Monday, May 31, 2010

bobambastic doublefantastic

so for some reason this morning when i woke up i was thinking about acrostics. you know, those things where you have a word, then you have words for each letter in said word? and for some reason in my english book every year they call them "acrostic poems." but i see nothing poetic at all. anyway, every time we do those, i always feel cheated, because i only have 3 letters in my name, and 2 letters are the same. [<---now that was poetry, ya'll.]

i'll demonstrate.


ah. that was fun.

well, goodbye!

oh. wait. remember what today is? memorial day. please remember our troops, past, present, and future. pray for them. prayer is what they and our country need right now. pray for wisdom, courage, and strength. before you eat your hot dog or hamburger just think of why you're doing that.

although i'm not entirely sure how memorial day went from troops to grilled meat. then again how did Jesus' birth turn into a tacky tree and a fat man delivering gifts?

"i dunno!"
photo courtesy of this man.

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