zomg. this bidfire thing. nuts! ^here's a screenshot of me "winning." ahah. the site's jacked up because of the 4908329572975784972976947030689720677276875678678856486542396547865465897584754684684375843786346487583478465826590834 people bidding on the switchfoot auction so this has happened at least 5 times so far, "this" being the clock going to zero while i'm in the lead. and yes my avatar is mermaid man. i love him. so anyway. ive already spent $30 bucks on bids. ugh. i don't even know if i have $30 to pay my dad back. hm. i have at least 20. anyway, the site messes up regularly, and now is one of those times, so i'm taking the opportunity to write a blog post. SIGH. i want this. A LOT. but A LOT of other people do too. sooooo i'm taking advantage of pacific coasters eating lunch at this hour to possibly squeeze in a win? huh? huh? well wait a second. i can't do that now because the site's messed up, remember? isn't it funny how things just work out like that?
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