Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I've finally jumped into the star wars pool and I've watched episodes I, II, and I just now finished III. It was so SAD! It was so hard to even watch because there were so many conflicting emotions. I felt so horrible for Anakin because there was a battle going on inside him. He wanted to save Padme--that's one of the main reasons he joined the dark side--but he ended up killing her in the end. But another key reason he fell to the dark side was his hunger for power and he always felt somewhat excluded from the Jedi council, even though he was the newest member. He was also bitter because they hadn't yet promoted him to Master. Still I felt so bad for him. Is that bad? Hahaha. After I finished the movie my dad asked how I liked it and I said it was my least favorite of the three because it was just so hard to watch because I wanted Anakin to win because I liked him and I felt sorry for him, but I also wanted him to lose because, duhhh he's a SITH. My dad looked at me like I was crazy and said "I can't believe you just said that!" Ahahaha. Maybe I'm just a softy. I don't know. But now I'm looking forward to watching the next three that were made before the first three which I still don't get. But that's okay. I'm still waiting for the infamous line "Luke, I am your father" to appear. Heh heh heh.


Anonymous said...

Aaaah, you watched Star Wars!! Yayyy, it's a classic masterpiece of film. :) I can't wait until you watch the "classic trilogy" (the next 3 movies)- they are even better, imo! :D

Mike(bsngr95) said...

yea to agree with Erin the classic trilogy is better! but you arent a softy, i think lucas did made it that way for catharsis at times