Sunday, July 18, 2010

4 lists [1/4]

reading amylynne's hateblog made me want to list things i hate also. but that's not all i'm going to do. i'm going to make 4 lists. 10 things i like, 10 things i dislike, 10 things i love, and finally 10 things i hate. should be very fun.

first up,

10 things i like
  1. children's shows on tv. like disney channel and nickelodeon and nick at nite. that's almost all i watch. seriously. i don't know why, but i like them. so yeah. i don't watch many "grown up" shows like medical shows and reality tv.
  2. new contacts. they feel so fresh. it makes my eyes hahhy.
  3. boys. just sometimes though.
  4. running. it allows me to be in shape and eat basicly whatever i want.
  5. getting a text/comment/wall post/@reply/etc. for some reason it makes me feel special. like i'm noticed.
  6. when we have a test at school. it means at least a little bit of quiet and less time of having to hear a teacher teach us stuff. standardized testing week may be my favorite week of the whole school year.
  7. changing from uncomfortable clothes into basketball shorts and a t-shirt. feels so free.
  8. cake.
  9. socks. i don't go barefoot alot. because 1. my feet are almost always cold. 2. i have cross country tan.
  10. blogging. because it's fun to let out my thoughts somewhere because i don't really have alot of people to talk to. well i guess i do but i'm working on that.
next list coming tonight or tomorrow.

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