Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1 Serious 2 Not

We need to. Not pray for a new puppy or money or a boyfriend. We need to pray for this country. For this world. And always. Not just now. God wants us to communicate with Him. Whether things are going wrong or right. Things are not going right, currently. Haiti, Darfur, Chile, Chelsea King, and the list just gets bigger by the second. While you're at it, take a peek in the Word, if you will. My dad has this cool study Bible called the "Spirit Filled Life Bible" and I've started reading it. It has notes and vocabulary and stuff like that. It takes a good while to read just one chapter with all the extra stuff. Oh, by the way, I just started this quest into the Bible yesterday. I read the introduction to Genesis and then today I read the chapter with the aforementioned extra stuff. It's good. I like it. UM. God didn't have all those men write a huge Book for nothing. If He didn't want us to read it, He wouldn't have wasted all that time. So let's get to it.

Alright. So it's snowed for almost 8 hours now and the ground has exactly nothing on it. Because the temperature hung around 34 degrees. Not cool. But we did get out of school at 12:30 today. HEE HEE. But all I missed was chorus, which isn't a bad class at all. I like it. I wish this would've happened yesterday so that I could've missed science. But science isn't all that bad anymore either now that we're talking about chemistry and not physics. I think I'm gonna like chemistry next year because I like this pre-chemistry type stuff we're doing now. Oh, by the way we have to do a project/report on an element so if anyone has a really cool element in mind that they would suggest so that I don't have to research a boring one, that would be lovely.

Track's going pretty well so far. Although I'm not that great at running fast for short distances. I'm more of a longer and good but not dying pace. But that's okay. You have to work on your weaknesses, right? My legs hurt from yesterday. Hahahah. For cross country we don't do a whole lot of speedwork, but track is all speedwork. Yay for me. I'll get through it, though. We have our first meet in about 2 weeks. I hope it goes well. *grimace*

CLOSING REMARK: check out Nova's blog because she has a new layout and I think it's REALLY COOL. biya!

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