Monday, September 12, 2011

a year ago!

When I was transferring all my old blog posts to my tumblr I happened upon this post and I was amazed at all the list items that actually happened. and honestly, most of that was kinda randomly made up and I didn't think most of the stuff would happen. but it did. I would encourage you to write out goals for yourself...I think speaking things or at least writing them down increases the chance of them happening. anyway, here's the list from last year and my commentary on each "goal"!

  • I'd like to be able to drive well and safely and to be able to pass my driver's test first time around. -yes! I did it. I was so worried about driving at first but now I obviously love it and it's one of my favorite things about being a teenager.
  • it would be great to play in praise band, and I want to play guitar at church. hopefully it'll work out. -haha it's funny that this time last year I hadn't even played yet and we've already played like 3 times this year. I finally was able to get back into praise band as you saw in later posts that year. and I did get into the band at church in april of this year! I love it SO much. SO MUCH.
  • cross country season has been great so far, so I'm hoping to get even better as it progresses. -yep, I did get better. I PR'd for the first time since '07 and I even won a race (it was within our little division though but still). this season is actually going pretty good too.
  • I need to see switchfoot again! -hmm I don't think I have since then. I just started heavily listening to them again a couple weeks ago. I just had a very long switchfoot slump so I don't know when I'll get to see them again.
  • I need to see relient k and not be sick! -nope :(
  • I need to see needtobreathe for the first time! -ahh I can't wait til their next album but sadly I didn't see them.
  • I need to see _____. heheh. -oh. well that person and all hopes of seeing them were violently destroyed literally 18 days after I wrote that post. but I'm ok with it, I actually moved on pretty fast so it's all good!
  • I'd like to write more songs. I love writing songs. -oh heck yes! I wish I knew how many songs I had on that exact day but I know for sure I've written at least 30 since then if I start counting from the "30 Day Challenge Song" I wrote when I finished the challenge. 30's a lot...for me anyway.
  • I want to work on becoming a better person. I'm still lazy/self-centered. I may not seem it all the time, but I'm pretty sure I am. -drastic change. I still fail every day and I need an infinite amount of grace, but I've been much more selfless this year.
  • I want a good camera because I want to be a good photographer. -nope. heh! I haven't even used my camera in a while because I've been spending most of my spare time with music. but I wanna get back into photography or whatever that amateur stuff is I do ;)
  • I'd like to get a job. -I kinda did that. I had a regular babysitting thing going during the summer...well I made money, but technically that wasn't a real job I guess. so that's a no.
  • I want a mac. -TYPING ON IT AS WE SPEAK. I love this thing dude. haha when I first got it I would spend HOURS at a time on garageband. 
  • I want to get better and better at graphic making. -ehhh I think I did get better, but I slacked off on it and I haven't made anything in awhile.
  • I have to go back to san diego. it may not happen in the next 365 days, but it needs to happen. -nope.
  • I wanna meet or remeet some boardies! :) -I don't think I did that.
  • and last but not least, I want my relationship with God to get even better. -heck yes it did! I want people to have what I have and He's really been telling me to spread the word more, so I'm working on that.
So 7 out of 16. that's not horrible. I need to make another list for the next 365 days and see what happens!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


So I decided I'd keep the tumblr for just reblogging stuff and posting random stuff like twitter-esque updates and just using it for random tumblr things. I'll keep this blog for actual text posts. I hope that actually made sense.

Anyway I'm mostly making this decision because I'm posting something tomorrow I'm really excited about.

Awwwrighty I'll see ya then.

Oh also I'm thinking about making a new layout if I ever get free time again. hokay done.