Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
hahhy birthday lizabeth! [yesterday]
heheh. how ironic. look at this post that nova reposted awhile back. haha.
ANYWAY. I told lizabeth I'd write her a song, and that I did. I was listening/playing old southern gospel hymns yesterday, then I decided to write this song, and that's why it sounds all bluegrassy. :)
I found a new audio hosting site because the old one I used didn't work anymore. weird. I should make a music myspace or something. anyway, if you do listen to this and can't understand what I'm saying, lemme know and I'll post the lyrics. and on this site, there may be an ad with a wheel of fortune type thing that makes annoying clicking sounds. I can't do anything about that. erg. oh well. you could download it and listen to it that way.
here's the song!
also, I'm in the midst of making a new page featuring songs I write for this blog. stay tuned. bye!
ANYWAY. I told lizabeth I'd write her a song, and that I did. I was listening/playing old southern gospel hymns yesterday, then I decided to write this song, and that's why it sounds all bluegrassy. :)
I found a new audio hosting site because the old one I used didn't work anymore. weird. I should make a music myspace or something. anyway, if you do listen to this and can't understand what I'm saying, lemme know and I'll post the lyrics. and on this site, there may be an ad with a wheel of fortune type thing that makes annoying clicking sounds. I can't do anything about that. erg. oh well. you could download it and listen to it that way.
here's the song!
also, I'm in the midst of making a new page featuring songs I write for this blog. stay tuned. bye!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
well butter my biscuits!
my mom's making my favorite meal. biscuits and gravy!!! yes!
today I won a race. I got a medal and everything. and our team won too! yay! according to the results, some other girl actually won though, but her whole team didn't count for some reason. but that made me feel less...good. hahah.
I wanna make a new layout. I think I will.
today I won a race. I got a medal and everything. and our team won too! yay! according to the results, some other girl actually won though, but her whole team didn't count for some reason. but that made me feel less...good. hahah.
I wanna make a new layout. I think I will.
Monday, September 20, 2010
"just give me some soup!" "I ain't gonna give ya no soup!"
I've been thinking. well, actually, I've been writing. I was writing to Renae. and I was thinking I should write more silly songs. like my 30 day challenge one. and I was thinking I should post them on here because like 3 whole people listened to the last one. and I think that's cool. so what do you 3 and additional readers think? it sounds like fun to me, so I may do it anyway. haha. we'll see.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
cause tight is no longer inny!
I finally changed the VOTW. the last one was up for like 20 days. haha oops. the new one is quite entertaining. I love Sonny With a Chance. it's great. it really is. I watch too many children's programs. it's what I do. that episode just went off, and now I'm watching The Suite Life on Deck. and I'm planning on watching that new show called Pair of Kings whenever it premieres. the little chuck kid from iCarly is going to be on it. plus mitchell musso and the kid who plays marcus on suite life will be on there. it has potential.
I'm hungry. bye!
I'm hungry. bye!
Friday, September 17, 2010
I am back. from the retreat. it was very fun. except for when I almost died mountain biking. not cool. or comfortable. but I did complete the high ropes course, and I discovered that I really enjoy high ropes courses. I didn't think I did.
today we had cross country practice, and I heard one of the funniest puns ever. the story was that some girls on the team were talking about the book To Kill a Mockingbird, and another girl thought they were saying "tequila mockingbird". hahahah. that made me laugh. and I was so hoping that was the first time anyone had thought of that. but I googled it, and many more have thought of it first. it's actually a band. and a music house in austin, texas. what? yeah.
another unoriginal event happened to me personally today. sometimes when I watch iCarly, I look at miranda cosgrove and see a striking resemblence to michael jackson. she has his eyes/eyebrows and complexion. although his eyes/eyebrows/complexion aren't technically even his own. anyway, again, I googled it, but others had already thought that. oh well.
welllll bye!
