Monday, July 19, 2010

4 lists [2/4]

well, now that i'm in an irritated mood, i'm gonna go ahead and make my hate list.

10 things i hate
  1. HOUSEWORK. I HATE IT SO MUCH. especially because during school i have to do it on the weekends and it's like HELLO i was just in school all week and i have to spend 1-2 of my precious free hours working MORE?
  2. FLIRTING. it makes me want to puke. i mean really! you look like a FOOL with your DIGNITY on the ground.
  3. excessive drinking. once again, the foolishness and loss of dignity, and add driving to the equation, and you've endangered multiple lives.
  4. when people comment on your status with an unrelated statement, thus discouraging any others from commenting because it would be awkward.
made-up example: Lee is going to learn how to play the fiddle.
person: OmG I s@w U @ wAlMart lAzT nIte!!!!1!!!one!11!

that's what wall posts are for, friends.

5.   when i drop my hairbrush while i'm brushing my hair. like it gets caught in a tangle, then it falls to the ground. it just makes me very mad for some reason.

6.   riding in cars. i hate the way the insides of cars smell, especially after being outside in the heat for an hour, it makes me sick. and hate riding in the back seat because it makes me feel sick. the front's ok sometimes.

7.   not taking a shower every single day. i feel so icky if i skip just one day! ahaha.

8.   the way some adults treat teenagers like we're all good-for-nothing delinquents.

9.   inside jokes that are broadcasted to the world. i HATE THIS. i have inside jokes too, but i don't post them as my facebook status, and i don't yell them out in front of 10 people when there are only 2 or 3 in the group that would get it. it just makes people feel left out and it really irritates me.

10.   racism. some people are so racist here, i don't know about anywhere else. but it's ridiculous. people are people. so quit being a jerk.

ok. i feel somewhat better now. except for the fact that i have to do housework now. BLAH.

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