in a comment or on the tags. Ready? Ok!
Name some people who can almost always make you laugh. Always. Here's some of mine: Basicly any switchfoot or relient k band member, My boardie friends [various elizabeths, [including NOVA] katies, sarahs, and more], Chelsea, Andie, Zach, Jenson, Ellason, Blake, Duff from Ace of Cakes [he has the best laugh], Sam's character from ICarly, and SPONGEBOB, and many more. heheh. your turn.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Oh My. Pink eye.
Darnnnnn it. I have pink eye. Lame. LAMELAMELAMELAMELAME because I'm not even allowed to go to school tomorrow because of it. It's not even that bad. But BLAH because we have band practice tomorrow and I can't GO and I might not be able to play in chapel because of it. rahhh. And I missed my cross country meet today because of it. Darn that disease. Or whatever it is. Disease, yeah. I guess. I couldn't even go to the doctor because there's so much flu going around that I'll probably catch it. The doctor people like refused to let me come in. AHAH. But we described my eye to them on the phone and they said it was pink eye so my dad just has to get medicine from eckerds. or rite aid. That's so retarded. I always call it eckerds anyway. hahaha.
And you needed to know that becaauuuussseeee... I don't know! But I like blogging. It's fun. Heheheh.
Tomorrow will be very boring because I'll be stuck at home probably doing nothing. So I might cover Relient K's "Overthinking." Because that's the song I want to cover next. I just don't know if I want to cover it tomorrow. We'll see. Oh by the way. You should pre-order their album. Go to relientk.com. I haven't pre-ordered it yet, but I will. Because they're just that awesome. I'm possibly seeing them for the first time next FRIDAY. coooool. maybe though. My dad has to try to get off work. ok bye folks. Pray I get better tomorrow so I can come back to school Thursday to watch someone else take my place as acoustic guitarist. *sobs*
And you needed to know that becaauuuussseeee... I don't know! But I like blogging. It's fun. Heheheh.
Tomorrow will be very boring because I'll be stuck at home probably doing nothing. So I might cover Relient K's "Overthinking." Because that's the song I want to cover next. I just don't know if I want to cover it tomorrow. We'll see. Oh by the way. You should pre-order their album. Go to relientk.com. I haven't pre-ordered it yet, but I will. Because they're just that awesome. I'm possibly seeing them for the first time next FRIDAY. coooool. maybe though. My dad has to try to get off work. ok bye folks. Pray I get better tomorrow so I can come back to school Thursday to watch someone else take my place as acoustic guitarist. *sobs*
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Get Back in Touch.
So. You can see that there's a new layout. I worked for a good while making the header. Sure you'll oooh and ahhh or booo and bahhh. Whatever. But then you'll go your merry way and forget about it. And some people participate in these crazy eating contests. Eating 6 pound burgers. Some people spend their lives running marathons. Some people enter cake contests, decorating cakes for 8 hours. Some people write songs about cotton. "The touch, the feel, the fabric of our lives." The list is ENDLESS. What is my point, you ask? Well. I'll answer your question with another question. Why are we here? To see how many hotdogs, or in my case, enchiladas, we can eat? To see how many concerts we can go to before we die? No. I'm pretty sure it's to glorify God. Am I wrong? I just feel like everyone has lost touch with our purpose. I'd like to try to get back, if that's alright with you. But I really can't do anything by myself. Think about that. Eheh. Alright. Bye.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Awesome and the Awful.
Wow. I just got back from the highschool retreat. I'll tell some wonderful stories later. But I just wanna start with something.
I gritted my teeth through alot of it. Really. Because around the clock people were complaining and stuff. I admit, the rooms were less than appealing, but how can you possibly complain for 3 days? Ahah. And I laughed when most of the girls in my room said that they cried at least once during the trip. But now I'm the one about to cry. Why? Hmm. I'm not even sure. Probably some built up anger from the trip. Definitely because Switchfoot has 3 CA dates and 3 Texas dates and NONE within 4 hours of me. Also because I'm not going to Florida for a cross country meet. It was my decision to not go. But now Coach is telling me why I *should* go and it's tearing me up. I love my teammates and all, but I don't want to stay in Florida without my family. It hurt when they said they weren't coming, so I guess I just wanted to stay here. Also because it seems that no one reads my blog anymore. So those few things sound ridiculous, right? I bet you're thinking "wow. what a loser. Why is she being such a pansy about this stuff?" I'm asking myself the same question. Darn me and my emotions. I feel better now though. Sort of.
And now the highlights of the retreat.
I gritted my teeth through alot of it. Really. Because around the clock people were complaining and stuff. I admit, the rooms were less than appealing, but how can you possibly complain for 3 days? Ahah. And I laughed when most of the girls in my room said that they cried at least once during the trip. But now I'm the one about to cry. Why? Hmm. I'm not even sure. Probably some built up anger from the trip. Definitely because Switchfoot has 3 CA dates and 3 Texas dates and NONE within 4 hours of me. Also because I'm not going to Florida for a cross country meet. It was my decision to not go. But now Coach is telling me why I *should* go and it's tearing me up. I love my teammates and all, but I don't want to stay in Florida without my family. It hurt when they said they weren't coming, so I guess I just wanted to stay here. Also because it seems that no one reads my blog anymore. So those few things sound ridiculous, right? I bet you're thinking "wow. what a loser. Why is she being such a pansy about this stuff?" I'm asking myself the same question. Darn me and my emotions. I feel better now though. Sort of.