today we had cross country practice, and I heard one of the funniest puns ever. the story was that some girls on the team were talking about the book To Kill a Mockingbird, and another girl thought they were saying "tequila mockingbird". hahahah. that made me laugh. and I was so hoping that was the first time anyone had thought of that. but I googled it, and many more have thought of it first. it's actually a band. and a music house in austin, texas. what? yeah.
another unoriginal event happened to me personally today. sometimes when I watch iCarly, I look at miranda cosgrove and see a striking resemblence to michael jackson. she has his eyes/eyebrows and complexion. although his eyes/eyebrows/complexion aren't technically even his own. anyway, again, I googled it, but others had already thought that. oh well.
welllll bye!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Day 30: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

WAHOO! I finished!!!! so excited. thanks to all who followed along! now for the special suprise I was telling you about.
click here for the suprise! hope it doesn't disappoint. hahah. tell me what you think in the tags or comment. :)
peace out, 30 day challenge!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 29: Hopes, Dreams and Plans for the Next 365 Days
ah. I like this one. I'll more than likely forget a few hopes, dreams, and plans, though.
- I'd like to be able to drive well and safely and to be able to pass my driver's test first time around.
- it would be great to play in praise band, and I want to play guitar at church. hopefully it'll work out.
- cross country season has been great so far, so I'm hoping to get even better as it progresses.
- I need to see switchfoot again!
- I need to see relient k and not be sick!
- I need to see needtobreathe for the first time!
- I need to see _____. heheh.
- I'd like to write more songs. I love writing songs.
- I want to work on becoming a better person. I'm still lazy/self-centered. I may not seem it all the time, but I'm pretty sure I am.
- I want a good camera because I want to be a good photographer.
- I'd like to get a job.
- I want a mac.
- I want to get better and better at graphic making.
- I have to go back to san diego. it may not happen in the next 365 days, but it needs to happen.
- I wanna meet or remeet some boardies! :)
- and last but not least, I want my relationship with God to get even better.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 28: Tell Us About Your Year So Far
hahaha. I'm looking at my posts from the beginning of the year and it totally feels like it was a different year. hehe. anyway.
highlights of each month:
january: homecoming! it was fun. and the attention was pretty cool, I have to say. but that was a one night thing and things quickly returned to normal.
february: SKI INVASION!!!!!! sorry.
march: probably my birthday sleepover with alex, seeing To Save a Life the next day, and then watching the star wars movies for the first time. haha. I still haven't watched episode VI yet. I need to.
april: when I got to see someone I really wanted to see for a few seconds. it made my month. heheh.
may: um. definitely the end of freshman year. it wasn't very fun. except computer class. those classes were the best ever. hahaha.
june: california!! more specifically, the bro-am. sooo much fun. and that sleepover with alex where we made a certain call. hahahaaaaaaaaaa. ok.
july: I can't really think of anything. but last july? awesome. haha.
august: hmmm. dollywood, cross country camp, and finding out that I possibly will get to see that person again! wahoo. but the best day was august 1st when alex and I played our first show. win.
september [so far]: definitely the 3 cross country meets so far. I'm doing really well! yay.
so this year as a whole, not bad. not GREAT, but not bad. it's gone by so fast though. it's crazy man.
ok, see ya tomorrow!
highlights of each month:
january: homecoming! it was fun. and the attention was pretty cool, I have to say. but that was a one night thing and things quickly returned to normal.
february: SKI INVASION!!!!!! sorry.
march: probably my birthday sleepover with alex, seeing To Save a Life the next day, and then watching the star wars movies for the first time. haha. I still haven't watched episode VI yet. I need to.
april: when I got to see someone I really wanted to see for a few seconds. it made my month. heheh.
may: um. definitely the end of freshman year. it wasn't very fun. except computer class. those classes were the best ever. hahaha.
june: california!! more specifically, the bro-am. sooo much fun. and that sleepover with alex where we made a certain call. hahahaaaaaaaaaa. ok.
july: I can't really think of anything. but last july? awesome. haha.
august: hmmm. dollywood, cross country camp, and finding out that I possibly will get to see that person again! wahoo. but the best day was august 1st when alex and I played our first show. win.
