First of all, I have to start using capital letters again because school starts in two weeks, and if I don't use capital letters at school, I'll lose like 35427247 points and be in highschool forever. FOR-E-VUR...FOR-E-VUR....sorry.
OK OK. I got my "A Silver Lining" sampler in the mail on Monday I think. Mondayyyy or Tuesday. I LOVED IT. Seriously. The guys are still sending those out until September 1st, so check out my last post to see how to snag one of those suckers. Trevor even wrote me a little note on pink paper. Bliss. It's rare to find a band that takes time out to do this, and these guys are gonna hit it BIG, so you better grab this opportunity by the horns now, because they won't have time to send out letters anymore because they'll be all famous.
Some of you know how much I love making graphics, some of you don't. So for the latter group, I LOVE MAKING GRAPHICS. Alright. And now I get to make them for other PEOPLE. Like my church and a band! This band is called "Surpass the Fire." They're not really a "band" yet though because they're still in need of a few key parts to their ensemble. But they DO have a cool logo, courtesy of me, and a myspace. HAHA. Czech it.

Hmm. I think that's it. Hah. I'll be posting more another dayyy. Bye bye.
yay! you finally got to do that graphics thing! *is relieved for you* :P
i love the "a silver lining" sampler as well. "the bright side" is my favorite! :) trevor write me a note too. i love how they take the time to write notes/@reply people on twitter/send myspace messages. win.
"The Bright Side" is my favorite too! Heh! It makes me so happy :)
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