Monday, June 20, 2011

Astounding Products!

welcome to Astounding Products! the part of this blog where I recommend stuff (not always actual "products" that I really like that you should check out too!

Fuze! this stuff is delicious!! it's basically like propel, but I like this better. it's all natural, I believe, and it's mostly water with 5% juice. It's fruity and delicious, and the kind I have is 20 calories per bottle and 100% dv of Vitamin C, maybe 200% actually because 100% was for just one serving.
Try it!

Spicy Nacho Doritos! Oh my goodness, these are so addicting! These are definitely not 20 calories per bag and probably don't have any nutritional benefits, but they're just really good, and you should eat some!

Supreme 90 Day System! Now this works pretty good! Tom can be annoying, though. Saying "a couple more" when you have 10 left, and making you think you're done when you have 20 minutes left isn't fun the first time, but anyway. It's basically your cheaper rip off of P90X... I'm sure they got most if not all of their exercises from P90X. I'm doing these dvds just to complement my running and I can definitely tell a difference in my abs, back, and arms. I think I would see even better results if I did the whole protein/clean eating thing with it, but yeah. I would definitely recommend this plus running for anyone trying to get in shape!

Pandora! One of the best things ever! You can create radio stations based on a genre, artist, or even a favorite song. Pandora will give you a stream of awesome music and you can thumbs-up or thumbs-down them, and even click "I'm tired of this track" and they won't play it for a certain amount of time. The best part is that it's free, so why not?

The Voice! Probably my new favorite show... it's awesomeness. It comes on NBC on tuesdays and wednesdays at 9 maybe? or maybe it's tuesday at 9 and wednesday at 8. I think that's it...I never pay attention, plus I miss it half the time so I just watch the reruns on E!. anyway, there's only 2 weeks left, which stinks. but watch it and then watch next year too!

I hope you enjoyed the first edition of Astounding Products! see you next time!

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