Saturday, February 12, 2011

"I don't speak Texan!"

hahaha. Winter Jam last night was great!! Pictures will come at some point. Maybe tomorrow.

David Crowder Band was the best. I got their new album there for $5. I'm listening now. It's one of those that's gonna have to grow on me. Cause when I already know a couple songs off an album, when I actually listen to the whole thing, it's weird. Like I don't like any other songs until the 2nd or 3rd time I listen. I'm just weird in general, so this shouldn't be surprising.

I love how my facebook page has basically turned into a radio station! haha. I love music, so I've been posting some of my favorite songs on there every couple days. I wonder if people actually listen to them. If they don't, then whatever!

ok, I'm really tired. I don't know what I'm gonna do next, but it'll probably be far away from this computer.


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