And now the highlights of the retreat.
- WORSHIP. Amazing. My absolute favorite part of the whole thing. Every night we'd have a little worship service in the chapel there. This guy named Matt Orth spoke. He was incredible. Funny guy. Heh. And of course the worship team led worship every night. That was a BLAST. Fun timesssss. We still are un-named. People are starting to submit names though. I'll tell you once we have one. My fingers are still killing me though. ahaha. We practiced for an hour twice a day PLUS the actual service so yeah. Alot of guitar playing there.
- The ropes course. Yeah. I can't even believe I did that. So much fun.
- Hanging out. I love my 9th grade friends. We had a ton of fun.
If any of you have a blog, you know how it feels to lose your zeal for finishing a post? That's what's happening now. I'll possibly finish this later.
Please. If you read this. Comment. or post on the tags. Because if no one reads this I'll just stop. ahaha. I can just purchase one of those girly diaries and write in there.
Friday, September 18, 2009
[Hey Weezy. If you are reading this.]
Weezy recently informed me that he read my blog one time. That is awesome.
Yes. Anyway. Musiccc. Have I ever told you that I've always wanted to be in a band? Well I'm sort of in one now. I play guitar for our school's chapel praise/worship team. Yesterday was my first time playing at the actual service. So my first "crowd" was our school's 7-12th grade. Which is like 200 people. hahaha. It was fun! So this is good experience. When I'm older and in a band and I tour the world, I'll remember that day. And I played a Taylor, which makes it better. Thanks, Philly. It's his. Because my acoustic is not capable of being amplified. Boo.
Yesterday I ran a race. Nothing new. I've run at LEAST 50 races in my lifetime. But after the race was the best part. We went to El Mexicano and, see, I ALWAYS order a cheese quesadilla with beans and rice EVERY time we eat at a Mexican restaurant. No matter WHAT restaurant it is. But I ordered something different for the first time ever. It was called "Enchilada Supreme." It came with 4 different enchiladas. Beef, bean, chicken, and cheese. I ate ALL of them. ALL. The cheese one was the best. Although I accidentally dropped it on my lap. But it still tasted fine.
I wanna try to stay in good shape even during the off-season so that I can be proud of eating large amounts of food. Because if I don't run, I'll get fat and then I won't be very happy.
I think that's all I shall post for today. Goodbye!
Weezy recently informed me that he read my blog one time. That is awesome.
Yes. Anyway. Musiccc. Have I ever told you that I've always wanted to be in a band? Well I'm sort of in one now. I play guitar for our school's chapel praise/worship team. Yesterday was my first time playing at the actual service. So my first "crowd" was our school's 7-12th grade. Which is like 200 people. hahaha. It was fun! So this is good experience. When I'm older and in a band and I tour the world, I'll remember that day. And I played a Taylor, which makes it better. Thanks, Philly. It's his. Because my acoustic is not capable of being amplified. Boo.
Yesterday I ran a race. Nothing new. I've run at LEAST 50 races in my lifetime. But after the race was the best part. We went to El Mexicano and, see, I ALWAYS order a cheese quesadilla with beans and rice EVERY time we eat at a Mexican restaurant. No matter WHAT restaurant it is. But I ordered something different for the first time ever. It was called "Enchilada Supreme." It came with 4 different enchiladas. Beef, bean, chicken, and cheese. I ate ALL of them. ALL. The cheese one was the best. Although I accidentally dropped it on my lap. But it still tasted fine.
I wanna try to stay in good shape even during the off-season so that I can be proud of eating large amounts of food. Because if I don't run, I'll get fat and then I won't be very happy.
I think that's all I shall post for today. Goodbye!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Crazy Early Morning Post
Well, not that crazy. I'm usually up at this time because of school. Anyway, last night I had a crazy revelation-type thing. Actually, I've been having thoughts like these for a lonnng time, but last night was like the peak.
I know, especially if you're a Switchfoot fam, that you've heard this time and time again. "This is your life" and other statements similar to that. But if you're like me, you just close your eyes and nod your head, but the statement just flies over your head. Last night I realized that this *is* life and guess what. After this, there's eternity. Remember? Yeah. This life could end at ANY time, and goodness. I feel like I've pretty much wasted 14 1/2 years of mine. I haven't done anything for Christ, have I? I'm still working on that, so any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
I know, especially if you're a Switchfoot fam, that you've heard this time and time again. "This is your life" and other statements similar to that. But if you're like me, you just close your eyes and nod your head, but the statement just flies over your head. Last night I realized that this *is* life and guess what. After this, there's eternity. Remember? Yeah. This life could end at ANY time, and goodness. I feel like I've pretty much wasted 14 1/2 years of mine. I haven't done anything for Christ, have I? I'm still working on that, so any encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
and rate and comment if possible!
EEP. It has footage from my show! :)
Also, if you blog, repost this video. We need people to see it.
and rate and comment if possible!
EEP. It has footage from my show! :)
Also, if you blog, repost this video. We need people to see it.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tutorial Time.
Hello all. I will now post a tutorial requested by my friends Elizabeth [Nova] and Amy.
How to Install Non-Lame Smilies to Your Cbox
[Sorry the screen caps are sort of small and hard to see, but if you click them, a bigger image will pop up for you.]

