Thursday, July 9, 2009

new layout.

woohoo! new layout. it reminds me of fairies and magical spiderwebs with dew on them.

yesterday i went ice skating. it was pretttty embarrassing at first. i haven't been ice skating since i was like 11 or 12, and i was terrible. i was holding on to that filthy wall for dear LIFE. and there were like 80 7 year olds flying past me. it was just wonderful. plus the skates were squeezing my shins like nothing else. it hurt. so i asked the guy for hockey skates. they're wider. it was much better. and i improved drastically. thennnn we ate at five guys. best burger place on earth pretty much. i save the little menu papers from every time i've been there. yesterday was the 4th, i believe. i think all of those times were this year. the first one was either january 1st or december 31st. i forget.

but. HEH. i finally got sara watkins' album. it's WONDERFUL. BUY IT. buy ittt.

copy/paste into your browser! yes.

that's it for today. or maybe not. i might post again. who knows.

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