september [so far]: definitely the 3 cross country meets so far. I'm doing really well! yay.
so this year as a whole, not bad. not GREAT, but not bad. it's gone by so fast though. it's crazy man.
ok, see ya tomorrow!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 27: Tell Us About This Month So Far
so most of this month was this week. so see below post. this month has been pretty good so far. school has been tolerable, and cross country has gotten much better. I'm getting better. woo! so this post is lame because I can't think of anything else interesting to say.
but. I'm working on a special suprise for my final post. I'm so excited. really, I am. you should be too!
but. I'm working on a special suprise for my final post. I'm so excited. really, I am. you should be too!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 26: Tell Us About Your Week So Far
sunday: awesome. I got to see my old youth pastor again!! I miss him so much. ahh. he's the coolest. then I got to go to alex's house and have tons of fun!
monday: more alex fun! haha. then I got to drive home, and on the interstate for the first time. it was scary. I'm not used to fast. but I'll get there eventually.
tuesday: barely remember the school part. good I guess? then we had a 2 by 2 mile cross country speedwork practice, which I beasted, by the way. well, beasted for me. the best I've ever done on that practice. yay me!
wednesday: school was nice, except silly final cut pro was being weird. I hope someone fixes it by the next time I use it, which will be in like 2 weeks. hm. we had an after school practice, which was insanely difficult for me because I was still tired/sore from tuesday. but I survived. then I got to eat at cookout, which is GOOD. then church! church is always nice.
today: good grief. I didn't get to play piano again. in fact, I haven't played YET this year. it's not cool. and I'd actually rather play guitar. it's my main instrument. but I'll take piano if it means I actually get to play, which hasn't happened yet, once again. erg! school was ok-ish. and practice was fun. yay.
so this week as a whole: good!
dude. I just realized that I'm going to finish this challenge the day before I leave for highschool retreat. amazing. because I won't be able to post at all during that, so I'll actually be able to do all 30 posts! sweet. I hope that made sense. hm.
see you tomorrow!
monday: more alex fun! haha. then I got to drive home, and on the interstate for the first time. it was scary. I'm not used to fast. but I'll get there eventually.
tuesday: barely remember the school part. good I guess? then we had a 2 by 2 mile cross country speedwork practice, which I beasted, by the way. well, beasted for me. the best I've ever done on that practice. yay me!
wednesday: school was nice, except silly final cut pro was being weird. I hope someone fixes it by the next time I use it, which will be in like 2 weeks. hm. we had an after school practice, which was insanely difficult for me because I was still tired/sore from tuesday. but I survived. then I got to eat at cookout, which is GOOD. then church! church is always nice.
today: good grief. I didn't get to play piano again. in fact, I haven't played YET this year. it's not cool. and I'd actually rather play guitar. it's my main instrument. but I'll take piano if it means I actually get to play, which hasn't happened yet, once again. erg! school was ok-ish. and practice was fun. yay.
so this week as a whole: good!
dude. I just realized that I'm going to finish this challenge the day before I leave for highschool retreat. amazing. because I won't be able to post at all during that, so I'll actually be able to do all 30 posts! sweet. I hope that made sense. hm.
see you tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Day 25: Tell Us About Your Day
well, stressful morning, but it got better once I got to school, oddly enough. then I camera'd the news, which went pretty well, then I made 2 100's in english! I recited the prologue to Romeo & Juliet perfectly. thank you song that I made it into! hehe. then I bombed a geometry test--everyone did except blake. hahaha. but our teacher gave us a redo. thank you sir. thennnn lunch was yummy, media was stressful because guess what. MACS CAN HAVE PROBLEMS TOO. but they're still superior to PCs. then PE, then I ran 5 miles, then church. the end. it was a 7 out of 10. not too shabby.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 24: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
hmm. oh, I know. Job posted this cool picture on his flikr. I thought it was awesome. I don't know how to describe why it's awesome. it just is.

that's all folks.

