Sunday, April 4, 2010

This Happens EVERY TIME.

I always say I'm going to do things over the weekend or over breaks of all kinds, but I always forget something. And this time it was watching the original Star Wars trilogy. Fail. I'll watch them, though. Then I'll tell you what I thought. Also, I think I should do another cover over the summer. Thoughts from you guys? Anyone? Pah.

So today's Easter. I think you should watch The Passion of the Christ if you haven't seen it yet. I've seen it twice. It's really eye-opening. It shows you what Jesus really did for us. Those church plays don't do it justice. I think if anything, it made me more grateful for what He did. And still, the Passion movie doesn't even come close to what really happened, I hear. But the focus of today isn't the suffering, but the Love. Do you realize that He didn't have to do that? He didn't have to love us? Love is never forced. Love is a choice. And guess what: He LOVES us. Did you know that? Jesus, in all His holiness, came down to this filthy, sinful earth for US. For ME. For YOU. Why? For God so loved the world... How many times have you heard that verse? Have you ever thought about it? He came so that whoever believes in Him will not perish--that means when you die you'll be with God in heaven instead of hell where you'll be separated from Him forever. Who wouldn't accept that gift?? It's free! That's what today's all about. Not plastic eggs or chocolate bunnies.

1 comment:

Mike(bsngr95) said...

agreed lee! awesome post!