Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Alka Seltzer is NOT My Friend.

EWWW. Have you ever taken alka seltzer??? My stomach's been all dkhgaiahgioahr since yesterday so my mom told me to take alka seltzer. You have to dissolve 2 tablets into 4 ounces of water then drink it. Now 4 ounces looks like nothing, and it is nothing when you're just drinking water. But when you have 2 alka seltzer tablets mixed in there, it's the most torturous 4 ounces of your LIFE. It was like drinking sprite mixed with chlorine mixed with WOOD. ICKY. But my stomach already feels better. That's good.

So I realize that I haven't posted in a while. Oops. Let's see...what has happened in my life since the 4th? Oh, first and 2nd track practices. Ski invasion. Good stuff. I don't have a large attention span so I'll write more sometime in the future maybe.

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