First, log in to your cbox.

Then, click "options", then "smilies."

There will be a list of all the smilies installed in your cbox, including URLs for the images and the codes that you use to actually *see* the smiley.

Open up LOBH [boards.landofbrokenhearts.org] or any message boards you are a member of in a new tab or window, go to the boards, and click either "quick reply" or "add reply" on any topic and click the smiley pop up window.

Let's say we want to install the ninja. Of course you do, because it's AWESOME. Right click the little ninja, and click "properties." [If you have a mac, then this might be different for you. Sorry :/]

Select the "address" [URL] and copy it.

Head back to your list of lame cbox smilies and scroll down to the bottom of the list. There should be a blank row, but if there's not, click "new row."

Then paste the URL into the correct blank, and fill in ":ph43r:" or whatever you want the shortcut to be in the blank for the code, click save, and there's your new smiley.
I hope that explained it okay. Because usually I'm horrible at explaining things. Visuals usually help me, though. I hope it helped you! :) I'll blog more SOMETIME about non-smiley items.
How to Install Non-Lame Smilies to Your Cbox
[Sorry the screen caps are sort of small and hard to see, but if you click them, a bigger image will pop up for you.]

First, log in to your cbox.

Then, click "options", then "smilies."

There will be a list of all the smilies installed in your cbox, including URLs for the images and the codes that you use to actually *see* the smiley.

Open up LOBH [boards.landofbrokenhearts.org] or any message boards you are a member of in a new tab or window, go to the boards, and click either "quick reply" or "add reply" on any topic and click the smiley pop up window.

Let's say we want to install the ninja. Of course you do, because it's AWESOME. Right click the little ninja, and click "properties." [If you have a mac, then this might be different for you. Sorry :/]

Select the "address" [URL] and copy it.

Head back to your list of lame cbox smilies and scroll down to the bottom of the list. There should be a blank row, but if there's not, click "new row."

Then paste the URL into the correct blank, and fill in ":ph43r:" or whatever you want the shortcut to be in the blank for the code, click save, and there's your new smiley.
I hope that explained it okay. Because usually I'm horrible at explaining things. Visuals usually help me, though. I hope it helped you! :) I'll blog more SOMETIME about non-smiley items.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Why does Nova=win? Well she posted this in her blog a couple weeks ago.
It's exactly why I stopped tweeting/facebooking so much. I couldn't have said it better. I used to tweet like 495849207532 times a day. But I came to the realization that no one CARES. Hah. I still like to tweet every once in a while though, if it's something worth mentioning.
ANYWAY. Mess of Me! Heh. I'm sure you know about how Switchfoot's spreading their new single throughout the world. If you haven't, then go to landofbrokenhearts.org and find the mess of me page. I recently got to hide a copy! I'm fairly sure someone has already gotten it, but anyway, it's at the Sonic at hillcrest on the little carousel thing. hahaha. I'm so glad I got to be a part of this. I'll remember this forever probably.
I have stuff to do today, so I'll leave you with this video that I made for my friend amylynne. Oh, and I'll blog all about the switchfoot show sometime too. Tomorrow maybe. HEHEH. I'm a terrible procrastinator, just in case you didn't have that figured out yet. ok here's the video. adios, amigo-gos.
Today I had a realization, Facebook is just like wearing a bikini, except it's on the Internet. What do I mean by this? I shall explain. You see, when wearing a bikini, you cover up your most private things and expose everything else at the same time. Facebook is the same way. You tell everyone you're friends with what you're thinking and doing 24 hours a day. How is there any privacy like that? But you still keep your most private information the way it should be, private. It's pretty weird when you think about it. Those random people who go to your school don't need to know what you just ate, where you take your showers, or how you feel about America's Next Top Model. They don't need to see pictures of you on your winter vacation.
It's exactly why I stopped tweeting/facebooking so much. I couldn't have said it better. I used to tweet like 495849207532 times a day. But I came to the realization that no one CARES. Hah. I still like to tweet every once in a while though, if it's something worth mentioning.
ANYWAY. Mess of Me! Heh. I'm sure you know about how Switchfoot's spreading their new single throughout the world. If you haven't, then go to landofbrokenhearts.org and find the mess of me page. I recently got to hide a copy! I'm fairly sure someone has already gotten it, but anyway, it's at the Sonic at hillcrest on the little carousel thing. hahaha. I'm so glad I got to be a part of this. I'll remember this forever probably.
I have stuff to do today, so I'll leave you with this video that I made for my friend amylynne. Oh, and I'll blog all about the switchfoot show sometime too. Tomorrow maybe. HEHEH. I'm a terrible procrastinator, just in case you didn't have that figured out yet. ok here's the video. adios, amigo-gos.
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