that's all folks.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Day 23: A YouTube Video
yesterday I signed into facebook, and this was the first thing on my news feed. it made me laugh. especially the very end.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 21: A Recipe
ahhhh. the recipe we use to make chocolate chip cookies. we've had it maybe my whole life. haha. it came with a package of Crisco and we just keep it and whip it out when we need it. I found it on their website, so hopefully they haven't changed it since then. please try these. they're so delicious.
it makes about 3 dozen cookies, by the way. and we don't do the whole nut thing. but if you like nuts, go for it.
-Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies-
3/4 stick Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening Sticks
OR 3/4 cup Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening
1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups Pillsbury BEST® All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 cup)
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional)
1.HEAT oven to 375ºF.
2.COMBINE shortening, brown sugar, milk and vanilla in large bowl. Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Beat in egg. Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Mix into shortening mixture until just blended. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
3.DROP by rounded measuring tablespoonfuls 3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet.
4.BAKE 8 to 10 minutes for chewy cookies, or 11 to 13 minutes for crisp cookies. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheet on a cooling rack. Remove cookies to rack to cool completely.
TIP* If nuts are omitted, add an additional 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
on a side note, blogger is being ridiculous today. oh well. bye! haha.
it makes about 3 dozen cookies, by the way. and we don't do the whole nut thing. but if you like nuts, go for it.
-Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookies-
3/4 stick Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening Sticks
OR 3/4 cup Crisco® Butter Flavor All-Vegetable Shortening
1 1/4 cups firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
1 3/4 cups Pillsbury BEST® All Purpose Flour
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 (6 oz.) package semi-sweet chocolate chips (1 cup)
1 cup coarsely chopped pecans (optional)
1.HEAT oven to 375ºF.
2.COMBINE shortening, brown sugar, milk and vanilla in large bowl. Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Beat in egg. Combine flour, salt and baking soda. Mix into shortening mixture until just blended. Stir in chocolate chips and nuts.
3.DROP by rounded measuring tablespoonfuls 3 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet.
4.BAKE 8 to 10 minutes for chewy cookies, or 11 to 13 minutes for crisp cookies. Cool 2 minutes on baking sheet on a cooling rack. Remove cookies to rack to cool completely.
TIP* If nuts are omitted, add an additional 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips.
on a side note, blogger is being ridiculous today. oh well. bye! haha.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Day 20: A Hobby of Yours
my hobby is music. that's what I do in my free time, so that's a hobby, right? yeah.
speaking of music, I didn't get to check playing piano off my list. maybe next week.
andddd that's it. sorry if I've been boring lately.
speaking of music, I didn't get to check playing piano off my list. maybe next week.
andddd that's it. sorry if I've been boring lately.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Day 19: A Talent of Yours
I play guitar and piano. and I have a knack for figuring out how to play songs by ear; it's very handy.
that is all.
that is all.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Day 18: Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
Alright, so I'm about to leave, so this'll be short.
Random updates:
cross country: yesterday=AWESOME. we won our race. I came in 11th place out of like 40 something. and I ran a 23:57. woohoo.
school: It's going pretty well. geometry is definitely going better, and I'm learning how to use final cut pro on a mac. macs are different. but incredible.
alex: she got her restricted license today! awesome!!!! so happy for her.
music: I'm playing piano tomorrow in chapel. guess what. that was on my sophomore goals list that you may have seen on the sidebar of my blog. I finally get to check something off. yeah!
that's about it. see ya tomorrow!
Random updates:
cross country: yesterday=AWESOME. we won our race. I came in 11th place out of like 40 something. and I ran a 23:57. woohoo.
school: It's going pretty well. geometry is definitely going better, and I'm learning how to use final cut pro on a mac. macs are different. but incredible.
alex: she got her restricted license today! awesome!!!! so happy for her.
music: I'm playing piano tomorrow in chapel. guess what. that was on my sophomore goals list that you may have seen on the sidebar of my blog. I finally get to check something off. yeah!
that's about it. see ya tomorrow!
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