Sunday, March 27, 2011

Tomorrow's Song

I wrote a song today...called "Tomorrow's Song". Why? Because Jon Foreman tweeted last night or today or something telling everyone to write a song within the same 24 hours called "Tomorrow's Song". Sweet. Here's mine!

Here's a rough recording, and lyrics are below.

Tomorrow's Song
Written by Lee Steele

Verse 1
Tonight my song is out of key
Tonight I've lost my melody
Buried beneath the waves
Of yesterday
Dying to be remade
When daylight breaks
Oh, when daylight breaks

I'll sing tomorrow's song
Let yesterday be gone
I'll sing tomorrow's song
Tomorrow's song

I'll sing tomorrow's wrongs
Tomorrow's flights and falls
I'll sing tomorrow's song
Tomorrow's song

Verse 2
You've lost yourself behind the pain
Your thoughts are filled with past mistakes
Reminding you always
Of what you hate
Let go of yesterday
It's not too late
When daylight breaks

Chorus (2)
We'll sing tomorrow's song
Let yesterday be gone
We'll sing tomorrow's song
Tomorrow's song

We'll sing tomorrow's wrongs
Tomorrow's flights and falls
I'll sing tomorrow's song
Tomorrow's song

Let go of yesterday
Let tomorrow take its place
A brand new song to sing
A brand new you to be

Chorus 2


kim said...

great job!

lee said...

thank you!

Tay Shilling said...

Girl. That was awesome. So, if you're up for it...I have an idea. I'd love to get with you and harmonize on that...I think it would sound pretty sweet..just let me know what you think!