Friday, August 19, 2011

peace out!
is where I'll be from now on. so I'll see you there! thanks for reading.

f-r-e-e that spells free

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-now that I think about it, this summer was one of the longer ones in my mind. it didn't seem as short as most summers do even though they're all the same length

-I think when I go to college I wanna go to a completely new city, maybe state

-we ran out of s'mores pop tarts and we need s'more...

-it's hard to wake up at 6 for me, no matter how early I go to bed

-I wanna try to write a song today or something when I get back from school

-but I need to read stuff so idk

-I'm thinking about getting a tumblr but I wanna know if there's a way to transfer all the posts from here or not...

-ok bye

Sunday, August 14, 2011


What a crazy week. It was so great, though. So so so so great. yes. I went to the beach with my youth group and we had a BLAST. definitely one of my favorite weeks ever.
this was my foot on tuesday

I was attacked by mean fire ants and had some kind of allergic reaction. but the amazing part was that 2 days later I went to cross country camp and ran the best I have ever run...God is amazing right? last time I checked, gigantic allergic feet can't run very well, but I was healed just in time. sweet. I mean the very morning and during the bus ride to camp I was still in pain and it was still swollen, but by the time we got there and ran I was fine.

I've just had so much to thank God for lately, I hope my attitude stays this way, because it's a heck of a lot more fun than being a whiner about everything. yay

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I hate packing

I really do.

But it's ok because I'm pretty much done and as long as I remember my pillow tomorrow I'll be in good shape. My pillow is what I most often forget on trips.

Well, I'm just not in the best of moods right now, but I would like to ask for prayers for my youth ministry's beach retreat. Pray for wisdom and patience for the leaders and pray for courage and maturity for the kids. Thanks a bunch.

I feel all stressed and yeah pray that it stops. mostly because I just ran like 4 hours ago and I have to again in the morning, then I have to run early while at the beach because I don't wanna lose any in-shapeness, and also other things are getting to me but it's gonna be ok, yes it is!


